ok i have few blogs but i need one dedicated to all things comic book- it will be once a week or as new or other developments in the comic book world come about. this was inspired by a voice in the desert of the internet i feel needs to be there -i have enough space to rant about music my lj account is more personal and none of my friends want me to go on a diatribe about the end of fall of the hulks so here you go
Hulk Smash

Wednesday, June 27, 2012
Comics for 6/27/12
Wolverine and the X-men # 12 was a little bit of a diappointment , more Avengers fighting but the typical no clear cut winner aside from Wolverine taking Kid Gladiator out with a pressure point so no big points score for either team but with the Pheonix Force Five...not the shitty christian nu-metal band, the powered up X-men, there has been no real fighting in a arc that has vs in the title. Makes alot of sense I know. The art in this book is annoying better served for new mutants.
Mighty Thor #16, it's been awhile , maybe even a year since I have read an issue of Thor I have really liked , so it's good to see it moving in a better direction the art is where it need to be , having Thor chanting hail Satan how could I not like that ? He was caught in a dream, the Keep concept seems cool now Thor's awake it didn't take the cover of the next issue to let us know what is going doing , but we want to see Thor hit things witha hammer right, ok if this gets screwed up theres a problem
X-men Legacy # 269 I mean look at that cover alon is worth the price, great book a fight like these fights should go, though Ms Marvel gets immobilized not knocked out so it's a draw against Rogue, though at her strength level she should be able to break out of ice don't mind going back to re-read why this isn't the case, and Majick is the first of the 5 to go bad ...how far behind can Colossus, Namor and Emma Frost be? Two of those three have been villians before.
X-men # 31 however was a boring disappointment and the under use of a cthulhu thing which just blew up from the jet ? really? the team is a little weak, could do with out pixie and domino,
Amazing Spider-man #688- the classic amping up the villians profile to coincide with the movies release. the writing is not bad just bogged down in some stylistic choices in the story telling which could have been handled differently. Over all a good book with heavy credit going to the art.
Incredible Hulk # 10 like the previous issue , this one isn't really doing much for me , cyborg bears and they can hurt him how ? he seems to be at likea Mr Fixit strength level in this is drawn rather puny looking , and how is Kraven in the same league as the Hulk, ...um yeah , don't think so
FF #19- This should now stand for Fantastic Family rather than force or foundation, bascially every issue is some sort of feild trip for the Baxter building kinder care, there's potential but currently no action which character are fine and should drive the story but some violent conflic is need , and technically there was a little here but too little to pay three dollars for.
Justice League # 10-Not a bad book most interesting exploring the group dynamic and the writer gets what makes them tick, though wonder woman feels a little flat , howwever this Graves guy I'm not too keen on , maybe it's the abstract nature of of his power set. The art work it great theres a classic one page team shot.
The Flash #10- did nothing for me on any level granted I have been following this books the least nothing about it has any appeal, I think the character is handled in a much better context in Justice League
Teen Titans # 10- this was at first one of my favorite books of the 52 , now closing in on a year later , not so much though the art work is still the best in the business, the tron like colors are pretty cool as well, Bunker still doesn't do much for me he's like a Lantern of sorts. Nothing really happened in this book,
Super-man #10- turned back the clock all the way to the early 90's all the way to disco mullets that cropped up, in the the background characters like it was the cast from miami vice. This Anguish character I guees is in some ways like a female version of a non-anadroid Vision.It ended like one of those hottess commerical foun in the first five pages of comics back in the day . Seems like the next arc might be intresting I'm not sure Clark is really benefitting from the 52 re-imagining as he doesn't seem to have any more of an edge in this book.
Aqua-man # 10- the uh oh Arthur has a dark secret feels forced. The art is great and there is action even if i'm not big on Black Manta, how does he do so well against Aqua -man when he doesnt have any powers?
The book moved alot better than some of the other titles and is this weeks best d/c title.
Comic of the Week - X-men Legacy
Amazing Spider-man,
incredible hulk,
Marvel Comics
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