ok i have few blogs but i need one dedicated to all things comic book- it will be once a week or as new or other developments in the comic book world come about. this was inspired by a voice in the desert of the internet i feel needs to be there -i have enough space to rant about music my lj account is more personal and none of my friends want me to go on a diatribe about the end of fall of the hulks so here you go
Hulk Smash

Sunday, July 8, 2012
Comics July 4th and My thoughts on Marvel Now
Well, the fire works of this week have not been pleasent with the new of now marvel doing a relaunch after they publicly said they would not be following d/c's footsteps in this manner. So prepared for them to spit in the fact of canon, using time travel to bring the original X-men back. So with that in mind we are trying to enjoy this week's comics
Avengers vs X-men # 7.- the Full implications of Scarlet Witch being back are glanced at. Hawkeye got fried crispy by a powered up Emma Frost, at this point does the amped Phenoix force really count as them fighting the X-men? Still absurdity aside it was one of the more entertaining comics of the week so not sure what that says about quality over quanity.
Wolverine #310- well.. the art was beautiful ,the story all over the place but il ike where it ended up... I mena if you had to bring Sabertooth back .
and in the quick Amazing Spide man- typical for where it's been heading with the lIzard thing , though this one focused more on the Living Vampire Mobeius, and underused spidey villian in my book.
Iin Hulk we had more Mayan mess with the Alpha Flight it reads much more like a Greg Pak book as as equally messy, nothing happens even amid the action, and how is old Ross macking on this chick, Hulks have bigger libido's not affected by age, i think the red-hulk is going to be a casuality of the re-boot
Action Comics was entertaining, but not memorable aside from his little talk with Bruce Wanye
o.k back to marvel Now
Marvel we have been down this road before, it's where your problems started and after things like brand new day , you haven't learned from past mistakes when you put marketing beyond content, the core fans are going to be your bread and butter after you have sold your movie tickets who is sticking by , cartoons are a better entry point that screwing thing up with re-numbering , let d/c foul thing up themselves, these characters have stood the test of time and don't need re-imagining , they need writers capable of thinking outside the sand box yet playing with the toys in new ways that do not veer from cannon, after all thats what give marvel the human edge over the d/c characters who bat-man aisde struggle to translate well to film for this very reason.
Why does Thor need swords?
Hulk does Hulk need a robot? or any sidekicks for that matter ?
You want nick fury , then keep sam jackson in the ultimate verse.
Fine bring back Grey but time travelling not in the tardis well.. this might be the most intersting part but - X-men and Avngers mixing takes away what defines the characters place in the world.
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