Ok playing catch up from last week
Marvel just dished out the worst comic book I have read in some time in Avengers vs X-men-# 5 -sure there are going to be spoilers but I'm saving you 5 minutes of your life that you will never get back after reading it. The books main problem is knowing this type of silliness is canon. Yep preserved in our mythology we have a whole team of Phoenix forced up X-men. Not only this but the strength of the arguments both teams had was a key selling point as neither was the antagonist, so now the X-men are clearly the bad guys . Of course from solicitations worse bad guys are showing up Mr. Sinister..who I have been underwhelmed by since his inception.
Vs # 3 Thing vs the Jugger-Colossus, which went to Colossus , made sense to me and Majick vs Black Widow..which Majick won, though I question that a little but looks like they are turning the tide in X-men's favor for now and at the last minute Scarlet Witch is going to bring it all home for the avengers , this is my prediction just based on solicits
X-men Legacy # 268 was three minutes i'm never getting back as it focused on Fury, the black girl not nick and was an origins story of sorts can Ms Marvel kill this bitch next issue?
X-men-# 30 - Marvels striking out all over the place, the art in this book is fine and good , the story over all is too X-files bores me
X-force # 26 - Omega red is back and who cares, his feeling are hurt and the book just didn't grab me the presentation of the story in general felt disjointed
Dark Avengers # 115 - I liked the story, but hated the art, Skaar will keep me reading it but the art is really doing his character a dis-service and making him looking like Solomon Grundy from the batman animated series. Oh yes and by the way I found the 6" Skaar figure and will be buying it the day I get my hands on that once forgotten thing called money. This line up of the Dark Avengers is far from my favorite...if I was going to write a Dark Avengers team that was non-Osborne related I would use...Moonstone, Crimson Dynamo, Skaar, Wonder-man, Sentry, and Enchantress
Thor Annual 1- well... what else do you expect from this type of thing, why is Sliver Surfer even in the story, this would have made for a good Beta Ray Bill appearance and you can take Wonder-man out of my Dark Avengers and replace him with Beta Ray Bill, it would have to work like when Sentry was originally in the Dark Avengers and he is manipulated onto the team or make it 7 members works too.
Hulk # 53...mmm like the art seems like with the Alpha Flight in on this things are going to get a little cluttered but we got a Sasquatch vs Red Hulk fight so thats fine by me not sure about the Mayan arc... the sept sollictations do not have this title listed so cancellation ?
Incredible Hulk # 9 ... was o.k, not really wowed , lacked iconic moments and this story seems to be lets just throw Hulk in these different environments randomly rather than focusing on a story almost like a monster of the week thing Supernatural gets into and it creates a rut on that show so this is no exception.The art is better but almost too cartoony, this the guy who did those boring Thor post siege comics.
Fantastic Four #607 - another boring book and I'm combining two weeks worth of books so not a good sign on pacing and direction from the company in general.
Actions Comics and Justice League International #10 were both , messes of a script though in all fairness Action Comics did better with the scen of Super-man taking a leave of abscene from the Justice league.
Marvel redemption comes in Avengers #27- It's classic 80's feeling writing while it's a line up of Thor, Beast, Ms. Marvel,Vision and War Machine , I say throw in Scarlet Witch or Wasp and this team is a keeper. if you are going to get away with not really doing a avngers vs x-men tie in then give me a story like this and it works
Scarlet Spider # 7, meh, feels off track and not different enough from spider-man to be intresting even bringing in Kraven
Green Lantern # 10... too bad the movie sucked because this book was a lot of fun, the art was great and the stroy moved avoiding the murk of space operas it tends to sink into
Batman # 10...a boring chase of sorts that was filler til the cliff hanging tease to a fight , batm-man's brother really ...like sands in the hourglass these are the days of our lives.
Bat man & Robin #10- o.k you want character development, what could have been filler to bridge over into the story still kicked ass and kept it intresting while still working a fight into the mix , because what are super-heroes if not for the fighting but guys in tights ...
Batgirl #10- the art is strong , the story was fun even though it's nota book i normally read it was an easy connec the dots.
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