Hulk Smash

Hulk Smash

Tuesday, February 17, 2015

Fifty Shades of Fraction

I can understand not liking Fifty Shades of Gray , however I think Marvel writer Matt Fraction and I dislike it for very different reasons. He is a pretty horrible writer, he penned the worst run of Thor ever, and now on his blog he has gone above and beyond the realms of stupidity by saying the following  “So there’s a movie out this weekend based on books that romanticize, fetishize, glamorize and normalize abusive relationships…And while sex is great and finding someone into all the stuff you’re into is great, sex is not consent to violence, a relationship is not permission to abuse, and there are thousands of women and children who have to deal with that fundamental and erroneous misconstruing of truth and wild misinterpretation of love every day.”

This goes beyond ignorance.For Fraction to be such a supposedly politically correct artist that feels so strongly about diversity in comics, it seems odd he can can insult and show prejudice against an entire lifestyle. As a member of the kink community myself, I can attest that we can be a little elitist and feel about Fifty Shades of Gray the same way old school goths feel bands like Blood on the Dance Floor. In fact I found the book to be rather boring and vanilla. I can understand if it really delved into golden showers and fisting, but it was a far cry from 120 Days in Sodom. Fraction obviously by his statement does not understand the concept of bdsm. Nor did he even crack the book open. If he had Fraction would have found  the two characters came up with contracts and safe-words, as they engaged in this as two consenting adults. Abuse has neither. I also know the main female character doesn't have children, so I am unsure how they even came up in the conversation. He finds that a touchy subject, leading you to believe someone must have been touchy with him as a child. Having issues is fine making judgements about a book you have never read is not. It is ultra-moronic and even that gives morons a bad name.
In response to the fact that the film’s earning millions made him feel “a little sick to think about,” Fraction is planning on matching donations to the Futures Without Violence charity  violence against women. Hopefully this money will go to fund his wife the poor Kelly Sue Deconnick's supply of  Duracell batteries since they  must have the most boring sex life. I am not one of these insecure idiots who wants the kink community to have certain minority rights and be accepted by society. I could not give a fuck what society thinks about me and what I do. I adhere to the fact the stronger you feel about something the less approval you need from others in regards to it be it kink or religion. For some one to speak out on a public platform about something they have no god damn clue about is an insult to even idiots with half a brain. 

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