Hulk Smash

Hulk Smash

Wednesday, November 16, 2022

Film Review : Black Panther 2 - Wakanda Forever"


A Black Panther movie, without Black Panther is pretty pointless. To pay tribute to an actor who plays a character, does nothing to movie a story line forward, since Tchalla did not die like this in the comic books. Nore does Chadwich Boseman exist in the comics. There was lts of empty sentiment portrayed by morning actors who were trying to translate their grief to the screen. They were more effective when displaying how they had grown into the roles of the characters they were portraying which is typically the sole strength of sequels. The key selling point for me was Namor. Sadly, he is portrayed by an actor the size of his female co-stars which makes selling his super-human strength difficult. I have a feeling the director had never read a Sub-mariner comic in his life, as it felt with characters like Namora and Attuma, they were names of characters Marvel specified should appear, so they got checked off, without any thought as to who they are as characters. Without the same steroids and personal trainer that Hemsworth used Namor was left looking like Peter Pan as he flew around.

The same could be said of Man-ape, whose comic depiction, is more of a villain, but at least he acted like more of an ape this time around. The rest of the returning cast maintained enough charm to convince anyone that is overly enamored with their movie mythos that they were getting what they wanted while the void left by a lack of Black Panther was a gaping hole in the movie. IN the last thirty minutes when a new suit is donned by the girl who takes on the mantle it did not have the desired impact, though the big CGI battle scene was better than the worse CGI in the first movie. It seemed like it was natives vs spaceships, but I for my life cannot Remember the plot as to who was fighting who thus underlining the lack of impact. Here the line was more finely drawn.  The first movie suffered because Kill Monger was just a mirror reflection of Black Panther, and they ended up fighting in color coded suits

The first movie was less than stellar but the charisma of Boseman was enough to compensate for an eager audience who just wanted to see hm get his own movie, The costumes which were another key selling point of the first movie were on par and the underwater visuals enough to make those scenes worth watching once. I do not see this Namor siding with the X-0men There was also no Storm or Dr. Doom as people had hoped meaning Marvel does not subscribed to all the fan service. This film was much less hyped than the first Black Panther, and the response to it online reflects the lack of impact it had. Seeing any Marvel character on screen at any time does scratch an itch for me not matter how badly it's done. 

But when this story was told in comics it held way more impact, thought it also proved Wakanda was not forever as the flooding was more severe. He we just had children screaming because there feet were wet which seemed to play into certain racial stereotype, you would think Marvel would want to avoid, but since the Disney machine sees diversity as a marketing buzzword with no real empath for the audience, the Machine of the Mouse just wants the coffers full and to sell toys to the It's a Small World demographics, as it equates to it's a big pay day. Never mind the fact that the tradition of emasculating black men on screen continues by turning the role over to a female, and undoes what was achieved on the first movie, or the subtle race baiting that Mexicans are coming out of the water to take over the black community. If we service one target group it makes all the other stumbles ok, ... it's not well that is what your dollars are telling Disney you want. that aside I downloaded this movie on Saturday, and it took me until Tuesday night to force my way through it. A great movie I can watch in one sitting, as my enthusiasm wanes the longer it takes.