Hulk Smash

Hulk Smash

Thursday, April 18, 2013

The Curious Case of Comics This Week

How often does a D/c title make the cover picture to a blog...not often. D/C continues to show improvement this week. I like Catwoman , I'm not sure why I take pauses from reading it, it's one of the fee powerless superhero books I like. She does pretty well with out powers and is in and put of Arkham all in one issue. There's a lot of fun stuff in this pretty ,inch everything I need from tho shook is delivered with great art. Art is where D/c is putting a hurting on marvel, there stories are a jumbled mess most of the time even a bit on this weeks Justice League it still great to look at.

O.k Marvel...the mess is made tampering with what works, this can be dome with taste and class, the Superior Spoder -man for one has surprised me, this episode the action was a little sparse and the lack of Tony Stark helped keep the beat going amd with Dr. Ock's plan to further remove the Peter Parker parts ...well we'll see.

But future/ past , time Travelling and alternate worlds thing is the editors letting sloppy writing run rampant, it's company wide mess now, Dark Avengersalmost unreadable I gave it a chance to see Skaar. It couldn't find a fuck to give. The big glaring one is Age of Ultron , first off we are ever told when these events take place and now the teams have split some people like Wolverine are going into the past others like Fury in the future, thoughgSueStorm commented that she never remembered seeing Fury look that young. so where is he from? I can't be shocked by She-hulk getting killed or Wolverine killing Hank Pym because I don't know what context to take it in. I don know with Ant-man being green lit if Phm is in fact dead it won't be for long.

Thunderbolts was a little better, at least it could be followed though the whole terrorist arc is underwhelming. Iron-man the god killer thing is big and dumb. Nova was fun, the art was great, it think this greatest American hero stick it's in now. Reds to move forward some,Rocket Racoon and Gamora's appearence didn't make me any more than neutral at best to the characters. Howardthe duck is more intresting than rocket Racoon. I think Gamora and drax and the only ones worth keeping on that team and if I was writing it would add, Nova, Adam Warlock, and mmm...Beta Ray Bill or even Sif to the team, but Mantis or Moondragonwould work as well.

The Savage Wolverine was pretty good, didn't recognize Amadeus Cho how did he grow up so fast ough every Boyd aged slower in comics Now what version of the Hulk is that which showed up at the end is another good question to ask. Didn't both wo Amy other X titles. I did giv e Captain Marvel a shot and it was. Jch improved,though the art work was still lacki thou I'll give it another shot since I like Carol Danvers.

Friday, April 12, 2013

the Middle of the Road in Comics

This week was a mixed bag as comics tried to walk the middle road between convoluted modern take on the stories and classi action that has been their bread and butter all these years. Are audiences more complex as the average comic reader is an older demographic that it once was? I'm pretty well read but I'm not expecting Ayn Rand when I read the Avengers or even Anne Rice , I want big battles. This most recent arc in the Avengers attempts to give us that as they introduce this kid who must be like the Beyonder or the Hood when he got the infinity gems, let's see über powerful character with no known limits to his power, sounds like he belongs in D/C or if you want that bring the Sentry a kid even if you have to . If I was writing for Avengers that's what I would do bring the Sentry back you can even have the Gaurdians of the Galaxy find him in a cosmic egg if you want the space opera in their , down grade his power set a little or make him more flawed .

Uncanny Avengers is the better Avenger's book, I mean Secret Avengers is pretty much knocked out the running with the Drone Iron Patriot thing. This week we had history rewritten with the remember that time Thor just had an axe and fought Apocalypse...well thankfully even with the axe Thor comes back and puts a hurting on him. Just ink if he had the hammer it would have been no contest, but they made have a handicap here. So that said axe falls into the hands of Kang who has the whole time travel thing to iron over if he has had Thors axe this whole time why haven't we seen it before.

Thor isn't doing so great in his own book where does the god slayer and and the god bomb begin the question they are asking here. We have the Thor of Christmas future jumbled in the mix here.the story has some of the best art in the biz but the story is a mess.

Uncanny X-men , well the past version of Angel joins the Present day Cyclops' team , not much else happens and this time travel thing is going to com back and bite them on the ass. Wolverine solo book the book and his fucking mean gun ...meh.

Age of Ultron goes to the Savage Land, Red hulk smashing Ultron robots, Nick Fury has been hiding out in the secret avengers gift shop the big Summer event is the songs remains the lame. Speaking of lame the whole Battle Royale version of Avengers Accademy spent the the whole issue dedicated to Arcade's power up grade which could have been time well spent in two pages now an entire issue.

So looking ahead its going to depend on how well books like Hulk, Superior Spider-man , Uncanny Avngers and all new X-men can maintain their game leading the pack.

D.C looks like it might be more intresting with all the Leagues fighting each other, now all the Avengers teams could do something similar but then it would be pretty much like civil war.

Sunday, April 7, 2013

A little brighter

Having to hop on and start writing the next day read comics since they have been less than memorable these days, though this week there has been a marked improvement.

Indestructable Hulk...Well if it had any less smashing then I wouldn't like it the fight with Attuma is a little short , obviously the Hulk could take him no surprise then next . the Walt Siminson Thor guest appearence which looks fun thou a little baffling in the continuity department. With that said the Hulk returns to be one of the worthy just in a different context and the book that was the most fun to read. Issue six was a vast improvement and the long overdue return to the Hulk being the best read on the shelves rather than an obligation as he is my favorite character. Legs see how long they can keep this up

The avengers shows improvement though two,elf the new characters I think are wall hangings Thor, Hulk, Ms Marvel are the only ones who really did much. Granted it was out of Captain Americas league. Hyperion didn't add anything the return of the Eden thing is a plot thread I had though they had wrapped already so hate to see it get mired back down into that

Superior Spider-man is beginning to work for me know the avengers have caught on , they need to get dr strange on it. Any way I hope they take a turn to make spiderman a heel so when Parker gets back he is still though of as a bad guy and finally has had it and cracks turning into o,etching more like Moon Knight...that's where I would go with it it would take Peter into a darker place, I think something like that would help Super-man out as well , but the action comis I read was just a crazy mess. This weeks issue was a little week the Avenger show down stated but the throw down not until next week.

Dark Avengers in the alternate reality it's really hard to care Skaar or no Skaar and can we get rid of that Ragnarok robot already Oreo something to change him so it goes beyond just being a Thor clone, not that I don't know that's what it is it's just like having two of the same actions figures so you Coe up wit something childish like that so you can play wit both.

All New X-men hmmm the art was pret decent, I'm am still interested in seeing where it goes even if this issue didn't really go beyond the danger room and this weeks issue was a recruitment drive on the present day Cyclops part.

The Jusitce Society was e best dc book I have read in a while I ink they are really making the most of this and I want to continue readi. I think the character dynamic works and it feels more like an avengers book that's the avengers which I guess is one of things I like about it, JLA was an improvement but got overblown. Action Comica showed the most improvement with awesome art and a story that looks almost worth following.

I did read other stuff it filed to make enoughof an impression, skipped capt america i have gotten bored with that story. Not none of these books were in any way conned to be of Ultron so the steps we have taken forward might be lost whenwe get into the thick of that. Gaurdians of the Galaxy had good art but was a little lost in its own mythos to connect with me.

Age of Ultron get marginally better with Vision's appearence then they killed off She-hulk or so it Seems took a blast that went in one ear and out the other, guess we will see how her healing factor holds up.