Hulk Smash

Hulk Smash

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

fifty fifty

is the way i feel when i pick up my books every week, the balance flips but i always have one book that leaves me cold and one i re-read, in this economy it might make a casual reader re-think his or her buying, and the industry wonders why its having problems.
Bad new first is journey into mystery 625 , and it's a mystery why i made the journey to the comic book shop for this one we don't even get the naked sif. We get loki who when it comes to action, isn't much of a fighter in this teen-age Amadeus Cho like incarnation. The soap opera builds in Hel, is the premise and it could have been told as the first half of the issue, the art continues to look like a sketch book.
Now Incredible Hulk - 632 is a different story much, improved pak gets a better reign on the magic mish-mash the focus is on one of hulk's old foes who pushes all the wrong or right buttons , we see a Hulk -out like we want to which is always at the end of the day for the pay off - we want to see him cut loose and show us why he is the strongest one there is .Pelletier's art work remains close to perfect the mass he gives the hulk makes sense , i like the veiny look for the hulk, going back to Cho, he served as banner's jimmeny cricket and i could do with out him shouldn't he be helping hercules these days , other than that pretty much all i could want from a comic .
Comic con weekend i think i have some fear itself titles coming up, and captain america . continuing onto hack n slash omnibus 2 , the vs chucky issue i thought was a little silly, the books continue to be a good read the archie issue was the weak point and the villain battle royal in the laboratory was meh , the supporting cast filling out give cassie a wider range to work with as well and i will give udates as i finish volume 2 tomorrow

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