Hulk Smash

Hulk Smash

Thursday, April 29, 2010

my money your prespective

i'm all about creative license - but i am also about truth in advertising- you got burger king -you find styrofoam between the buns - well it's not what you paid for- just like when you pay for a thor comic you expect him to be in it-or hulk you expect bruce banner to have turned green at some juncture- the writers a marvel think differently - they will say it's cause the are telling a story and its for the good of the story- i agree - but when you pay for a story about the hulk - you want him in it , the avengers - is the hood on the rooster - now not sure why luke cage is but the hood oh no he's but thats ok lets waster half the book on him
it's the malady with this weekes purchases- thor was the worst of the bunch , the avengers had avengers in it for hmm ten panels-it was a redhulk hulk comic book he was in it - but how is that any different from the hulk book now , the green hulk is coming back we know this - but think of the money i have spent on rulk to be teased and convoluted
bendis made his money on me - though i have to say my avengers reading post siege will take place standing by the rack at the store not at home and i will drop back down to 3 books a month-
the heroic age looks to bring the classic story telling back - rather than to many muddled character of these big cross overs -had nothing to do with secret invasion of civil war - hulk and thor not involved in either - i like the characters so i read the books if my characters are no in the books i will not read them

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