I can't believe i fell for it. Time and time again,the creator interviews saying this book is all about these two teams fighting and there more action on every page than any book I have worked on blah blah blah.... it's the equivalent of a metal band saying this is going to be our heaviest album yet and then putting out some shit like
"the Black Album" I will speculate the Bendis and Fraction involvement plays the biggest role in this crime. Not fighting really occurs here , Hope and Cyclops sparring or the one optic blast which was blocked at the end of the book, please. Avengers vs X-men is really getting off on the wrong foot.In this economy , shelling out four buck for this kind of tease is the same offense that inspired people to start pirating music ,when the influx of 2000's one - hit wonders began to dominate the air waves.Between the previews and issue zero we already had enough back story, if you want to see how a vs team story should go ..then wander back into the 80's and re-read Defenders vs the Avengers. The whole Nova thing two pages would have sufficed on top of what you already showed us. This begins the case for comic torrents.Color me disappointed .
Marvel's redeeming moment for the week was Amazing Spider-man 683- the ends of the earth arc is more entertaining than I anticipated if we think around the sill new action-figure suit Peter is wearing. The Avengers vs the Sinister six , it was the movie line-up plus Spider-woman. Which Is a smart move but where was Vision ? the art got the job done nothing mind blowing or that iconic but not a distraction.
Avengers Academy 28 wraps up the Run-aways arch seems well like a lazy cop-out anytime your problems magically solve themselves even when the dark arts are involved you ruin the suspension of disbelief and cheat your characters and the cartoon art doesn't relay seem to be trying that hard as well.
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