All of this weeks Avengers books except for the secret avengers were heavy on the Avengers vs X-men promo AVSX 0...didn't add much to the tale we didn't know from the preview except for Scarlet Witch's un-welcomed home coming which is to say she looks to be written out of the main story there though ,not surprised if she appears as a wild card along side her family. New Avenger's wrapped up the dark avenger thread, Avenger's 24.1 focused on the Vision who goes and confronts Magneto...I would write Vision about as emotional as Dexter Morgan as he is an android, the break down at the end was a little much,Secret Avengers continues on this Apdaptoid war, the art continues to suck like Hulk's has been, Uncanny X-men brings the Avengers in to sort through and unexplained burst of random cartoon villany but it was entertaining and the Emma Frost training sequence was pretty hot , that works lots better as a uniform for her than her Victoria Secrets.
Moon knight-which i read for some reason was entertaining but confusing as to why Madame Masque can kick his ass, the art though is in the gritty pencil stuff i hate on secret avengers and hulk ... in news of good art Avengers art was improved and a skim through the ultimates the art was excellent to bad its being wasted on something non-canon
now onto d/c Aqua-man seven the art is outstanding black manta is back, thought arthur has always deserved a better nemesis but there you go , this introduces the mysterious the others in the soap operatic way geoff johns can get. the art in Teen Titans 7 continues to be incredible but they are kinda losing me with some of the scattered action. Dark knight 7 though was a great read art and story an example to D/C how it should be done .
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