ok lets do this ... with some quick hits X-Factor 233...it didn't really stick to me , Longshot was underused, the art was decent but luke warm overall...Avengers/X-Sanction 4- liked the art overall it was a fight book with alot of cheap shots and no defined winner , hopefully this isn't a sign of whats to come with avengers vs x-men,...Generation Hope 17... much like the character Hope tis book has not caught on for me , even the art work which is above average can't redeem the convoluted writing Amazing spider-man 682 - this begins the ends of the earth, not a fan of the new suit it looks like an excuse for an action figure ...New Mutants 39- meh, the writing was decent in the sense there was a sense of threat and urgency underlying everything but just didn't feel the characters. Invincible Iron -man 514- pretty solid book in every area like the re-vamped villains and the fact as far as tone it feels like the movies but not compromising canon. Wolverine 303.., not a bad book for Wolverine fans ..everything you would want from his mythos , ninjas, Sabertooth, Mystique and Sliver Samurai, lots of action decent art.
Ok DC Justice League 7 - vs a weird monster thing the art work has taken a sharp dive and now looks like a Creepy magazine from the 70's , this is issue was what it was hopefully this isn't the direction the books continues in. Wonder Woman- 7 ..felt weird like I was reading an issue of Hell-boy instead. the story and art both reflected this not the best Wonder-woman story I 've read for sure . CatWoman 7- the art continues to excel, the story drags a little here, i think she would have been a better choice than Green Arrow for a tv show . Batman 7- starts this arch of the owl cult , they die it into dick grayson's past, the art worked enjoyable read even with not actual action.
Yet to get to Uncanny x-men this week so it looks like Iron-man might take it as the book of the week
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