Hulk Smash

Hulk Smash

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

April 18th's day in comics

Avengers vs X-men- issue two , very high expectations on them redeeming themselves after the boring first issue, and I suppose it delivered on a surface level. It's no secret I'm rooting for the Avengers and Cyclops already had his team retreating , with big guns like Thor, Vision, and Ms. Marvel in space. Thought the interact with Black Panther and Storm worked, but Cyclops and Capt. America fight flawed as I see Cap letting Scott back up unless he surrendered wouldn't have been a smart soldier's move. All fights inconclusive, with only Hope's flame on dusting Wolverine and Spider-man.
Uncanny X-force 24-I have lost track of how powerful Bobby Drake has become, I didn't like seeing Nightcrawler kill Ice-man, blame it on Spider-man and his amazing friends , but I have always liked him. Good art work was a page turner.
Wolverine & the X-men 9... not a fan of this style of artwork, but it does a good job of looking at beast and Wolverine's point of view in the side they are taking on this
Invincible Iron-man 515-This has become a pretty solid book, a good read the powered up rogues gallery has more personality, the art is great, no complaints this is how its done.
Defenders 5 ...has the god awful artist from agents of atlas and Hulk, continues to ruin a book, the story is blah... sad this book can't hold a candle to the original, even with all it's old school cheese, something set it apart from the Avengers, the characters had a voice that worked them well with one another and that's missing here.
Avengers 25- Walt is back to show these new kids how to fucking Draw... to bad the story is mostly filler , the avengers vs x element, is intended to show what Cap has riding on this and the pressure of the job but despite the old school A.I.M fight it feels boring.
Amazing Spider-man 684, Pretty clever read, the art wasn't half bad , the tech peter has now feels like taking the easy way out compared to how Spider-man used to get the job done but the threat level increased so he is having to step up his game in other ways just feels like they are taking him to close to Toney Stark territory

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

comics 4/11

New Avengers 24...Well drawn, though the red-Hulk could have been bigger, the focus is on Luke Cage and Jessica Jones and looks as if New Avengers is focusing on Cage's view point of the X-men vs Avengers throw down. This is a tie but appears it is going the same way as the Siege series did, no real fights at this point , in fact it doesn't give you any more than the first issue of AvsX did.
Thor 12.1..while the art was staggeringly well done , the story was one of those remember when ...? that didn't move the canon story further felt like they were stalling, I hope they keep this artist on board.
Avengers Assemble 2.. pretty heavy handed tie in to the movie as once again the second issue leaves me wondering how this ties into the Hulk's continuity. The art is good and the book is fun so thinking of it in the same way i think of the cartoon and try to not ask to many adult questions.
Secret Avengers 25...not convinced about this line-up . The art well you know how I feel about this pencil scribble scrabble. The super adaptoid story could still be lingering as we see at the end as the next issue ties into AvsX.
Scarlet Spider-Man 4 ...not sure what the point of this book is aside from the fact Ben is a compassionate as the punisher, so is this for those who want a book where a spider-man really
cuts loose? , the art was pretty good and it was fun.
Wolverine 304..was it a dream , did that really happen in cannon, all his enemies ...well lots of them in one place and he can waltz in a do that , little suspension of disbelief please. the art wasn't suited for the character for sure.
now onto D/C
Deathstroke 8.. felt like the weakest of the series so far, the art even felt a little slack, the story typical family bs.
Speaking of family bs it continues in Bat-man and Robin 8, the father son talk is like an aside on Dexter , the art is good but overall issue is boring.

Deadpool 53...or something, this book has been run into the ground by a bunch of moronic nonsense, the writing just pulls everything out of it's ass, we get that Wade has a death wish, it is hinted next issue is the last one, remember when he was like Wolverine and had 4 different books , proff Marvel can wear out a character's welcome and I'm still think the depiction of him in the Wolverine movie didn't help things.
It's a weird week in comics when Green Lantern is the best book going, the art was great and the story fun despite how convoluted this space opera can get and the whole mythology tends to stumble itself into knots but I got the gist right away and kept up, they need to keep this up.

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

A vs X Don't believe the Hype

I can't believe i fell for it. Time and time again,the creator interviews saying this book is all about these two teams fighting and there more action on every page than any book I have worked on blah blah blah.... it's the equivalent of a metal band saying this is going to be our heaviest album yet and then putting out some shit like
"the Black Album" I will speculate the Bendis and Fraction involvement plays the biggest role in this crime. Not fighting really occurs here , Hope and Cyclops sparring or the one optic blast which was blocked at the end of the book, please. Avengers vs X-men is really getting off on the wrong foot.In this economy , shelling out four buck for this kind of tease is the same offense that inspired people to start pirating music ,when the influx of 2000's one - hit wonders began to dominate the air waves.Between the previews and issue zero we already had enough back story, if you want to see how a vs team story should go ..then wander back into the 80's and re-read Defenders vs the Avengers. The whole Nova thing two pages would have sufficed on top of what you already showed us. This begins the case for comic torrents.Color me disappointed .
Marvel's redeeming moment for the week was Amazing Spider-man 683- the ends of the earth arc is more entertaining than I anticipated if we think around the sill new action-figure suit Peter is wearing. The Avengers vs the Sinister six , it was the movie line-up plus Spider-woman. Which Is a smart move but where was Vision ? the art got the job done nothing mind blowing or that iconic but not a distraction.

Avengers Academy 28 wraps up the Run-aways arch seems well like a lazy cop-out anytime your problems magically solve themselves even when the dark arts are involved you ruin the suspension of disbelief and cheat your characters and the cartoon art doesn't relay seem to be trying that hard as well.