ok lets start with one I have been anticipating Avenger's 24, while i'm not as big of a fan of the newest dark avengers , this arch is well written and Vision is back. So Norman Osborn, gets turned into the Super Adaptoid, the Avengers having fought one of those know what to do, seems like that was handled a little abruptly and leaves new avengers hanging as far as continuity, maybe poor release scheduling. Think the art work on this book could be improved, this went pretty cartoon as far as resolution as well might as well have had Dr Claw laughing.
Incredible Hulk 6 - So six issues on this , i think some of the gamma animals could have been left out earlier on and we could have gotten to these meat and potatoes sooner, I do find it a little hard to believe after his last run in with a gamma bomb Banner would have safe guards in place so he didn't have another accident... the art is a little suspect, I don't like how they are drawing Hulk's face but I liked the Banner vs Hulk fight
You know Marvel is cashing in on the movie how can they not it's their number one promotional vehicle ...but where is this in continuity? I can see where it's picking up from Avengers 24, Unless it's a massive spoiler for Incredible Hulk number 7, why is there a stupid Hulk ? Seems like mental capacity is a key component in continuity. Other wise I like the art and the story aside from the dumb Hulk is entertaining.
X-23- while a really unique and interesting issue about a character who could have easily turned into a girl wolverine knock-off ...powers aside no she's not. we have a silent ..no dialogue vision-quest. I Know the series is coming to a close and she will be on a team book , prolly a better place for her so marvel doesn't fall into the trap of a whole section of Wolverine clan books like Bat-man is in.
Fantastic Four I have mixed feelings about as it defines jumping the shark in comics and is a mess of cosmic proportions, we have multiple Reed Richards and family members waltzing in and out of alternate time lines..The redeeming elements comes from the very human emotional element, its the touch stone of Marvel writing and what has always made me feel more connected to the characters than DC...sometimes Super-man captures this Bat-man feels blank, as does Wonder-woman and Aqua-man. When Franklin flies it felt real, a well drawn panel , the art in this book is a mess , get the suspense of disbelief together even on the space epics and there is powerful potential in the family dynamic as displayed here.
Speaking of Dc ..Super-boy 7 was the perfect blend of action and story , since he is a clone you don't have to worry about pesky little things like emotions and the art is fantastic, I like this book a little more with every read. The key hear is it doesn't feel like he is another member of the Krypton clan.
Deathstroke is where thins start getting gritty for the week, the kind of violence I was surprised to find in a DC comic, ok maybe not on the level or the Sentry ripping Ares in half , but swords through heads, the book is fun and despite the father son cliche arc it was satisfying all the way around and this is from a character I know next to nothing about
Up next Kick Ass 2 issue 7- or i think, I'm out of the loop on this one but the pieces were easy to put into place though I am sory to hear that I missed the Red Mist's big rape, will have to go back and find that one. It seems the empathy for these kids has gone down the drain and Hit-girl is chopping heads off , so they are trying to go for the shocks which I think were more effective when you had a little more invested in the characters ...I'm sure it is selling though.