So the big news is Iron Fist has found it's Danny Rand in Game of thrones actor Finn Jones. Not my first choice, but of course this brought a grumble from the idiots of the inner webs complaining that it wasn't an asian actor. This is the pinnacle in stupidity since Danny Rand is blond. Aren't asians being stereotyped as martial artists in the first place? It would be racist for Rand to not be white. Racism has nothing to do about the color it's being vented against. But that is propaganda for you. Now to comics...bringing Uncle Ben back from the dead in Amazing Spider-man's 1.3 issue , not only made we scratch my head and back track to read previous issues, just doesn't have the impact it should and I can think of many more characters who would benefit from being brought back. I always tell myself Squirrel Girl is never going to be good and I am right, this time I'm sticking to my guns as this last issue was just a waste of time. Angela Queen of Hel, continues to try to hard to push it's lgbt agenda. I have noting wrong with gay characters, ret-conning and making some one gay after the fact I have a problem with. Karnak's second issue is a mixed bag the plot is a little thin, the art is stylistic but well done for what it is. I don't see him carrying a book on his own for long. Drax's 3rd issue is obviously written by a wrestler, because that is what the plot resembles. Decent art and glad to see an old Hulk baddie in the mix. The 4th issue of the All- New In-Humans continues to be a disappointment and plot hole get bigger. They have a healer and Gorgon is in a wheel chair. What sense does that make? It took me a little bit to figure out what was no clicking for me in Hercules. The answer came after pondering the fourth issue. It's the introduction of the new gods based off modern thought that is weak. The art is fine, the action at least shows motion in the ocean, but the new bad guys are paper thin. The 5th issue of Howling Commandos find the series losing momentum and not keeping me as engaged. Venom Space Knight has Thompson separated from the symbiote and they meet up with a big ass space -panda, really the art is what sells the book as the story has gotten silly.
The art in Dare Devil is great. The book has an interesting use of perspective in the display of it's panels. Steve Roger's seems to be a little forced in this issue, it's all set up with some action thrown in a good balanced book. The All- New X-men continues to be one of the better books despite the heavy handed teen drama. When Angel breaking up with X-23 is the cliff hanger when the rest of the team is throwing down with Blob, then you are heading in the wrong direction. The art is some of Marvel's best and what help ease the sting. This feels more like an X-men book than the other two titles. New Avengers shows improvement in it's 7th issue. Overall the book has been rather hit or miss. I don't care about White Tiger or Power-Man, but it was a smooth read with decent art. Silk continues to work despite it's art into the fifth issue. I'm not a fan of how Black Cat is drawn, but glad to see she how grown into a bigger player in the crime world. Speaking of poorly drawn but getting better as a book Hell-Cat's 3rd issue felt more like a super-hero book. A villain who controls bed-bugs might be throwing her light weights. Ant-man is becoming one of the better books. Some of the side story lines get a little fuzzy, but overall it has the classic Marvel feel that I want out of books a balance of plot and throwing down. Unsure about the new Giant-man, I had forgotten Pym was dead. So if that is the way it's gotta be then that is the way it's gotta be, but the new guy needs to start working out.
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