ok i have few blogs but i need one dedicated to all things comic book- it will be once a week or as new or other developments in the comic book world come about. this was inspired by a voice in the desert of the internet i feel needs to be there -i have enough space to rant about music my lj account is more personal and none of my friends want me to go on a diatribe about the end of fall of the hulks so here you go
Hulk Smash

Sunday, November 13, 2016
This Week in Marvel
After what happened at the polls this week, the Riri Iron-man books, feels like a discarded foot note in Marvel's social justice warrior agenda. I can't see Disney wanting to be considered subversive, so no more M.O.D.O.K Trump jokes. What is eluded to here is the fact Tony Stark might have been killed off in Civil War 2. So Marvel is really spitting in the faces of it's fans by taking away a third character we know and love. Three from the cinematic universe, if they continue to commit marketing suicide. This week it was obvious we are tired of being politically correct, so give us back the original characters living and dead.
All- new X-men brings back the Inferno arc and seems like it is setting the ground for their next Monsters on the Loose cross over, though we know some of that is coming from the Cho-Hulk series. Amazing Spider -Man's Renew Your Vows feels good as a story until you consider where this is going to fit into to continuity. Speaking of outside continuity that go back and tell a classic Avengers story on the 1.1 Avengers book. Why not just make this line-up the new team and kick the imposters out? This eliminates the margin for error more ret-conning can cause. As for ret-conning gone wrong, the seventh issue of Captain America, finds this hail Hydra story line muddying the waters even further. The 13th issue of Daredevil is a waste of time as Murdock is barely in the book which focuses more on his side kick we could not give a shit about and the serial killer chasing him in the sewer.
Ret-conning continues with the second issue of the Clone Conspiracy. The Jackal brings back everyone who has died on Spider-man's watch with what he implies to be the best intentions and they do handle the two Gwen Stacey's as well as one could deal with that without killing them off, which is what is best. This does raise the question of if this will create more problems than it solves. The Uncanny X-men was a slight improvement, but the Uncanny Avengers was much better as they square off against the Hulk who is resurrected by the Hand. The team sees that they are out classed. Though Rogue goes into the fight thinking she can hand with any version of the Hulk. This version can't talk but doesn't seem to be totally mindless as it has enough memory to fight out of instinct. Not sure Cable is going to help much.
Captain America,
clone conspiracy,
Invincible Iron-man,
Friday, November 4, 2016
Movie Review : " Dr. Strange"
My wife will tell you how I have been talking about this movie for the past three years. Dr. Strange stands along side the Hulk and Thor as my favorite Marvel characters. Until Spider-man was announced I was pretty adamant that this was going to be one of the last great Marvel films. Once you see this movie you will begin to question just how great were those other Marvel films. I still feel pretty strongly about the first Captain America and Iron-man, but I would say Dr. Strange is better than those. Perhaps it is because of the freedom the movie has to throw the suspension of disbelief out the window. Magick is not explained away as science like it is in the Thor movies.
My only slight concern with this is magick is not given limits or shown as taxing them in any way once it is mastered. In the original comics this was how it was presented, and there are some Greatest American Hero moments with the Cloak of Levitation. I suppose we also see what happens when you use the dark dimension to supplement your powers. The cast didn't have any weakness either from Strange to Mordo the cast could do no Wong. I do think Wong's role should shift once Strange is the Sorcerer Supreme. I did not catch what they said in the London Sanctum to the character defending it if he was Jericho Drumm or not...Brother Voodoo. I think at wink toward's Clea would have been nice and if I was making a fan boy wish list one of the Acolytes could have been Damien Hellstorm.
Yes, Rachel McAdams is the same character as Rosario Dawson in the Net Flix shows. So that is awkward. See I did not complain about Tilda Swinton's Ancient one cause she is great so take that social justice Ghost Busters.
The effects were the best of any Marvel movie to date, though it looks like they are stepping it up on the trailer to the Guardians of the Galaxy trailer so the bar is high. Were there elements that bring to mind the Matrix and Inception. Yes, but it was not a deal breaker for me, Swinton could have almost asked him to pick the red pill or the blue pill at one point. The action was well paced. The fight scenes were martial arts based, but creative enough though a common theme was lets keep running as we fight. The fight in the astral plane was pretty awesome and one of the movie's high points along with the showdown with the big bad who if you do not know is in the movie I will not utter his name here, but could have used a little more flame on his head, but closer to the comics than Galactus was in Fantastic Four, or Dr. Doom if we are talking about the last movie. No major issues, laughed more than I thought I would it was endearing and you can go into this movie knowing less about the character than you did for Ant-man. Would see it again in theaters if I was bored. I saw it in 3d, which was expensive, but effective.
baron mordo,
dr strange,
dr. strange movie,
Film Review,
tilda swinton,
Thursday, November 3, 2016
Catching Up With Marvel
So we have had 12 issue of Moon Girl and Devil Dinosaur and so fat they have led to next to nothing ? It leads up to Kid Kree professing his love to her and then Devil Dinosaur wrecking a Lego land science fair? That is bull shit and my last time wasting another minute with this book. All New All Different Avengers was more flash back story telling this time with the real Thor in the flash back so it felt more like an Avengers book. The 6th issue of Captain America only offered Steve Rogers perspective on Civil War, and we have already begun to see how this HYDRA arc is tying into it. Speaking of Civil War the 6th issue of it didn't do much aside from show Black Panther switch sides and the kids run off to hide Miles So far the series has been a flop and a vehicle to show boat Danvers. Other show boats that sank include the Doctor Strange and the Sorcerers Supreme, which is too bogged down with characters from other realities.
The 17 issue of New Avengers and it is clear why there are too many Avengers books, this one is cluttered and makes it hard to care about any one in it. The new Avengers book with the new Wasp and Hercules, is not the worst written book, but the art is a little too much for what is going on here. the 10th issue of Agents of Shield got a little convoluted in how it was written but it was entertaining. The way the series ended made me wonder if it is getting canned.The 15th issue of Extraordinary X-men is becoming a reprise of Inferno. The 12th issue of Ms .Marvel continues to be a waste of paper. She works much better as a member of the Champions who have a pretty decent second issue going to prove none of these characters need their own books. Death of X finds conflict that should have happened in the first issue finally going down in the 3rd and the X-men should slaughter the In-Humans. The 12th issue of Scarlet Witch was alright, not great, which is a let down considering she is one of my favorite Marvel characters. Unsure about this new arc she is going on and how they are diminishing the impact of her being a mutant and emphasizing her as a witch, when I think balancing the two would be best, just like balancing the two sides of Dr. Doom the science and the magic is important.
While it was entertaining and in most ways felt like either a Bat-man or Punisher book the 6th issue of Night Hawk was pretty good even though I am sure this book is getting canned. Another black super-hero book that was better than it had the right to be is the first issue of the Prowler. The art is some of the best, I can't see the him being able to hold down his own even with it being this tied into their new Clone Saga. The best Civil War moment might have been the Gamora vs Danvers fight in the 13th issue of Guardians of the Galaxy that finds that team falling apart. This book also had great art. The first issue of Fool Killer is really a surprise , sure with Moon Knight crazy costumed anti-heroes are covered, but this book is less surreal and more like Dexter is some ways. Speaking of Moon Knight it gets crazier and crazier. I think they have brought it too a cross roads that makes more sense. The 13th issue of Spider-Woman finds shit getting real and setting her up to have major beef with the Hob-goblin, I have always felt she needed to tap more into Spider-man's rogues gallery since she doesn't have that compelling of a rogue gallery on her own.
black panther,
captain marvel,
scarlet witch,
Saturday, October 15, 2016
More from Marvel
This week comics are off to a better start as "Uncanny Avengers " was pretty fun despite it being so Deadpool heavy. Punisher was a mess that did not have enough actual Frank Castle in it, so you see how that can be a problem. The first issue of the Unbelievable Gwenpool is pretty stupid. The art is kind of anime, and the character really lacks anything of substance relegating her to a running joke of mixing Gwen Stacy with Deadpool. Looks like to things that could sell on paper, but put into practise there is nothing holding it together. Speaking of Deadpool, the 20th issue of Deadpool is pretty lack luster and doesn't play to the characters strengths and instead finds him trying to be a voice of reason that comes across as being out of character. Howard the Duck finds this character being dragged down the drain by bad writing in an attempt to remember what worked with this character back in the 70s when he was higher pro-file. Moon Knight's 7th issue is a mixed bag. I like the fact the art work looks like it is from Heavy Metal magazine, but the story is so crazy and scattered is barely makes sense. Old Man Logan finds this story line really beginning to drag in the 12th issue. While it's not bad I don't see this Solo series going very far, he is like a Punisher who can tele-port. Thunder-Bolts finds this series treading water. The art was great and the plight of finding food wasn't epic in scope it gave the room to breathe, but they need to get this series moving in a better direction.
Mosaic's first issue is as bad as you probably feared. You do not give a shit about the main character, and the story line is jagged at best. Don't see this book flying or fathom a reason any one would give a shit abut it. The 12th issue of Dare Devil gives us a short but cool fight between Daredevil and Karnak. This serial killer takes a back seat and kind of flushes the argument down the toilet that events don't have to cross over unless they make sense and this seems a little like the In-Humans were being forced into the series. But aside from that little flaw it's a pretty good issue. The first issue of the Great Lakes Avengers is pretty good. I like the art. I am not sure these characters can hold the book and it might need Squirrel Girl. Power-man and Iron Fist is so far one of the better cross-overs into Civil War 2. I wanted to see Luke Cage and Carol go at it more.
Great Lakes Avengers,
Gwen Pool,
Iron fist,
luke cage,
Marvel Comics,
Wednesday, October 12, 2016
This Fall in Marvel or the Fall of Marvel?
So I am a little behind in writing this and after starting this blog 6 years ago as my own passion project I have realized how shitty comics have become in the past 6 years and have to dig deeper to find inspiration to write about them . This is a problem if some one loves comics enough to write about them on a consistent basis then who is to blame when they no longer can find the same joy the once had reading them. Not burned out on Marvel's characters as I played the Future Fight game on a daily basis,I am committed the characters ...I have Thor tattooed on one arm and eventually want to get the Hulk and Dr. Strange. It's the fact Marvel has gotten rid of so many of the core characters to replace them with social justice versions, which might be the plight of what will happen when Disney buys them finally settled into place. No this doesn't mean I am giving up on this blog, I don't give up my inspiration shifted to having to be a voice that says "Marvel you have lost your way, You are fucking up"
Sure Amazing Spider-man right now is bringing some good moments, but will it fix the Clone debacle or dig a deeper grave with "Dead No More"? Dr. Strange is also pretty solid and finds Stephen so far as the same character not a female or colored version of the character though the end of Magic thing is getting a little plodding. Sam Wilson Captain America finds Sam having to stoop low enough to take the fight to US Agent in a way that allow him to beat him.This happens to still make the book better than the 5th issue of the Steve Rogers Captain America book. The 9th issue of Captain Marvel finds the Alpha Flight turn on her. The Dr. Strange annual could have been much better than it was and finds Clea's return being very anti-climatic. Web Warriors needs to be put out of it's misery, but it seems to keep going for no known reason. I didn't bother with Squirrel Girl or X-men 92. Cage's first issue is weird almost like a Crumb book and almost bordering on being racist in it's stereotypes, it feels like Mad Magazine parodying a Luke Cage comic.
Spider-Woman 's 11th issue finds Jessica Drew confronting Carol Danvers and power set is just not enough to do any damage more than hurt here feelings. Hopefull we will see Danvers get her ass kicked good by someone over the course of this though I have a feeling it won't be Tony Stark. Totally Awesome Hulk finds Black Panther going after Cho. He is using a Wakanda Hulk Buster armor of sorts and tries pulling out every trick in the book, but while it's left hanging thanks to stupid sub-plots with Cho's sister, if Cho can't outsmart T'Challa then this book has proven itself unworthy. Speaking of odd fights the 5th issue of Thunderbolts finds Winter Soldier gunning for Miles Morales. I am not sure how Miles who is a kid can hold his own so well against some one with Bucky's experience. If this was Peter Parker I would get it.The 3rd issue of the Kingpin Civil War issue finds this book heading in a direction that is a better depiction of Punisher than the Punisher's own book making this one of the week's best books. The first issue of the Champions is alright, the chemistry of the team needs some work. The art is un-even, better in some places than others often too cartoonish.
Amazing Spider-man,
dead no more,
dr strange,
luke cage,
Marvel Comics
Friday, October 7, 2016
Net Flix's Luke Cage : Review
Ok, I waited long enough to post this, though it took me longer to get through this series than any other of the Netflix Marvel shows so that right there should tell you something. Since I waited it's open seasons on spoilers, so here we go. My wife who has watched every other Marvel show on Netflix could not get any further than the first episode and then lost all interest. This puts it about on pr with Agents of Shield who might have surpassed this show with their Ghost Rider alone. I saw the first wave of hip-hop inspired gangsta movies in the 90s like New Jack City, so this show seemed to be very derivative of that . it was blaxplotation in the most vanilla sense of the genre. At least with Coffy we got clothes tearing cat fights.The world it occurred in was never a graceful transition into the MCU. This world had not progressed past the first Avengers movie. `found myself fast forwarding through large portions of the dialogue in hopes something interesting would happen.
The big bad was hardly there and much less compelling than any of the gangsters from Board Walk empire where that goon cut his teeth. Mariah edged her way toward being a Kingpin by killing her cousin, but mainly felt like Oprah Winfrey if she went off her meds. Colter was really the shows only strength, along with perhaps Dawson. Shades was a waste. The tension was never really brought to the level of Dare Devil or Jessica Jones. Sure Daredevil did not have super powered villains, but Dare Devil might have enhanced senses, but is not invulnerable. Truth be told Cage doesn't have much in terms of his own rogues gallery, a problem that Black Panther will face because are Man- Ape and Klaw enough? Who is Carol Danvers going to fight when she gets her day ? Moon-stone? The same could be asked of Iron- Fist and many other of the b-list heroes about to be brought out. Sure we got a suped up version Diamond Back in a suit that was supposed to be Hammer-Tech, but looked like he was playing laser tag. I had a hard time believing that suit could provide that kind of protection or generate that kind of power, something more like Robo-cop or Iron-man would have made more sense.
While there were portions of the show that were entertaining you could have compressed that down into four episodes at most. Method -Man's cameo was cheesy as fack. Misty Knight did not get her cyborg arm and they left the door open for that. No cross-over aside from the Night Nurse. Net Flix was bound to get a stinker so it was only a matter of time, here's to hoping Iron Fist will be better.
Iron fist,
luke cage,
Misty knight,
Net Flix,
Saturday, September 24, 2016
Catching Up with Marvel
Agents of Shield started back. The appearance of the Robby Reyes Ghost Rider is a mixed bag as even my 6 year daughter expected him to be on a motorcycle. Not really blown away by the first episode, but it's darker and I guess we will see where it goes from here and how it is going to tie in with Dr. Strange though it looks like things like the spirit world and ghosts will factor in. It's gotten to the point of where Marvel is getting so contrived it's hard for me to even write about it . Sure I have the Unworthy Thor 4 issue series and a She-Hulk series just called Hulk, which is a slap in the face to both characters, but even the big throw down in the 4th issue of Civil War 2 didn't feel that inspired. None of the fights were very decisive. Spider-Man finds most of the issue dedicated to Miles talking to Luke Cage and Jessica Jones, then goes back to the fateful day banner died, which really doesn't shed a ton of new light on any one's perspective. One of the better issues of Uncanny In-humans however does more to push the Civil War story along.
While it is the lesser of the two In-humans books, All- New In-humans finally finds Gorgon back on his feet in the 11th issue, the rest of the book is life on a ship and Crystal's birthday. While it's a little more hooked into the story, the 6th issue of Black Panther finds the book still floundering. So the Crew which is a quartet of black super-heroes who have nothing else in common aside from race, gets introduced. The 7th issue of International Iron-Man is another waste of time, who gives a shit who Stark's parents, it's just more ret-conning.It's a shame that they writing went out of the window for the 10th issue of the Punisher. Jane Foster like Capt Hammer is the hammer is what we learn from the last issue of Thor which I can in some ways deal with better than her being Thor, but still have severe problems with booth this book and the character. None of the X-books including the Civil War tie in did much for me, though X-23's Wolverine book seemed to be the best of the bunch.
The 12th issue of Guardians of the Galaxy was well done and shows how they got screwed by teaming up with Carol. The 10th issue of Scarlet Witch was ok. Better than some and she fights an Oni, but in the grand scheme of things the book could be a lot better. Old Man Logan continues to squander it's potential in a similar fashion. The Unbelievable Gwenpool's sixth issue finds her more intent on breaking the 4th wall to convince Miles that he is in a comic book. The fight they get in is very one sided and makes this character even harder take seriously, with her getting jobbed like this. Speaking of silly books Dead-Pool's 18th issue was pretty decent. The 9th issue of Agents of Shield was pretty entertaining. The 11th issue of Vision might have been my favorite book as it was cool seeing Vision single handedly kick the asses of the Avengers. The beating he dealt the Jane Foster Thor the most satisfying. Amazing Spider-man's 18th issue really handled Doc Octopus's looming return well.
agents of shield,
Civil War 2,
ghost rider,
the Vision
Sunday, September 11, 2016
Catching Up with Marvel This Week
Ok... a week after Dragon-con , things are returning to normal. Thinking back at the Con it seems Dead Pool is the most popular character in the Marvel Universe based off of the sheer volume of merch worn and cosplay. Comic wise we are in a lull as they have taken have taken too long for the throw down that should be the new civil war.
Amazing Spider- Man is full on into "Dead No More' and showed up Prowler's fate and how the new female Electro comes about, but there was little in the way of actual Peter Parker. Uncanny X-men did not have much going on aside from the introduction of the New Hell-fire club. Introductions has been the them lately as Dare-Devil's 11th issue entangled him with the In-Humans, and also brought in this new serial killer big bad. Squadron- Supreme had them squaring off against Spider-man, who held his own against the team longer than you would suspect. The 12th issue of Silk finds them at the beginning of the end for this series as she is off in the Negative Zone, and away from the back drop that works best for her character. Invincible Iron-Man find the ground work being paved for Victor Von Doom to take over.
The All New All Different Avengers was another book full of prep work for Marvel's agenda to replace every one so Disney will be left holding their mouse dicks, as they continued to introduce this new version of Wasp, even though Janet is not going any where.While it gets points for being both original and a mind fuck the 6th issue of Moon Knight, continues to make things more obtuse. The 11th issue of Dr. Strange re-introduces Baron Mordo and I dod give them props for not feeling the need to make him the black Mordo from the movie coming out in a couple of months. If diversity is not organic than it is just another buzz-word in the agendas of bigger machines moving toward a one world government... and that is not just a Hydra plot.
dr strange,
Dragon-con 2016,
moon knight,
Friday, August 26, 2016
This Week in Marvel
The 8th issue of Captain Marvel was enmeshed in Civil War, but did little to move the story forward except further high light the fact that Black Panther is having doubts about this ridiculous stance Carol is taking. Squirrel Girl's 11th issue was decent in her show down with Nightmare, it was a throw back to the comic books of the 80s, but even then the hokey irony of this book is obviously for hipster girls who want to be geek. The 6th issue of International Iron-man was a waste of time with nothing to do with anything. Uncanny In-humans also bored me not of fan of the new In-humans, why can we stick to the classic ones? While I was glad to see Daimon Hellstorm the son of Satan in the latest issue of Hell-cat, the story was treated in the same girly Power Puff manner this entire run has been, I wish they would take her more seriously.Captain America find the book beginning to lose steam in the fourth issue. The Selvig part is trying to hard and this Hydra thing is not really working and I can see it being a stinker that they find themselves trying to correct like One More Day or the Clone Saga. Moon Girl and Devil Dinosaur finds the book beginning to tread water in the 10th issue , I would like to see sales figures and see if this book is on it's way to being cancelled.
Venom Space Knight was pretty good, unsure how it ties in to Civil War, but a Spider-man & Venom throw down is always fun and it's good to be reminded for where Venom got his start and he is in fact a Spider-man villain and should be an anti-hero at best. Night Hawk was pretty decent , but it felt like the writer was like I want to write Punisher as a black man. Pretty violent for a Marvel book. The 13th issue of "Extraordinary X-men" was decent, seems detached from the other books and oblivious to Civil War. The New Avengers was o.k it worked with the established story and this team is starting to grow on me. Drax showed some improvement , but it still way to silly for me.
captain marvel,
Marvel Comics,
Squirrel girl,
Sunday, August 21, 2016
This Week in Marvel
The race debate continues as a seemingly non caucasian is cast to play Mary Jane Watson, which is fine with me as long as she has red hair. The Jennifer Jones casting is more worrisome should that fall into the wrong hands for her Net-Flix series. The Fallen which shows Banner's funeral was alright. It made me think how can Bruce be dead if the Maestro is alive in the future? Just another The fallout from Clint Barton's actions is seen in a few books aside from the Fallen one shot. A-force shows it is and continues to make both Medusa and Capt Marvel further disliked.It's not just me check the comments section of any site where this is a topic and it's all taking a unfavorable turn towards Carol. Spider-woman handles it pretty well and finds Jessica siding against Carol. Sam Wilson Captain America continues on with it's hashtag take back the shield, looks like John Walker is showing up to kick his butt. It's a social justice bitchfest in every issue they should just run this as a web comic on Cnn. All New In-Humans remains another time waster in it's 10th issue as the focus remains on Flint who is a supporting character at best. Marvel is of the delusion all of their characters are created equal and can hold the spot light thanks to success of a character like Jessica Jones or Guardians of the Galaxy.
The Inclusion of corgi's in Mocking Bird was cute, but like my wife's reaction when I showed her..."what the hell kind of comic book is this?" Power-Man and Iron-Fist's 7th issue finds the book losing some of the steam and serving as the build up to the next issue that will bring Cage into conflict with Captain Marvel. Uncanny Avengers awkwardly resolves the story with the Pym fused Ultron. Black Widow's last issue finds the book still a bore, a shame since it got off to such an awesome start in the first issue.
The All New Wolverine's l1th issue which crossed over with Civil War 2 was pretty damn good from every angle. Captain America's appearance wasn't forced and felt very natural.Though I don't think X-23 is experienced enough to trade blows with Cap like that. The Civil War issue of X-men was decent, the Luke warm fight with nothing happening between the two teams made more sense when you find out it is just a diversion. The Amazing Spider-man was pretty decent, Robot Master is a very stupid villain but they made the most of it. The Gods of War issue of Civil War was pretty decent glad Hercules is powered back up.
Captain America,
captain marvel,
luke cage,
Mary Jane Watson,
the Hulk
Sunday, August 14, 2016
This Week In Marvel
So Marvel might not be as bas as D/C, but they are making some poor choices like re-writing Captain Marvel's origin and not using Johnny Blaze for when Ghost Rider rides into Agents of Shield. Sure there is the Nick Cage connection and they claim Danvers origin is too close to Green Lanterns, but here powers are not.So now on the poor choices made in comics like the Avengers annual is the worst waste of time ever, much like the rabbit hole of fan fic the book delves, I am not sure why they would think anyone over the age of 20, which is the bulk of the comic buying public would want to waster their money on it, is Marvel this out of touch with their demographics? Like the comment section of the page I read the tenth issue of Daredevil the new story arc is off to a slow start. This goes to show my the writing of the golden age of comics is superior to today's writing, this is not a Netflix show, this is a comic this would never have flown twenty years ago. The 9th issue of Scarlet Witch is a mixed bag, though the vast improvement in the art work makes some of my questions in regards to how she interacts with her brother. Black Panther continues to be terrible so start asking your self now if these past issues were the story board for a movie just how bad would it be....terrible.
Old Man Logan was decent. Some of the perspective the scenes were drawn from one of the books strongest traits. I think it has everything you might want from the book.All-New X-man was o.k, not great, I like X-23, Warren not so much. The story was a little teeny bopper in places. Black Panther show nominal improvements in it's fifth issue, but continues to make me question if he can hold his own in a full length film. The 8th issue of Agents of Shield was the best Civil War 2 cross over so far , even better than the Accused. The Accused one shot breaks down the Hawkeye trial and was more of a Dare-devil issue. The latest issue of Agents of Shield also focused in on Daredevil's world finding him becoming more of a player in the Marvel universe, guess his Netflix series doesn't play into that.
Tuesday, August 9, 2016
The Week in Marvel
It wasn't too bad this week, though it does seem apparent that the social justice warriors of Marvel continue to push their agendas in the wrong direction. The 12th issue of Invincible Iron Man, finds Tony more preoccupied with Riri, than even makes sense of the character to be. Riri like Moon-Girl is a smart black teenager, which Marvel must find to be a novel idea. Sure the fact she could make an Iron Man suit requires some suspension of disbelief. Where did she ge the money to make the first suit which is more complex than the tin cn version of mach 1. Even with Klaw, Daredevil's Annual was terrible in every respect. "Uncanny In-humans" has it's heart in the right place as it felt more like the In-humans, but it was not very well organized from a story telling perspective.
The chase scene that made up the 10th issue of the Punisher was a lot of fun and found a cinematic tension that pulled you in. The finale of Dr. Strange's first 10 issues was a little on the anti-climatic side. It seemed like this story could have been told in four issues. I generally like this book and Strange is one of my favorite characters, so it was disappointing. Moon Knight continues to not make any sense. The 11th issue of Silk finds Cindy getting webbed up with the ghosts of her ex. This seems like a diversion away from what this book's story really seems to be about. I could not bring myself to read another issue of Deadpool or Vote Loki.Squadron Supreme was fun and the cross over with Spider-man makes sense, I think Hyperion would smoke Blue Marvel so not sure why that is a stale mate , I suppose it places the Squadron on Starks side. While not bad, the Kingpin lost a little momentum in the 2nd issue of his Civil War arc and they have made it unclear how it ties into the bigger story. Uncanny X-men might have the weeks best art within the pages of it's 11th issue.
Marvel Comics,
Monday, August 8, 2016
Film Review : Suicide Squad
Fandom has become like living in a dysfunctional family. In families marred by alcoholism and abuse, the rule is to keep quiet, live with the secret while putting out a united front to the rest of the world. In fandom this done out of a mutual love for comics, movies , gaming or whatever makes you feel part of a bigger trend you see at Dragon-con, Comic-con or where ever you go to cosplay. This culture has created the market for Suicide Squad. It puts people up in arms at Rotten Tomatoes, because people whose job it is to review films dared give Suicide Squad a bad review. I would like to know who you could expect these people who review movies to give a movie that all of a sudden skips the third act and turns into Ghost-Busters a good review. So Suicide Squad is going to be the elephant in the room, that everyone will want to save face and say they liked it. Perhaps they would like it if they are 15 , don't read comics and get most of their entertainment from playing video games because that is clearly the target audience. If you played Grand Theft Auto as Dead Shot and crashed it into Call of Duty on zombie mode, you would have the plot of this movie.
My wife and I were disputing if Suicide Squad was as bad as Super-man vs Bat-man as we were leaving the theater. We agreed that what Suicide Squad had going for it was the fact that it did not take it self as seriously as Bat-Man vs Super-man. Everyone in our group of six leaving the theater seemed to be in agreement on the fact that Marvel continues to kick D/C's ass when it comes to comic book movies and this film doesn't change that fact. I expected a similar tone to that of Deadpool. I would not let my 6 year old daughter see Deadpool, but I would have no problem with her watching this movie, aside from the fact I would have to sit through it again.
So why is geek culture so afraid to call this movie out for what it is ? Harley Quinn, would be the answer you are looking for. Harley is a beloved character who is a fun loving bad girl no one wants to slut shame. So the character is up on a similar pedestal as Deadpool, who is the Marvel male version of this obnoxious outcast archetype. This is the first time we have seen Harley on the big screen. Margot Robbie's costuming for the role had girls dressing up as her portrayal of Quinn almost a year before the film's release. In the end she injected personality in her version of Quinn, but her accent reminded me more of Fran Drescher. I could have done without half the dialogue from her. It seemed the focus was more on the swish she had in her hot pants, however this character's sex appeal worked best as a tease, because she had zero chemistry with Leto's Joker.
Leto's Joker was better than Bat-Man Versus Super-man's Lex Luthor, who ruined that movie. In fact I was find with Leto's Joker unless he was interacting with Quinn , as everything became stiff and forced when those two were on-screen aside from the montage that gave a wink to the famous Alex Ross cover. I know people were upset of the dynamics of their relationship, I am not sure how you can believe he was anything more than her pimp in this movie.
Killer Croc was the worst character of the movie and with Will Smith's Dead Shot and Captain Boomerang being the best. I was pretty indifferent to everyone else and really did not care if they lived or died. Bat-man's appearance worked best when he chased down the Joker and took out Quinn with one punch. The best part of the movie aside from some of the little intro stories than brough the characters in was the trailer for Wonder-Wo-man. Lets break the silence here, I love Dr. Strange but if that movie sucks I won't be afraid to tell you to save your money, it's ok to speak out when Hollywood does us wrong if we don't it will keep happening.
d/c comics,
Film Review,
Harley Quinn,
jared leto,
margot robbie,
Suicide Squad,
the joker
Saturday, July 30, 2016
This Week In Marvel
It was worse than just a mixed bag with Marvel this week. Cho really pussed out and played mind games with Danvers rather than knocking her to the moon like Banner would have if he was the Hulk. Which kind throws a monkey wrench in Bendis portrayal of Banner, sure Banner tried to cure himself and went to others for help on this, but eventually when backed into a corner he came out fighting, I don't see him being a boy scout like Super-man and giving some one his kryptonite, if he was going to kill himself he would have done it already. Warlock's appearance in New Avengers 14 was the books best moment, I liked that fact that many of the corners of the Marvel Universe came together in this book, it felt cluttered like too much was going on to let any of it get anywhere. There was a little less of a cluster-fuck as they attempted to get Extraordinary X-men back on the tracks in it's 12th issue. Not sure how Majick was able to take her brother out like that? There might be hope for this book yet.The 9th issue of Ms. Marvel continues to find the book unimpressive and nothing really gets pushed further in the Civil War story. The Amazing Grace arc of Amazing Spider-Man kicked off in 1.6, and it was awful, story telling at it's worst like something out of a DC book. The fourth issue of Black Panther is boring as hell and further proof we should doubt if he can hold a movie together on his own.
The 7th issue of Captain Marvel continues to fail at pleading this characters case. There is no way that you can see what Carol is doing as being effective, much less right. X-men 92 was far from great but it was not the waste of time I was expecting. Another book getting a little better was Spider-Gwen whose 10th issue feels like it should. Thanks to the Kree Kid Moon Girl and Devil Dinosaur is back on track in it's 9th issue. The 5th issue of Mockingbird felt like Buffy, it didn't seem like her and I am not sure why Miles and Howard the Duck were in this issue. Another luke warm issue was the 9th issue of Drax, CM Punk writes like a bonehead and while i want some kind of throw down in every issue, he writes like you think a wrestler would.
The art work to Uncanny Avengers 11th issue is a big improvement. Vision really shows up and brings his a-game in a big way and it was cool seeing him Cap and Wasp, this made it feel like a real Avengers book, even more than All- New Avengers , which was another big fun battle issue, Uncanny just connected in a more genuine way.
black panther,
captain mavel,
Civil War 2,
the hulk marvel,
Thursday, July 14, 2016
The State of Marvel
Ok, it's getting harder and harder to write about comics as the characters I have grown up with are slowly getting edged out so here is this week and last week. Obviously this week is a big one and I'll get into it more in depth as the death of Bruce Banner deserves it's own post. There was not much else going on with Civil War three, they had Hawkeye take the fall for it. New Avengers caught up with the story the quickest. Hawkeye's team mates over there are tied up with this battle going on with SHIELD. But we know it's going to be AIM not SHIELD that comes out on top in the governments eyes. In Agents of SHIELD's 7th issue Coulson gets canned. Stark tried to recruit them. I am not sure at this point how can anyone not be on Stark's side, each week Danvers is made more of a bitch and who really gives a fuck about War-Machine at this point?
The 2nd issue of Spider-man's Civil War book, was a little meh, it focused on this Clash guy who is really a c-list villain at best. The second of Choosing Sides was pretty much a waste of time with Nick Fury or some version of Nick Fury pretending to be Moon-knight. The Gods of War book was fun and I am looking forward to seeing a rampaging Hercules fuck some people up. The 10th issue of Gaurdians of the Galaxy might have seen the return of Angela, but it was just a jumbled mess of fighting with the Badoon, that felt like the end of the first Avengers movie. The 9th issue of Vision continues to take the book in a darker direction. Silk's 10th issue was a little bit of a letdown. She really was getting her but kicked by Black Cat, so not sure how her powers ebb. The 8th issue of Old Man Logan was young Jean trying to show him everything is o.k. Things are not as fine in the all new X-Men even though that book is getting bogged down with the young Apocalypse.
Iron-Man's 11th issue was a little bit of a let down despite the art. At least this arc which really felt like it had nothing to do with Civil War is over . In other news, Marvel finds themselves once again at odd with the fans while trying to push their agenda, in a survey in regards to Iron-Man being replaced 62 percent were against it, with 19 on the fence and less than twenty percent in favor, once again proving how out of touch Marvel is with their fan base.
The first issue of Kingpin's Civil War book is pretty decent , even though the art leaves something to be desired. I like Fisk more than any of the heroes in the book.
bruce banner,
civil war,
Iron man,
Marvel Comics,
Wednesday, July 6, 2016
Marvel Week of -6/29/16
Here's what was up with Marvel last week...it's been rough recently. To be fair Black Panther has never had a decent solo book, so there is not a lot to expect from this, so I think people are impressed because, well...this is better than the other attempts, but the fact is Black Panther is a better supporting character than being able to hold down his own book...or movie for that matter which is why this will fail. The third issue tries to build up a supporting cast I can't care about and take the focus off the fact Black Panther is not interesting enough to carry this book. He could be, but the focus is not there.The 9th issue of Silk is a waste of time to get to some where that we could have covered in three issues back in the 80's. Captain Marvel's 6th issue is more un-needed back story leading into Civil War. Uncanny Im-humans does a much better job of advancing that story. Nothing is done to make you more sympathetic to Danvers side and I am looking forward to her getting her but kicked by Stark. The 11th issue of Extraordinary X-men is rather convoluted and this Apocalypse Wars thing is rather silly. The 9th issue of the Uncanny X-men also gets dragged into this. Spider-Gwen is about as dumb as it gets and the fact Marvel's editors let it out of the gate shows how the quality control has spun out of control.
The 5th issue of Spider-man is pretty damned good. Black Cat feels better here. Jessica Jones is in the mix, so we have some interesting things transpiring with good art to go with it.The second issue of Captain America makes more sense of the Hydra connection. Marvel are liars by trying to say he was not brain washed. Lets get this straight. If the Cosmic Cube, changes your memories and creates another lifetime in your head, you have been brainwashed. Hyperion's 4th issue is alright, look forward to seeing what they do with Thundra.
Tuesday, June 28, 2016
Last Week in Marvel 6/22/2016
The 8th issue of the Ultimates was a waste of time as they keep re-telling events we have already seen and not really offering much difference in perspective than what we have already seen though that is their intention here. The 8th issue of the Mighty Thor continues to underwhelm. the next arc they are building into promises to be another snooze fest, if she is facing off against a woman who shoots gold bullets and the Silver Samurai , sounds like more fitting foes for X-23. Sadly Scarlet Witch continues to be a terrible book. The 7th issue is a drab bore. The art obtuse. This is one of my favorite Marvel characters getting mistreated here. The 8th issue of Ms. Marvel has no redeeming qualities. You just just chose not to read Civil War Choosing Sides, as it's a waste of time.
The tenth issue of Sam Wilson Captain America is racist in it's attempt to not be racist as only the black superheroes got together to discuss WarMachine's funeral when the character has many other friends and some of the character shown here were hardly around him, when Black Widow or Hawkeye might have been more fitting. Some one should have asked ,where were you when the west coast Avengers were around. I don't like where Totally Awesome Hulk is heading, even with Bruce Banner back, I am glad the sales of this book are going down the drain it's time the fan's voice spoke louder than Marvel's sjw agenda.
Uncanny Avengers is getting a little better, not sure about this Ultronized Hank Pym, like the art work and at least the are trying to recapture and Avengers feel. The fifth issue of Power-man and Iron-fist was, fun, nothing ground breaking the book seems to be trying to find direction. Dr Strange's ninth issue was pretty good, I am still unsure why Scarlet Witch needs weapons when she has mutant abilities that are not dependent on external sources to generate magick, and why this hasn't been brought up or how everything seems to be working fine in her solo book.
Friday, June 17, 2016
Weeks of Marvel
Here is a little catching up. First off the second issue of Civil War 2 is better than the first though I do not like what I think is going to happen with Bruce Banner. If Carol Danvers kills him, before he can turn into the Hulk, I'm contemplating just giving up on comics all together. I mean then only Dr. Strange will be left of my top 3 characters since Thor is still m.i.a. I like how Stark took down the In-Humans. Karnak's depiction in every other book that is not his is better than what happened in his solo book. Speaking of In-Humans , both their books were just terrible. Trying to go with these more "diverse" In-Humans instead of focusing on the core is really weakening them. You want an In-Humans book, get Gorgon out of the wheel-chair, then focus on Triton, Karnak, Medusa, Black Bolt, Crystal and Maximus. Sure I'll give you Lash, but none of the others are worth a damn. The cross over in Squadron Supreme, was a fake out if you were to judge the book by it's cover.
The 8th issue of Venom Space Knight, was a little bit of a let down. The new art falls really short of where the old artist held the bar and Flash chasing after Venom, was on the lame side. The second issue of Thunderbolts was really weird the art looked like it was from a 90s comic and now the In-humans are coming out of no-where not sure how much sense it made. The other lets down were the Amazing Spider-man which saw very little Parker and more Regent than anything. Vote Loki's first issue is pretty pointless as was both the obtuse Spider-Gwen and Black Widow.
The 12th issue of New Avengers is a big improvement, the art is great. Squirrel Girl is back to being drawn relatively hot instead of looking like a teenage lesbian. The arc with Dum Dum, might drag this book in a weird place unless they have a show down with the Howling Commandos. I am a little confused with where this falls with the death of magic arc over in Dr. Strange, I am assuming, that was resolved by this point? The first issue of the "Gods of War" series of Civil War, was fun and pretty much picks up where Hercules left off. The art is very suited for the story being told though the Cho-Hulk is drawn a little oddly. One of the best books over the past couple of weeks was Ant-man, whose 9th issue told a charming story without risking becoming a cliche. Civil War X-men was much better than Uncanny.
Civil War 2,
Saturday, June 4, 2016
This Week in Marvel : 6/1/16
So there are a few holes in Civil War 2, why are X-men or any mutants around In-humans when they have this virus thing going around? We certainly know Dazzler was supposed to be infected by it, not to mention how screwed up is continuity here. We just saw Jen hulking out big time over in A-Force which was mildly entertaining if not cartoonish, but she just died. I am not sure the battle lines and what they are fighting for this time around is as compelling or well written as it was in the first Civil War, but sequels very rarely are. When it comes to the deaths in this issue their editor was talking to Comic Book Resources and the focus was not on She-Hulk, but the fact they killed War Machine who is black. This is where one you start pandering to someone, you can never stop. Now the cries of don't green lives matter? or what about the fact She-Hulk is the strongest woman in Marvel, what does that say to women, it's not ok to kill off a black man, but ok to kill strong women, come on feminists get on this.
Amazing Spider-man's 13th issue got a little silly with the fight be-tween Peter and Iron-man. Then it shifts to Miles and Regent. All New Wolverine finds the book losing a little gas, why does Shield care about logan being in Fing Fang Foom's stomach and why is he in there in the first place are all questions for this issue. We just saw him over with the Cho-Hulk, so the dragon should be off somewhere else. Get it together Marvel. The 10th issue of Iron-man is a litte precise with it's narrative, but makes it hard for me to really care about any of these character even though the art is awesome.
The All New Avengers has a gotten a little better with it's 10th issue, they are on a quest to find Sam's dad, for reasons not really spelled out. Annihilus is revealed as the new big bag, I suppose they are in the Negative Zone now. The kids didn't annoy me too much, their voices were sometimes shaky. The Omega Issue of Spider- Women is pretty good. I like how the fact Gwen never learned how to throw a real punch is brought up, that is something I have often wondered with many heroes. Old Man Logan got by on the art on brutality of the 7th issue and is perhaps a glimpse into what the 3rd Wolverine solo film will be like. Speaking of brutal that is one thing the second issue of the Punisher had going for , but not much else in the way of story. Moon Knight is managing to be much more interesting in it's dive into Marc Spector's twisted mind.
captain marvel,
Civil War 2,
Wednesday, June 1, 2016
The Week In Marvel 5/25/16
Obviously an entire post- could have been written about how stupid Captain America being an Agent of Hydra is. It spits in the face not only of canon, but the legacy of Marvel and goes to show how as long as they are making money from the movies they feel like they can spit in the faces of the fans who put them their to begin with. What a fucking mess to clean up, you think things like the Clone Saga and One More Day would teach them a lesson in fucking up comics. It took something this big and dumb to almost make the six issue of Totally Awesome Hulk seem worthwhile. The art was terrible and cover misleading , no actual throw down takes place, and seems like a good thing one doesn't as this Cho-hulk is a damn pussy. I am not sure he can get angry enough to beat Foster-Thor. I tried to read the 12th issue of Deadpool and it was an obtuse mess. Ms. Marvel's 7th issue finds the book continuing to be a waster of paper. Her and Miles run around school without their costumes most of the issue.
Dr. Strange was alright, though Scarlet Witch doesn't need magic for her powers, she's a mutant ...depending on how you want to ret-con it even a In-human. So why was she reduced to acting a human? Too bad they had to wait five issues for the writing in Red Wolf to pay off. Not that the character really has a lot to stand on in order to support his own book.
Tuesday, May 24, 2016
This Week in Marvel 5/18/16
I won't really get into the mixed bag that is the casting of Thor 3 aside from stating the obvious that characters from Norse mythology should be well...at least look Nordic. Karl Urban might have a good Skurge. Where is Balder? Jeff Goldbloom as the Grand Master is certainly priming the pump for the Infinity War. So now into the lean week of comics Power-man and Iron Fist's momentum is slowed by lack of attention to detail when it comes to the fight relying on flash backs and tried story telling cliches to end this story arc . Hopefully they can get this book back on track I feel like the art didn't do it any favors. Star Lord is 7th issue has decent art, but the problem is the focus on teen drama with Kitty, they should be adults by now so why don't they act like it when it comes to dating? Sure the Collector was sticking his nose into it, but Kitty seems more mature than how she is being written here. I passed on Karnak as it has been an obtuse bore and it might also surprise you to know I passed on Deadpool : the Last Days of Magic. it could offer only comic relief to the current Dr. Strange Story that it really doesn't need in the first place. Yes if I am passing up on a comic book with Dr. Strange in it then I am back in Deadpool burnout mode again.
Sliver Surfer shows signs of improvement in it's 4th issue of this incarnation in that it is merged more with the Marvel Universe, but almost to the point of being silly. Did we really need a hundred guest stars ? The 6th issue of Old Man Logan proves that age is just a state of mind as it doesn't seem to slow him down when it comes to tearing apart a Reaver. The Astonishing Ant-Man's 8th issue has a lot of heart to serve as a great example of how to make a hip comic that would appeal to a younger crowd without having to abort the classic Marvel Universe. Uncanny Avengers fares pretty well in it's 9th issue the focus is on Rogue and Hank Pym who is back and fused with Ultron. The art seems improved. All New Wolverine looks to be entering the Civil War event on the right foot, though she is a little out of her league if she is going to go at it with Fing Fang Foom. The 7th issue of Squadron Supreme is an improvement though the entanglement with the In-Humans and the ret-conning of Toro is a little suspect.
all new wolverine,
Marvel Comics,
thor 3 ragnarok
Sunday, May 15, 2016
This Week in Marvel 5/11/16
Agent Carter gets cancelled , which is fine by me the show was a snooze fest. Jessica Jones showed how a female lead can work, Carter showed how it can fail, it's really a role of the dice as to how Black Widow and Captain Marvel would pan out. I think the rule of thumb should be if you can't hold a solo title of your own, then a movie more than likely won't work either. This casts a grim light on Black Panther which I won't be seeing in the theaters. But now onto what matters the comics.The second issue of black Panther, supports my theory that Black panther will hard pressed to hold a movie together on his own as the second issue already lost considerable steam.
Deadpool's 11th issue is rough story wise. Magneto showing up was the best part otherwise this arc with Sabertooth was drawn out an issue too long. I'm still unsure about the new Wasp. The 9th issue of the All New Avengers, focus equally on Vision as it does the new Wasp, but it is Jarvis who makes it feel like an Avengers book.Time travel once again becomes a crutch for questionable writing in the All New X-men's 9th issue that finds Kid Apocalypse and Beast blown back in time to do what a better writer col have done with the character in this reality. The 7th issue of the Ultimates might have decent art, but it is a waste of time to just establish Thanos return and that the team disagrees leading into Civil War 2. The 6th issue of guardians OF infinity comes across like an 80's Space opera, a few shades better than Space Balls. Even more silly is the 7th issue of Web Warriors , which is the jumped shark when Ducktor Doom 2099 comes into play. While it' well drawn the 7th issue of Venom Space Knight has some holes in it's story. The 7th issue of Illuminati is a little bit of a mess as the team falls apart.
The second issue of Gwenpool is an improvement. Jane Foster Thor and MODOK helped the book out. But they are trying to make her their Harley Quinn.Uncanny Inhuman has a really well-written 8th issue that has a lot of heart and makes the Medusa & Johnny Storm thing make sense. Which is a much better use of flash back than what happens in Vision's 7th issue, when we are taken back into a history we already know.The 5th issue of Agents of Shield works pretty well in bringing Grant Ward in and makes good use of the Marvel Universe as it's back drop in a way that serves the comics much better than the show.Silk's 8th issue is decent enough, the whole Spider-women arc seems to be holding it back from telling the story the book wants to tell and the Black Cat arc needs to get some where.I do like the fact Black Cat is gaining some traction in the Spider-World lately.
Agent Carter,
black panther,
human torch,
Marvel Comics,
Tuesday, May 10, 2016
Film Review : Captain America "Civil War"
Spider-man gets a stronger introduction than Panther, and he is more of a major player so that makes sense. The hot aunt thing is beat into your face, but Holland gets right what Mcguire wanted to do.As for the rest of the gang Black Widow is consistent, Hawkeye gets better and both Scarlet Witch and the Vision prove without Thor or Hulk around they are the team's real power houses.There is the ret-conned, "I killed your father" moment, you see coming though Zemo should have put a mask on as he could have been the Chameleon by framing Bucky. I am sure the over all spectacle eclipsed the easter eggs. So far the Marvel movies have yet to acknowledge the Net Flix shows and really considering the scale of the problems normally face vs things like organized crime the overlap might not be needed until, Spider-man's solo film. The motives for sides being chosen, given the fact Stark went into Senate hearings in the previous movies saying they could not take the suit since he was Iron-man, were a little forced. But the well paced action and bit super-hero throw down made it worthwhile.
In fact it almost felt like the final show down was anti-climatic, even with the reveal about Barnes after the fight with Giant-man. I think both Spider-man and Ant-man stole the show in this regard and made every aside from Vision look a little silly. Black Panther did not do well at all in this regard. I think he deserves to be on screen, but doubt he can really hold his own movie. Though now Spider-man is making me re-think my statement Dr. Strange will be the last great Marvel film, Black Panther with be their next big flop for sure and not even Thanos can save where the franchise will head, so this serves as a good reminder as to what a super hero film can and should be ... fun.
The Week In Marvel
Of course the hype for Civil War is at a fever pitch both in the comics and on screen. One thing Marvel has not been pressed on yet is not why they are revamping a story line, but the obvious fact of marketing and the timing it's being released while a movie of the same name is coming out, which is very shameless. The bar couldn't be set any lower when it comes to what happened on page in the Free Comic Book Day first issue of Civil War. Thanos showing up can just be a random happenstance here. Its the Ultimates, In-humans, well three of them and Human Torch and a few members of A-Force vs Thanos. Despite the causalities of She-Hulk and War Machine they are able to do pretty well against him, with Captain Marvel being able to fell him with a punch after he quickly killed War-machine and She-hulk, that makes no sense. The 10th issue of Spider-Man 2099 is also a little dull, though looks like it could improve with this version of the Sinister Six. Even though I knew better I threw away precious moments of my life to read the first issue of Gwen Pool, Howard the Duck teams up with her, it has nothing to do with Deadpool. While it still tires too hard it looks like by the 5th issue A-Force is moving in a better direction. Nova's 7th issue kinds drops the ball. The clone father sacrafices himself and who cares.
Moonknight's 2nd issue finds the book just now beginning to take off and if it had been written in the 70s or 80s all of this narrative would have been condensed into the first issue. The 6th issue of Scarlet Witch is a waste of time story wise, who really gives a shit about a french version of Angel? Spider-Gwen is a mixed bag and seems to focus more on Silk, who is just a more interesting character.The third issue of X-men 92, finds Storm able to scare away Dracula, and the whole book really becoming a joke vampires and all. The 7th issue of the All- New In-Humans, is a terrible bore. Great art can't save the 9th issue of Invincible Iron Man. The 3rd issue of Black Widow finds the book losing a little steam making it all the more amazing that Marvel thinks she can support her own movie. The sixth issue of Drax introduces one of the worst super -villians in some time Killer Thrill, who is like Gamora meets Tank- Girl.
The Free-Comic Book day issue of Captain America is much better than Civil War , though it is a little cluttered with too many Falcon's. It surpasses the 9th issue of the Sam Wilson version of the title. This has Sam getting his butt kicked by Misty Knight in a frustrated sparring match. I am failing to see the point in the book and can't imagine it will retain it's audience if forced to pick between forking over cash for this or Steve Rogers. The 12th issue of Amazing Spider-man seems much better due to the fact the Zodiac are not in it. The inclusion of Mary Jane Watson into the Iron Man world seems very forced.
Monday, May 2, 2016
This Week In Marvel 4/27/16
Marvel got blasted for "white-washing” in the casting of Tilda
Swinton as the Ancient One and came out and said they did so because they did
not want to offend China. The international movie dollar must make the decisions
rather than casting some one who is best for the role. Offended that Tilda is
in the role can share in the disdain the rest of us feel when Marvel makes poor
casting choices for Heimdall or Sam Wilson taking on the mantle of Captain
America which was a move done to market product much like this casting of Swinton.
But enough of that lets get onto the comics. More this week can be called into
question than praised. While its showing improvement the book remains not a
tightly written as it could be Moon Girl and Devil Dinosaur stomps on with a
plot in it's 6th issue that feels like it could have been a more action packed
story told in half the time. I am a little unsure about the 6th issue of
Daredevil that brings in Elektra. Her motives seem skewed. She is also missing
her booty and too think like the Netflix show. I'm glad Angela Queen of Hel
came to an end, just when I was beginning to like that character some writer
had to go muck things up by forcing in their lesbian agenda. Speaking of
lesbians all the women heroes in Hell Cat continue to be drawn to look like lesbians.
The series 5th issue finds itself floundering with Patsy doing very little and
She-Hulk doing most of the work. It is not as big of a mess as the 6th issue of
the Ultimates that finds Galactus punching cosmic beings and meeting with the
Molecule Man, but the team the book is named after is no where to be found. The
art is excellent and deserves a much better story to support.
There is a little hope in Amazing Spider
man as arduous battle with Zodiac comes to an end in 11th issue. 11 issues guys
really that could have been done in four at the most. Even this issue was
clunky in its narrative. It looks like Dr. Octopus might be making a comeback
as well. Starlord's 6th issue is just plain silly. IT depicts both he and Kitty
as being about as mature as teenagers. The 6th issue of the Squadron
Supreme shows the book turning the team’s sights on the In-humans. It is not
the most compelling beginning looking at how problems between Dr. Spectrum and
Black Bolt began. It really depends on what In-humans are going to be in the
throw down, I think Black Bolt, Medusa, Triton, Karnak and Crystal don't have
as good of a chance without Gorgon and perhaps Lash. Ms. Marvel gets better in
it's 6th issue, but is poorly pace and leaves the major plot points hanging when
the wedding could have been a page and everything tied up in a bow. They do
begin to show the tension with Danvers and Stark. Old Man Logan seems
like the beginning of a Clint Eastwood movie I have already seen so the 5th
issue is exposition with little action.
The wrap up of the Stand off on Pleasant
Hill wraps things up by prepping you for the title to arise during civil and
the birth of a new Quasar, whom it seems weird that she has an Earth based
origin since she should be like Captain Marvel a less grounded character. Dr.
Strange continues to kick ass and take names even if the good Dr. who is our
protagonist is on the run and the first half of the book was back-story on the
new Villain. Spidey's 5th issue re-tells stories we already know, it's a shame
they have to go back to this era and can't just make Amazing Spider-man this
old man logan,
tilda swinton
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