ok i have few blogs but i need one dedicated to all things comic book- it will be once a week or as new or other developments in the comic book world come about. this was inspired by a voice in the desert of the internet i feel needs to be there -i have enough space to rant about music my lj account is more personal and none of my friends want me to go on a diatribe about the end of fall of the hulks so here you go
Hulk Smash

Sunday, May 15, 2016
This Week in Marvel 5/11/16
Agent Carter gets cancelled , which is fine by me the show was a snooze fest. Jessica Jones showed how a female lead can work, Carter showed how it can fail, it's really a role of the dice as to how Black Widow and Captain Marvel would pan out. I think the rule of thumb should be if you can't hold a solo title of your own, then a movie more than likely won't work either. This casts a grim light on Black Panther which I won't be seeing in the theaters. But now onto what matters the comics.The second issue of black Panther, supports my theory that Black panther will hard pressed to hold a movie together on his own as the second issue already lost considerable steam.
Deadpool's 11th issue is rough story wise. Magneto showing up was the best part otherwise this arc with Sabertooth was drawn out an issue too long. I'm still unsure about the new Wasp. The 9th issue of the All New Avengers, focus equally on Vision as it does the new Wasp, but it is Jarvis who makes it feel like an Avengers book.Time travel once again becomes a crutch for questionable writing in the All New X-men's 9th issue that finds Kid Apocalypse and Beast blown back in time to do what a better writer col have done with the character in this reality. The 7th issue of the Ultimates might have decent art, but it is a waste of time to just establish Thanos return and that the team disagrees leading into Civil War 2. The 6th issue of guardians OF infinity comes across like an 80's Space opera, a few shades better than Space Balls. Even more silly is the 7th issue of Web Warriors , which is the jumped shark when Ducktor Doom 2099 comes into play. While it' well drawn the 7th issue of Venom Space Knight has some holes in it's story. The 7th issue of Illuminati is a little bit of a mess as the team falls apart.
The second issue of Gwenpool is an improvement. Jane Foster Thor and MODOK helped the book out. But they are trying to make her their Harley Quinn.Uncanny Inhuman has a really well-written 8th issue that has a lot of heart and makes the Medusa & Johnny Storm thing make sense. Which is a much better use of flash back than what happens in Vision's 7th issue, when we are taken back into a history we already know.The 5th issue of Agents of Shield works pretty well in bringing Grant Ward in and makes good use of the Marvel Universe as it's back drop in a way that serves the comics much better than the show.Silk's 8th issue is decent enough, the whole Spider-women arc seems to be holding it back from telling the story the book wants to tell and the Black Cat arc needs to get some where.I do like the fact Black Cat is gaining some traction in the Spider-World lately.
Agent Carter,
black panther,
human torch,
Marvel Comics,
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