ok i have few blogs but i need one dedicated to all things comic book- it will be once a week or as new or other developments in the comic book world come about. this was inspired by a voice in the desert of the internet i feel needs to be there -i have enough space to rant about music my lj account is more personal and none of my friends want me to go on a diatribe about the end of fall of the hulks so here you go
Hulk Smash

Friday, May 31, 2019
Swamp Thing Episode 1 Review
First off Swamp Thing is my favorite D/C character. Going into this let us consider a few things . We have had 2 Swamp Thing movies. The first campy as it may have been for the 80s, looking back it is still my second favorite D/C Movie, the first Super Man being number one. Let's say you are going to watch a show on a D/C Comics streaming site. Not mainstream TV. you then might know the premise. As for DC's streaming site, They have so far produced Teen Titans , which I do not have a great deal of interest in, but will watch in due time and Doom Patrol which 8 episodes in is excellent, maybe the best Super Hero Tv, behind Smallville and Daredevil. So I know they can do it. Production wise the show does well with it's budget and some of the scenes make me feel like I am watching a Stuart Gordon film. But lets me not stray from the crux of the matter here.
If you are DC fan, who at least knows the basics of Swamp Thing. If you are a person with half a brain and not a DC fan, yet somehow stumbled into their streaming site after Googling Washingtion DC then dumb as you are, maybe you know when you click on a show called Swamp Thing...THAT ITS A THING FROM A FUCKING SWAMP ! So can someone tell me why do you need to take 45 minutes to explain how this fucking thing got in this fucking swamp? It takes five minutes, Hi I am Alec Holland, there is no need for you to really get that invested in me as a human because I won't be one for long. I am however going to be a Thing from the Swamp having a human experience. We have seen this origin done in the Hulk twice. One they showed us . The second time they did not. The second time was a better movie. We never need to see Bruce Banner hit by Gamma rays again. We never need to see Bruce Wayne's parents get shot again, Nor do we need to see Peter Parker get bit by a radio active spider. It is even more important that we do not see Alec Holland fall into the burning swamp ...ok we can see but oops hello, I am a scientist, I am studying plants in the swamp, shit goes wrong and now I am a THING. Whoever plotted this shit out has shit for fucking brains. Oh, but
we need to make him human so you care about him.Then why was Brendan Fraiser in Doom Patrol before he turned into Robot Man, after his tragic accident. Because they know what they are doing and their writers are not trying to tell the story of a secondary character. If I wanted to see a female scientist trying to solve a mystery I would watch CSI, if I wanted to see a show about a monster super hero from the swamp, I would watch Swamp Thing.
Abby Arcane is the daughter of the Swamp Things' arch enemy Anton Arcane. While she is Holland's Lois Lane We don't need 45 mins of her . Her story could have been better told in 10. Well it's the pilot...well we only have 8 episodes if that is the pace they are telling this story at we are fucked. Yes I have seen the trailer and know Blue Devil is coming. Yes I like that it is more horror, But why in the hell waste my time with setting up some disease that is not even in the comics? Have your disease , but do not waste my time with 45 mins of it. There was the line about the town being special so I hope this is how they are going to work in the Green. The second episode better be less Abby more Swamp Thing. Sure we need her. She falls in the water and gets menaced by UN-men, who we have not gotten a peak of though I can see where they could be going with it. They better turn this ship around fast as it is a hot mess.
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