ok i have few blogs but i need one dedicated to all things comic book- it will be once a week or as new or other developments in the comic book world come about. this was inspired by a voice in the desert of the internet i feel needs to be there -i have enough space to rant about music my lj account is more personal and none of my friends want me to go on a diatribe about the end of fall of the hulks so here you go
Hulk Smash

Tuesday, December 26, 2017
Film Review : "The Last Jedi"
Watched this a week ago , but hadn't felt inspired to write about it. Most of the die-hards have seen it by now. What's left are the people with a passing interest who might see it over the course of their vacation as it winds down around new years, god knows kids don't go back until the 5th. I am not a Star Wars fanatic. I respect the first three films , enjoy the mythology they created, and I like Rogue One for re-capturing that. So I am not clouded by that and can watch these movies with a neutral view.You have probably read a bunch of fan-boy gushing over it and might be a little confused. It really depends on if you are old enough to have see any of the first three in theaters when they came out. If you are then you are clearly not the audience they have in mind, It is written for Millennials and stick a lot of the issues they Tweet about in your face. Their is even a politically correct character, who almost gets killed, not a spoiler since every one almost gets killed. It's the tone of the movie that is the main problem. This is not a get off my lawn moment. I won't hold it up against the first three movies. I'll just hold it up against "Rogue One".
Rogue One took itself seriously. This movie did not. You will then bring up the first three movies when you rush to defend this one by saying"There was humor in the first three movies". True, but it was delivered by Harrison Ford in such a dead pan straight faced manner than it did not take away from the dynamic dramatic gravitas of those movies.Those movies were in many ways a homage to the classic sci-fi serials, so they had class to them. Rogue One followed this blueprint. The problem could be Disney as it felt like I could have been watching Mulan the way they used the force to force the humor in. It was entertaining until these cringe worthy moments pulled me out of the movie.
There is no menace. With Darth Vader dead there has been a void left in these films. Kylo Ren doesn't fill that void and still is in league with Anakin from the Jar Jar era. He still throws temper tantrums. He can still be rather tedious. I still seem him as a petulant child and lets face it Darth Vader did more bad ass shit in the few minutes he was in "Rogue One' than Kylo Ren has done in two fucking movies, so there is no defense for that. You want a villain to be bad ass you write him that way, Hollywood as more than enough examples of this happening in one movie so don't say shit about character development that is bullshit weak writing end of story. While we are on bad writing , how did we get get to Hoth? Granted by that point in the movie is was getting harder for it to keep my attention, but I should have picked up on that. Another is issue is unless it was Luke and Chewie interacting or Leia and C3p0 then the chemistry between characters was just not there. Is it a terrible movie because of these things, no it's more watchable than the Jar Jar era films, I do think without Lucas having a hand in these films they are off the beam. Glad I saw it on-line and did not pay 15 dollars to see it as it worth watching just not worth Mega-plex pricing.
"The Last Jedi",
darth vader,
Film Review,
Star wars
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