ok i have few blogs but i need one dedicated to all things comic book- it will be once a week or as new or other developments in the comic book world come about. this was inspired by a voice in the desert of the internet i feel needs to be there -i have enough space to rant about music my lj account is more personal and none of my friends want me to go on a diatribe about the end of fall of the hulks so here you go
Hulk Smash

Saturday, October 15, 2016
More from Marvel
This week comics are off to a better start as "Uncanny Avengers " was pretty fun despite it being so Deadpool heavy. Punisher was a mess that did not have enough actual Frank Castle in it, so you see how that can be a problem. The first issue of the Unbelievable Gwenpool is pretty stupid. The art is kind of anime, and the character really lacks anything of substance relegating her to a running joke of mixing Gwen Stacy with Deadpool. Looks like to things that could sell on paper, but put into practise there is nothing holding it together. Speaking of Deadpool, the 20th issue of Deadpool is pretty lack luster and doesn't play to the characters strengths and instead finds him trying to be a voice of reason that comes across as being out of character. Howard the Duck finds this character being dragged down the drain by bad writing in an attempt to remember what worked with this character back in the 70s when he was higher pro-file. Moon Knight's 7th issue is a mixed bag. I like the fact the art work looks like it is from Heavy Metal magazine, but the story is so crazy and scattered is barely makes sense. Old Man Logan finds this story line really beginning to drag in the 12th issue. While it's not bad I don't see this Solo series going very far, he is like a Punisher who can tele-port. Thunder-Bolts finds this series treading water. The art was great and the plight of finding food wasn't epic in scope it gave the room to breathe, but they need to get this series moving in a better direction.
Mosaic's first issue is as bad as you probably feared. You do not give a shit about the main character, and the story line is jagged at best. Don't see this book flying or fathom a reason any one would give a shit abut it. The 12th issue of Dare Devil gives us a short but cool fight between Daredevil and Karnak. This serial killer takes a back seat and kind of flushes the argument down the toilet that events don't have to cross over unless they make sense and this seems a little like the In-Humans were being forced into the series. But aside from that little flaw it's a pretty good issue. The first issue of the Great Lakes Avengers is pretty good. I like the art. I am not sure these characters can hold the book and it might need Squirrel Girl. Power-man and Iron Fist is so far one of the better cross-overs into Civil War 2. I wanted to see Luke Cage and Carol go at it more.
Great Lakes Avengers,
Gwen Pool,
Iron fist,
luke cage,
Marvel Comics,
Wednesday, October 12, 2016
This Fall in Marvel or the Fall of Marvel?
So I am a little behind in writing this and after starting this blog 6 years ago as my own passion project I have realized how shitty comics have become in the past 6 years and have to dig deeper to find inspiration to write about them . This is a problem if some one loves comics enough to write about them on a consistent basis then who is to blame when they no longer can find the same joy the once had reading them. Not burned out on Marvel's characters as I played the Future Fight game on a daily basis,I am committed the characters ...I have Thor tattooed on one arm and eventually want to get the Hulk and Dr. Strange. It's the fact Marvel has gotten rid of so many of the core characters to replace them with social justice versions, which might be the plight of what will happen when Disney buys them finally settled into place. No this doesn't mean I am giving up on this blog, I don't give up my inspiration shifted to having to be a voice that says "Marvel you have lost your way, You are fucking up"
Sure Amazing Spider-man right now is bringing some good moments, but will it fix the Clone debacle or dig a deeper grave with "Dead No More"? Dr. Strange is also pretty solid and finds Stephen so far as the same character not a female or colored version of the character though the end of Magic thing is getting a little plodding. Sam Wilson Captain America finds Sam having to stoop low enough to take the fight to US Agent in a way that allow him to beat him.This happens to still make the book better than the 5th issue of the Steve Rogers Captain America book. The 9th issue of Captain Marvel finds the Alpha Flight turn on her. The Dr. Strange annual could have been much better than it was and finds Clea's return being very anti-climatic. Web Warriors needs to be put out of it's misery, but it seems to keep going for no known reason. I didn't bother with Squirrel Girl or X-men 92. Cage's first issue is weird almost like a Crumb book and almost bordering on being racist in it's stereotypes, it feels like Mad Magazine parodying a Luke Cage comic.
Spider-Woman 's 11th issue finds Jessica Drew confronting Carol Danvers and power set is just not enough to do any damage more than hurt here feelings. Hopefull we will see Danvers get her ass kicked good by someone over the course of this though I have a feeling it won't be Tony Stark. Totally Awesome Hulk finds Black Panther going after Cho. He is using a Wakanda Hulk Buster armor of sorts and tries pulling out every trick in the book, but while it's left hanging thanks to stupid sub-plots with Cho's sister, if Cho can't outsmart T'Challa then this book has proven itself unworthy. Speaking of odd fights the 5th issue of Thunderbolts finds Winter Soldier gunning for Miles Morales. I am not sure how Miles who is a kid can hold his own so well against some one with Bucky's experience. If this was Peter Parker I would get it.The 3rd issue of the Kingpin Civil War issue finds this book heading in a direction that is a better depiction of Punisher than the Punisher's own book making this one of the week's best books. The first issue of the Champions is alright, the chemistry of the team needs some work. The art is un-even, better in some places than others often too cartoonish.
Amazing Spider-man,
dead no more,
dr strange,
luke cage,
Marvel Comics
Friday, October 7, 2016
Net Flix's Luke Cage : Review
Ok, I waited long enough to post this, though it took me longer to get through this series than any other of the Netflix Marvel shows so that right there should tell you something. Since I waited it's open seasons on spoilers, so here we go. My wife who has watched every other Marvel show on Netflix could not get any further than the first episode and then lost all interest. This puts it about on pr with Agents of Shield who might have surpassed this show with their Ghost Rider alone. I saw the first wave of hip-hop inspired gangsta movies in the 90s like New Jack City, so this show seemed to be very derivative of that . it was blaxplotation in the most vanilla sense of the genre. At least with Coffy we got clothes tearing cat fights.The world it occurred in was never a graceful transition into the MCU. This world had not progressed past the first Avengers movie. `found myself fast forwarding through large portions of the dialogue in hopes something interesting would happen.
The big bad was hardly there and much less compelling than any of the gangsters from Board Walk empire where that goon cut his teeth. Mariah edged her way toward being a Kingpin by killing her cousin, but mainly felt like Oprah Winfrey if she went off her meds. Colter was really the shows only strength, along with perhaps Dawson. Shades was a waste. The tension was never really brought to the level of Dare Devil or Jessica Jones. Sure Daredevil did not have super powered villains, but Dare Devil might have enhanced senses, but is not invulnerable. Truth be told Cage doesn't have much in terms of his own rogues gallery, a problem that Black Panther will face because are Man- Ape and Klaw enough? Who is Carol Danvers going to fight when she gets her day ? Moon-stone? The same could be asked of Iron- Fist and many other of the b-list heroes about to be brought out. Sure we got a suped up version Diamond Back in a suit that was supposed to be Hammer-Tech, but looked like he was playing laser tag. I had a hard time believing that suit could provide that kind of protection or generate that kind of power, something more like Robo-cop or Iron-man would have made more sense.
While there were portions of the show that were entertaining you could have compressed that down into four episodes at most. Method -Man's cameo was cheesy as fack. Misty Knight did not get her cyborg arm and they left the door open for that. No cross-over aside from the Night Nurse. Net Flix was bound to get a stinker so it was only a matter of time, here's to hoping Iron Fist will be better.
Iron fist,
luke cage,
Misty knight,
Net Flix,
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