ok i have few blogs but i need one dedicated to all things comic book- it will be once a week or as new or other developments in the comic book world come about. this was inspired by a voice in the desert of the internet i feel needs to be there -i have enough space to rant about music my lj account is more personal and none of my friends want me to go on a diatribe about the end of fall of the hulks so here you go
Hulk Smash

Thursday, March 17, 2016
This Week In Marvel : 2/16/16
The second season of Daredevil kicks off this week. Don't worry I'll post something about it before the weekend is up. But onto the book. Nothing was awesome some thing were just better than others .The first issue of International Iron Man turns out to be a waste of space as it is all a flash back of more ret-conning to come. Another waste of time was the 3rd issue of Captain Marvel which finds the book taking a dramatic plunge and this comes even with her having the Alpha Flight in tow. How bot an issue of the Astonishing Ant-man without Ant-man in it, well that is what happens in the 6th issue where they turn Cassie into the bad-guy Stinger. Scarlet Witch really has the brakes slammed on it in a mess of a 4th issue and Star Brand & Night Mask's 4th issue treads similar ground, but with better art and characters I care much less about. Web Warriors manages in its 5th issue to be both a snooze fest and a cluster fuck. not really sure what the point of this book is.
All-New In-humans is fractionally better in it's fifth issue , there is the hope Collective Man gets killed, Spider-man makes an appearance for no reason at all. Crystal can't decide when to be a militant Inhuman and brings toilet paper to a knife fight. Silk was not as good as this book has been and the whole goblin nation thing felt anti-climatic, looks like Jessica Drew is going to hunt her down. The book deserves some better art. The 2nd issue of Infinity Entity has better art, but is rather obtuse, almost dream like, making for a cerebral Adam Warlock, which might have always been an element of the character, but want something with more substance. The 5th issue of Squadron Supreme is still a mixed bag even though it' an improvement. All the new character muck things up, I would prefer the original team, not even Thundra replacing their Power Princess eases that for me. Star Lord's 5th issue had some alright moments, the art is great and feels wasted. With this story arc over they should give the book a rest and focus on Quill in Guardians.
Extraordinary X-men holds the line in the 8th issue, story wise it works like an X-book should, even though I am so tired of travel the new Horse-men of the Apocalypse should keep things interesting. Spider- Woman's 5th issue was good. It went off the course into this stylistic deviation from the super-hero formula, but still gave you enough of that to keep a classic Marvel militant like myself engaged. It did raises a few questions, the who is the baby daddy? and the the big one for me is why is her old costume not OK because it sexualizes her when she is crawling around, but it's OK to have a close up of her in green hipster short shorts? I won't hold my breath waiting for that answer. I'm sure it's wanting a more camera friendly costume. Power-man and Iron-Fist's second issue, keeps thing moving in the right direction despite the lack luster art.All New X-men's 6th issue kicked a lot of butt and now finds Toad of all people being a threat, at least to little Summers.
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