ok i have few blogs but i need one dedicated to all things comic book- it will be once a week or as new or other developments in the comic book world come about. this was inspired by a voice in the desert of the internet i feel needs to be there -i have enough space to rant about music my lj account is more personal and none of my friends want me to go on a diatribe about the end of fall of the hulks so here you go
Hulk Smash

Friday, April 10, 2015
The Week in Marvel 4/8
The All new Hawkeye issue 2 is much improved from some of the earlier Hawkeye comics the art was mixed with an oil painting like look on the flash back sequences with the Swordsman. Angels was also very much improved on every level. Like to see Thor wipe the floor with her, the Guardians appearance seemed forced aside from the fact it was in space. Speaking of Avengers in space Avengers World has been taking that and running with it but this week it was just Sunspot ironing out some difficulties with the Scientist Supreme since he acquired A.I.M and runs with it. This and the bulk of this weeks books are tying into Secret Wars some with a heavier hand than others. It was done in a very interesting manner in Winter Soldier. It felt like I was reading Heavy Metal more than a super-hero comic and done in much better taste than Deadpool, which if the movie is as dumb as the comic has been lately I think I'll pass.
Ant-man is on the better side of decent take it self seriously , but more so than Spider-woman six, which makes me realize how bad Jessica Drew's costume is since it does n't conceal her identity at all. S.H.I.E.L.D kept the tone of the show and Sue Storm was an alright guest. In other female themed books Captain Marvel 14 was better than most of Kelly Sue Decormick's hit or miss run with the character that might be a favorite with some fans misses more than she hits. Speaking of hit Carol finally got out of the space ships and acted like a super-hero. This issue got me thinking about how feminists want their women not sexualized and just like other super-heroes, and these two books are two of their favorites, but the incarnations of both Jessica Drew and Carol Danvers seem like they are written with barely any powers at all. Spider-woman seems like Hawkeye and Danvers Starlord, when they bot are supposed to have super-strength I don't see getting used I guess they wait for Hulk and Thor to do all the heavy lifting.
Even though Hulk14 is a well drawn thrown down between Rulk and Hulk, Hulk turning into Banner mid-air is just silly, I don't think Banner would force the change if it was going to put his life in jeopardy. Speaking of vs ...Avengers vs must be written for little kids , it felt like an episode of Scooby Doo. Guardians 3000...Vance Astro's team was pretty good this week they did meet up with Groot's Guardians which for some reason still have Capt. Marvel and Venom in tow, they fought a bunch of robots as the story is going to be a very direct tie in to the Korvac saga of Secret Wars. I did not hold back and made it a point to read every book so Ultimate Spider-man 12 was cracked open and boy was it underwhelming as always I'm not sure what the Miles Morales hype is about, but he character doesn't feel fleshed out at all, maybe thats the point since he is a kid and kids don't know much, but Power Pack has more personality.
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