ok i have few blogs but i need one dedicated to all things comic book- it will be once a week or as new or other developments in the comic book world come about. this was inspired by a voice in the desert of the internet i feel needs to be there -i have enough space to rant about music my lj account is more personal and none of my friends want me to go on a diatribe about the end of fall of the hulks so here you go
Hulk Smash

Thursday, April 16, 2015
The Week In Marvel
Marvel is showing another week of improvements starting off with Superior Iron Man 7- I haven't hated the inverted Stark, now Pepper is doing something about it. The sentient armor seems like what we saw in Hulk recently. Makes a little more sense. The art was on the better side of decent. The best drawn book with an "Avenger" in it was Thor # 7. Its no surprise that the Shield agent is Thor-girl. It was good seeing Thor-girl getting the crap beat out of her by the Destroyer. It was even better knowing that Odin was behind it and not happy about her having the hammer. Though this also leads itself into the biggest flaw in the story which is if Odin doesn't like it, he could just take her powers away. He even made Thor mortal once, so that would be like taking out the trash to de-power her if He wanted the hammer back. After all She did not earn it like Beta Ray Bill.
Ms. Marvel 14 seems like a rip off of the Agents of Shield story line. I am sure it was a meeting where every one was like"Ok, guys we have to start selling them on the fact mutant is a bad word since we don't own the screen rights to it and we are ret-conning Scarlet Witch and Quick Sliver so we need more Inhumans. In other little kid news ...Nova 29...Not a big fan a the little kid Nova, but the story was good enough to keep me reading, and the art is fun. In other cosmic messes caused by teen agers that weren't so fun Loki 13 was all-over the place. In keeping with the cosmic mess theme with children involved, Spider-man and the X-men 5 just had Venom's every where and little driving the ship.
Deathlok was the worst of the week 7 issues in and still nothing is happening? If you are stupid enough to waste your money on that book, then I can not feel sorry for you. Another book that was almost as bad but not quite is Captain America and the Mighty Avengers 7. I like Monica as a character would rather see her on a real Avenger's team. So any one who doesn't think I like diversity, put that in your pipe and smoke it. Avengers Vs 2 must be written for kids it was pretty silly and very cartoon like story line.
Kitty Pryde seems to be every where you look now Uncanny X-men 33, was full of her and Magick on Monster Island. The writer doesn't know Magik very well as all of a sudden she has super-strength to keep a thousand pounds of monster from pressing down on her.Kitty also shows up in Star Lord 11, her and Quill are a thing and that is as weird as Xander and Dawn. Quill is supposed to be a player, there are hotter X-Women he could have hooked up with. The art is not bad , but the Black Vortex "event" is another hyped event with no pay off. In other mutants Magneto 17, this book is hit or miss with me. I liked Nazi monster guy, hope they didn't kill him off already.Wolverines 14...This book keeps getting better the Blade cameo is a little forced, but the art was good. I am tired of Daken only having one arm and where did his tattoos go?
Another week closer to the flop waiting in the wings that will be known as Secret Wars.
Friday, April 10, 2015
The Week in Marvel 4/8
The All new Hawkeye issue 2 is much improved from some of the earlier Hawkeye comics the art was mixed with an oil painting like look on the flash back sequences with the Swordsman. Angels was also very much improved on every level. Like to see Thor wipe the floor with her, the Guardians appearance seemed forced aside from the fact it was in space. Speaking of Avengers in space Avengers World has been taking that and running with it but this week it was just Sunspot ironing out some difficulties with the Scientist Supreme since he acquired A.I.M and runs with it. This and the bulk of this weeks books are tying into Secret Wars some with a heavier hand than others. It was done in a very interesting manner in Winter Soldier. It felt like I was reading Heavy Metal more than a super-hero comic and done in much better taste than Deadpool, which if the movie is as dumb as the comic has been lately I think I'll pass.
Ant-man is on the better side of decent take it self seriously , but more so than Spider-woman six, which makes me realize how bad Jessica Drew's costume is since it does n't conceal her identity at all. S.H.I.E.L.D kept the tone of the show and Sue Storm was an alright guest. In other female themed books Captain Marvel 14 was better than most of Kelly Sue Decormick's hit or miss run with the character that might be a favorite with some fans misses more than she hits. Speaking of hit Carol finally got out of the space ships and acted like a super-hero. This issue got me thinking about how feminists want their women not sexualized and just like other super-heroes, and these two books are two of their favorites, but the incarnations of both Jessica Drew and Carol Danvers seem like they are written with barely any powers at all. Spider-woman seems like Hawkeye and Danvers Starlord, when they bot are supposed to have super-strength I don't see getting used I guess they wait for Hulk and Thor to do all the heavy lifting.
Even though Hulk14 is a well drawn thrown down between Rulk and Hulk, Hulk turning into Banner mid-air is just silly, I don't think Banner would force the change if it was going to put his life in jeopardy. Speaking of vs ...Avengers vs must be written for little kids , it felt like an episode of Scooby Doo. Guardians 3000...Vance Astro's team was pretty good this week they did meet up with Groot's Guardians which for some reason still have Capt. Marvel and Venom in tow, they fought a bunch of robots as the story is going to be a very direct tie in to the Korvac saga of Secret Wars. I did not hold back and made it a point to read every book so Ultimate Spider-man 12 was cracked open and boy was it underwhelming as always I'm not sure what the Miles Morales hype is about, but he character doesn't feel fleshed out at all, maybe thats the point since he is a kid and kids don't know much, but Power Pack has more personality.
Thursday, April 2, 2015
More Marvel April 1st 2015
Things got a little better with Marvel this week so we will get the bulk of the bad news out of the way first first which is I am not sure why i decided to read Operation S.i.N issue 4 as it was bad all the way around. Agent Carter bored me to tears I couldn't get through an entire episode which should make people scared for Captain Marvel if that is the best they can do with a female hero in a solo outing. I think Skye from Agents of Shield is way more interesting than Carter. Not sure why I bothered with Cyclops 12 the whole black vortex thing is what happens when comic book writers try to write the X-men into star wars , the idea sounds good sitting around the bong but put into motion no so much. The art is decent , but way too happy. Darker inking might have helped put lead into that pencil.Speaking of lead the Punisher has plenty of it, while the art is not my favorite it is drawn using some creative camera angles. The Punisher vs Sam Wilson fight was entertaining , but not as accurate as that might go down considering Wilson is not as experienced as Castle, I won't spoil the outcome, but it is resolved in the milk toast way most battles of this sort turn out... and no Doctor Octopus doesn't show up causing them to team up. The Punisher also popped up in Spider-Gwen 3 the first issue that was worth the paper it was printed on. I like the look of her costume, but can't stand how the book is drawn, the use of the gas in this issue seemed like it was creating a smoke screen for the bad art, story wise vast improvement, I'll keep reading and give it another chance...see I'm not so harsh after all. I love comics and want to like them, the quality has just slipped in recent years.
The Guardians of the Galaxy team up was cute, I love She-hulk, but she has become was too focused on her career and not busting out of her clothes enough. This issue was inconsistent in her size. She teamed up with Gamora of course. Vs Drax would have been more interesting.She-Hulk like punisher made multiple appearances this week as she was in Wolverines 13, the re-creation of Hulk 181 was pretty funny even if the fight with Deadpool as short lived...of course he didn't win. Avengers the Rage of Ultron assembled a jumbled mix or varied version of Avengers, but when a character slices off the Hulk's head with Captain America's shield then it was clear the writer had never cracked open and issue of Hulk or really researched the character since that would never happen. Of course there was no blood so it could be android, but despite decent art it was a flop went put against Uncanny Avengers or Avengers 43. Uncanny keeps it's High Evolutionary story line going and Avengers is just setting up Secret Wars, which I will give a run down of what looks to be the winners and losers of that debacle next week.
Book I avoided this week was Rocket Raccoon, since it's largely drawn like Calvin and Hobbs.
age of ultron,
Agent Carter,
black vortex,
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