ok i have few blogs but i need one dedicated to all things comic book- it will be once a week or as new or other developments in the comic book world come about. this was inspired by a voice in the desert of the internet i feel needs to be there -i have enough space to rant about music my lj account is more personal and none of my friends want me to go on a diatribe about the end of fall of the hulks so here you go
Hulk Smash

Friday, May 23, 2014
State of the Union Marvel
Haven't been keeping you guys up to date on weekly books ,and to be honest none have really been blowing my socks off even though Marvel continues to unload new titles in it's Now! campaign so here is a state of the Union on where Marvel is at now. We will start with my favorites and go from there.
Thor ....is picking up in his solo title. He is back in Oklahoma and having a show down with Roxxon, the company that normally trouble Stark so it's a switch up, though the trolls have been brought in. I think the book suffers from, leaning on the future story line that is thrown in. In the Avengers books it seems like his role is crowded by having Hyperion around. He does seem to have a major role in this Original Sin series.
Hulk.. Banner was shot left brain dead. A shadow organization, that might be Hydra, creates a Abomination from gamma goo. Abomination is a zombie controlled by someone pull ing his strings , put he emit radiation that weakened the Hulk enabling him to dish out beat down. The Avengers.. Cap, Iron - man Ms. Marvel and Sunspot show up and Abomination doesn't try to fight them but still gives them a beat down. Hulk turns into Banner though Banner is not as brain dead but his brain is still scrambled and he is talking gibberish. So things are off to a better beginning than they have for some time with this book, though the Shield element is heavy, but with the success of agents of shield most of the books are starting to take on that tone. Agents of Shield are getting there own comic book which at this point would make Secret Avengers a mute point, though hopefully it looks like they are killing off the Samuel Jackson looking Fury.
Marvel is sorting through a lot of convoluted multi-universes in Avengers, there is a big mess with the Illuminati story line becoming the most interesting. Dr Strange is a major player in Original Sin though teamed up with Punisher for a buddy cop storyline. Lost interest in the solo books of Captain America and Iron-man. Ms- Marvel was paling around with Guardians of the Galaxy who of course are getting their big moment in the spotlight with the movie in August. Nova isn't bad, the guardians book is alright. Fantastic Four is back at a starting over point and hard to tell at this point.
Spider-man is Peter Parker, Slott is doing a good job of cleaning up the mess and there are not a ton of Spider-man books that are too hard to keep up with. X-men are a mess. All New is now getting hard to read. The under cover Avengers Accademy kids , I have also lost rack of with only Hellstorm making me keep an eye open, not sure where Skaar is but with the new Hulk writing cropping up in two more issues, he is supposed to be surfacing along with every other Hulk. Hulk is also going into a vs Iron-man thing as part of Original Sin.
From the solicits I have seen, it looks hopeful though, they need to steer clear of making a d/c mess with all the multiverses and don't go the other direction of making every thing Agents of Shield.
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