ok i have few blogs but i need one dedicated to all things comic book- it will be once a week or as new or other developments in the comic book world come about. this was inspired by a voice in the desert of the internet i feel needs to be there -i have enough space to rant about music my lj account is more personal and none of my friends want me to go on a diatribe about the end of fall of the hulks so here you go
Hulk Smash

Thursday, December 19, 2013
The Week In Comics
I like X-23 on the All New X-men. In fact I like her more than Wolverine these days.
I am not sure why this Amazing Spider-man point whatever is a thing. Where does this fall in cannon?
Avengers Assemble was fun up to a point, then the art work for the depiction of the Hulk was so bad it soured the book for me.
Daredevil 34 , was great , I liked the Dr Strange cameo...of course, Murdock, hasn't been a character I really care about but they continue to make this feel more and more like a super hero book.
Deadpool 21... There's a hit on Wade, the art was a little weak, but the story was fun, I might keep reading, the Deadpool fatigue has worn off.
FF 15 Continues the goofiness the book seems to use as it's calling card. Doom isn't even taken seriously , and the Baxter Building's day care center fighting the battle a s a video game , works in theory. I still hate the art this one was no exception.
Fantastic Four 15- There was still a mess of time traveling dimensional shifting jumble going on, with too many character from too many dimension, the book felt crowded ,but things came together. I liked the Doom/Kang/Annihilus combination. The art redeemed the books weak spots.
Indestructible Hulk 17 was a well written thrill ride. Banner at odds with Toney Stark never gets old. It looks like in the next issues it will be less of what McCoy called a hot potato game and more of a throw down. Curious as to what beasts current strength level is these days. Though Pym, Stark and Beast vs the Hulk, will still be a major beatdown as the Hulk has taken on much more capable teams of Avengers.
Scarlet Spider-man 25 - They are really trying to make more distinction between Kaine and Parker, aside from clones and things. The spider -monster freak out Kaine does is interesting , and I suppose turning into a big monster is not just a Banner thing.
Secret Avengers...is well, better written than in the past, Not sure what purpose Banner has on the team, think they should use another Hulk, why not A-Bomb or Skaar? Betty Ross? Taskmaster takes a bullet to the head , how will they write themselves out of that corner.
Superior Spider-man 24- This book was getting good and now its getting better despite the very spider-man three dark turn. I look forward to the throw down with the Avenger in issue 25...Thor's on the team so it should be a quick fight even with Ock in the Venom suit. Superior Spider Man team up 8 which features Namor's war with the Black Panther spilling over into it's pages was an enjoyable read.
Thor - God of Thunder- 16 The book was a much better read now they have gotten out of that cursed god-killer arc, it read more like a dungeons and dragons game.I think the book has wandered around of world for too long and think writers avoid being able to write a good Thor story on Earth, hel the last one was the Doom story leading into Siege. Thor drunk talking to his hammer was good stuff so it shows the most potential of getting better than it has in some time.
Thunderbolts Annual - I don't like getting ripped off when it comes to comics billed as a good old versus. In this case Dr.Strange vs the Thunderbolt, but it turned out to be a Cthulhu lite who took Dr. Strange's form. The first half ot the book is the team collecting majick weapons to fight strange with and it's more fun than the actual fight which is not much of a fight when it goes down.
Uncanny Avengers 15 continues to prove why this book is always duking it out with All New X-men and Superior Spider-man to best the cream of Marvel's crop. This book beats those tow. Sentry fights both Wasp and Thor. The verdict against Thor is still out as his power set has shifted here, but it looks like he can hand Thor a beating here. The Cap does his best against the Apocalypse kids.
Uncanny X-force - was just o.k good to see Puck around. X-men is not much better. I could have told you the all Female team would be boring as shit. Enchantress showing up is at least something to look forward to. The only reason I read Young Avengers, which I am writing about after these X-books is it feels like New Mutants to me, is for Skaar, and its a shame to see him wasted in a book about teen drama. .
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