ok i have few blogs but i need one dedicated to all things comic book- it will be once a week or as new or other developments in the comic book world come about. this was inspired by a voice in the desert of the internet i feel needs to be there -i have enough space to rant about music my lj account is more personal and none of my friends want me to go on a diatribe about the end of fall of the hulks so here you go
Hulk Smash

Thursday, November 28, 2013
Was Infinity Worth it ?
While the final issue was a lot of fun. Hulk did some smashing and Thor got have at them, was it worth all the tie-ins and the six issues it took to get there? If the big take away from this, that was the ramifications this was hyped to have in the Marvel Universe, is now In-humans are going to pop up on earth.I think that was a pretty overblown lead in. If you look at the golden age of comic or even the best decade for comics the 8o's we would have gotten a lot more in a lot less time.
It all came down to a show down with the Avengers vs Thanos. One of the classic comic book writers could have pulled this together in three issues at most, two would have been pretty concise. So every thing else was long winded marketing.
This was no Secret Wars, which as simplistic as the off world Contest of Champions was, still was better written than this year's supposedly big event. With secret wars we got the symbiotic suit, Hulk going mindless, Thing staying on another planet and She-Hulk going the Fantastic Four, a new Spider-Woman, Titania and Wasp beating the X-men all by herself.
One thing it did accomplish taking Marvels end game in mind is it set the stage for the inter galactic universe and put it the spotlight, so they can continue to set up Guardians of the Galaxy. Rocket Raccoon and friends did appear but did not have as major of a role as you would think they would.But of all the big events this one has to be the most disappointing and was not as much fun as Avengers vs X-men, Siege or WWH.
secret wars,
the Avengers,
the Hulk,
Wednesday, November 27, 2013
Scarlet Witch Found Dead
Scarlet Witch was found dead in the pages of Uncanny Avengers issue 14.While tragic and raising many questions this also might be one of my favorite books of the year. Also among the casualties were Rogue and possibly Daken, though no word yet on if the healing factors of either will counter act this dramatic turn of the murderous writer Rick Remender. The where abouts of Wonder-Man are also unknown as it appeared his ionic form dissipated , when Wanda finished a spell to raise mutants before she died.
The issue which was penciled by one of Marvels best artists Steve Mcniven, was full of action and blood shed, with a really cool plot development of Kang going into future time-lines to build a team of future Villains to take on the Avengers , the team looks to include Iron-Man of 2020, Venom-girl, and future Doom.
The deaths that dominated the violence, even after Wolverine said no one dies, occurred in the books second act, Wanda and Simon, engaged in a ritual to raise mutants , but Rogue thought it was another no more mutants thing, so she kills Wanda, using claws she borrowed from Logan. Rogue was then killed by Grim Reaper shortly after wolverine went berserk and killed his son.
So much like the Peter Parker less Spider-man , does anyone think that Scarlet Witch is going to stay dead when she is being introduced in the Avengers 2 ? Of course if Rogue had absorbed Logan's claws then she had his healing ability. Daken was a Horseman of Apocalypse so he had his healing amped up if not immortalized. So what does this death filled issue really mean? It was entertaining, and I don't like knowing I am going to say good by to Wanda even if it just for a year as she is one of my favorite Marvel characters, but hasn't she already died before, is Marvel giving all heroes a Buffy " I've Died Twice" cards?
In other news Paul Rudd is days away from signing the paper work on becoming Ant-man, leaving Gordon Joesph Levitt in the Dr. Strange slot and Rashida Jones remains the contender for the part of Wasp.
Scarlet Witch Dead,
uncanny avengers,
Tuesday, November 26, 2013
The New Wave of Marvel Now
With a new wave of Marvel Now titles coming out lets take a look at what the future holds. Aside from a new Daredevil and Miracle Man look for the titles below.
All-New Ghost Rider | March 2014 | Writer Felipe Smith Artist Tradd Moore | There is a new Ghost Rider- who is not Blaze , and he might even be hispanic, since his name is Robbie Reyes. Expect this to be in the same vein as what they have done with Nova, since he is a high school kid becoming a super-hero, in Marvels attempt to bring in a younger audience. |
All-New Invaders | January 2014 | Writer James Robinson Artist Steve Pugh | the original Invaders (Captain America, the Winter Soldier, Namor, and the original Human Torch) battle against the Kree in modern times, how many titles does Cap need? |
All-New X-Factor | January 2014 | Writer Peter David Artist Carmine Di Giandomenico | A SH.I.E.L.D approved mutant team, with Polaris, Quicksilver and Gambit. If Peter David is still behind the wheel then , if you like X-books this will be worth reading. |
Avengers Undercover | March 2014 | Writer Dennis Hopeless Artist Kev Walker | The Avengers arena kids try to pull a Thunderbolts on the Masters of Evil. This really depends on who comes over. X-23 hopefully makes the cut. |
Avengers World | January 2014 | Writer Nick Spencer Jonathan Hickman Artist Stefano Caselli | It's being called the global Avengers but which is what is being established in Infinity, how many Avengers books do we need and are the Avengers not already protecting the world in Earth's Mightiest Heroes? |
Black Widow | January 2014 | Writer Nathan Edmondson Artist Phil Noto | So it's take Hawkeye and add more James Bond elements, I don't see this book lasting very long. |
Captain Marvel | March 2014 | Writer Kelly Sue DeConnick Artist David Lopez | This is going to take her off Earth and meet up with the Guardians of the Galaxy, the mistakes being made here could be taking away the more human elements of the character. |
Elektra | March 2014 | Writer Zeb Wells Artist Mike Del Mundo | Elektra becomes a hunter of assassins has a list of targets to hunt that are even deadlier than her. Hopefully this means she is taken off Thunderbolts. |
Fantastic Four | February 2014 | Writer James Robinson Artist Leonard Kirk | Johnny Storm is going to take center stage and see the team dealing with a more dramatic scope of problems. |
Inhuman | January 2014 | Writer Matt Fraction Artist Joe Maduiera | The Inhuman's are forced out of the closet as they begin springing up on earth in the wake of Infinity. I thought the point of Inhumans is its like Game of Thrones on the moon, so whats the point of this. |
Iron Patriot | March 2014 | Writer Ales Kot Artist Garry Brown | In taking from the movieverse James Rhodes is the Iron Patriot, not Norman Osborne, which makes for a much less interesting character, because wasn't he a cyborg now at this point. |
Loki: Agent of Asgard | February 2014 | Writer Al Ewing Artist Lee Garbett | Loki, grows up into a version shockingly or not much more like the popular screen depiction of the character. How much of a villain will be he ? |
Ms. Marvel | February 2014 | Writer G. Willow Wilson Artist Adrian Alphona | We know about the shape shifting Kamala Khan, a 16-year-old American Muslim girl. Expect this to fizzle out after the novelty and hyper wears off. |
New Warriors | February 2014 | Writer Christopher Yost Artist Marcus To | The new team has the old favorites Speedball, Justice, and Nova plus a host new characters a human, an Inhuman, a Demigod an Atlantean And a Clone by the name of Scarlet Spider. Seems likea they are trying to hard to push the Inhumans thing. |
The Punisher | February 2014 | Writer Nathan Edmonson Artist Mitch Gerads | Frank Castle, moves to Hollywood, so expect it to be more like Ray Donovon. |
Secret Avengers | March 2014 | Writer Ales Kot Artist Michael Walsh | Spider-Woman is now on the team, this book really need to regain some focus. |
She-Hulk | February 2014 | Writer Charles Soule Artist Javier Pulido | For course I am looking for to this book hopefully it doesn't go too Sex in the City. |
Silver Surfer | March 2014 | Writer Dan Slott Artist Mike Allred | Once again Norrin Rad has severed his ties to Galactus , I'd say the Spider-man writer has the best shot at doing something interesting here, this will be a book to watch. |
X-Force | February 2014 | Writer Simon Spurrier Artist Rock-he Kim | Cable leads this team don't really see it doing much differently than the books current state, |
Sunday, November 10, 2013
Thor 2 the Dark World
There's good news and there is bad news to this one. First off , its better than first movie, if for no other reason than the fact , Thor has his powers the entire time. The movie is much more action, based it goes into at least three of the 9 realms , not all of them like the promo interviews claimed and if a fun watch.
Hemworth is starting to get the character and fill out into his role, though often rather than being a quiet stoic of few words, he offers up his little inspirational good guy speeches. Granted the character has been written a few different ways in the past, but a love for Jane Foster as his motivation for not ruling up in Asgard, isn't cutting it.
The big elephant in the room is the lack of god, power and the cinematic version not , following the mythos or mythology close enough. At one point Odin tells Loki, they are not gods, to they live and die, Loki retorts by saying they do live give or take 5000 years more than humans. So Asgardians are in aliens who live 5000 years longer than humans, are good with majick , but no different other wise. Wrong, this is not how they are depicted in the comic book.
There are 750000, pagans in the U.S alone, so you are telling all of us , that our gods are not gods , I find this offensive, it nagged at me through out the entire movie, so the sequences that jolted me out of this resentment were obviously good enough to do that. If Disney is the reason behind this you would think, they would be o.k with having Hercules be related to gods as he was depicted in the cartoon version, then Thor would be no different, why the change of heart?
It effects the movie as a whole because Asgard then becomes this science fiction planet like Krypton was depicted in Man of Steel , and we have laser cannons and rocket boat, not to mention elves in space ships which is like something from Santa Claus vs the Aliens. Another big no no, is Freya dies and gets sent off on the funeral pyre, and no Valkyries swoop down to take her to Valhalla. There goes a missed opportunity to introduce that character, so don't expect her to show up in Neflix's Defenders show, and of course Dr. Strange is going to need some alien technology to explain his majick.
Kurse's original helmet worn ,when the character first appears was more like his comic appearance, than the Predator he would turn into. The big showdown fights were all well done and the action paid off in a big way.
So while a fun action jammed film, that offers a more balanced use to Earth and Asgard, it's more a problem of tone.Loki almost stole the show, and Sif was not as developed as it was claimed she would be. The little mocking blip of Captain America showing up, was funny and cool, The sneak peak into Guardians of the Galaxy with the Collector popping up was pretty cool, not sure if the Captain America end scene will link into that as well or set up Avengers 2.
Overall as superhero movies go they are becoming overblown attempts to be bigger than the next, but anyone afraid how Thor 2 stacks up against the Avengers , well it holds its own and I would say it's better than any of the Iron-Man sequels. Iron-man and Iron-man 3 are both better than the first Thor, sayings a lot considering how Thor is one of my favorite characters, alongside the Hulk and Dr. Strange . Its worth seeing on the big screen and you will get your money's worth of spectacle out of it.
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