How scary can a comic book really be ? Well that's debatable, but more often than not they have to resort to over the top imagery to grip, but often come with some of the more stellar writing in the business. Here's the top ten...
10 - Walking Dead
The comic is almost as popular as the show based off of it . Grittier and more stylized than most of its peers.
9- Vampirella
Created by Famous Monsters of Filmlands Forest J Ackerman in 1969, she re-defined the sexy vampire or vampire alien as she is from the planet Drakulon, where blood flowed in rivers.
8 - Sandman
Neil Gaiman's break through work for D/C comics was his tale of Morpheus the dream king. Darker than the common super-hero model, this ground breaking work was darker and more surreal.
7 - Were-Wolf By Night
He's Marvel's take on the Wolf Man, but he was also an anti-hero, back when Wolverine was bouncing around in yellow spandex.
6 - Hell-Boy
This hell-spawned paranormal detective , hunts down darker evils and creepy folks of folk-lore.
5 - Tomb of Dracula
Not only did this comic focus on every one's favorite count, but is also the comic book which Blade was spawned from.
4 - Swamp-thing
Watch-Men creator Alan Moore's run on this comic is one of the most iconic in comic history, he made the book not just about a swamp-monster but it resonated with something deeper and mythic.
3 - Tales From the Crypt
One of the original pulp horror comics.
2 - 30 Days of Night
The art work alone to this graphic novel was scary.
1 - Hack/Slash
My favorite on super-hero comic. Cassie Hack who is also one of the hottest women in comics, is like Buffy , but rather than hunting vampires, she hunts down slashers...supernatural based killers like Jason or Chucky.
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