ok i have few blogs but i need one dedicated to all things comic book- it will be once a week or as new or other developments in the comic book world come about. this was inspired by a voice in the desert of the internet i feel needs to be there -i have enough space to rant about music my lj account is more personal and none of my friends want me to go on a diatribe about the end of fall of the hulks so here you go
Hulk Smash

Friday, December 28, 2012
Amazing Spider-man # 700
Marvel has really gone and done it now , you would think after things Like the clone
saga they would learn from there mistakes and protect their flag ship characters integrity a little better do you think and wait for the caveat . Anyone with half a brain thinks Peter Parker is not going to be Spider-man when the sequel to the Amazing Spider-man movie Comes out? The whole Ultimate version of the character is now confusing enough if a kid were to go into the store pick up am issue after walking out of the theater. So that means this is just a cash gran, spawned for the hype inducing even mentality the company began fostering after the first secret wars , it was held in check for a good part of the nineties but now rages out of control. Chasing away long term readers to only give sporadic spikes in numbers as they race with the mess that is d/ c and the act baffled when Internet leaks occur.
When the leak happened Dan Scott tried to say hold on that's not the way the story is,want to be consumed and you are only getting part of the picture and not the whole story...well after reading it in the comic book shop as I prefer to vote with my wallet and only spend money on the type of books I think deserve it and send the message to Marvel that yes this is the type of book I want to end my money on.
I'm not going to send a death threat ...if this. Happened to the hulk well....of its the Samuel sterns parading run in hulks body...I, not sure how I would Handle it so I would rather just block those thoughts from my mind, though I wouldn't mind banner getting killed off if it meant the hulk just stayed the hulk no one else turned into him, and while you are at go ahead and kill of all the other hulks but Jen Walters
if you Need hype I'm ok with that
Some of the book is so foolish it's seems like an old mad magazine parody, of course interviews with the Editors are doing as much damage control and spin doctoring as they can be because you can't ignore the negative response from fans, and there's the old saying ny press is good press, but my issue with this is the brain switcheroo thing sounds like something that even could have happened on the tv show, things like the black costume even made it into the movie so who knows how these flukes pan out....but the fact Peter Parker died in continuity is a problem, Because death is just the boy who cried wolf, we have to live knowing this characters mythology dr. Octopus was in his body and Peter was dead, is can be undone in a myriad of ways, we can't forget Dr. Strange is one of Peters friends so this won't pull any wool over his eyes. But it cheapens the characters history , I obviously can't take these superior spider-man books seriously and it's like being a cheap whore if you want marvel to respect you the next morning you give them your money for it either.
Sure this issue is bigger but the stories in the back of the book use gimmicky for art and are there own little jokes that almost add insult to injury, i would speculate this could on one of the years worst books so its only fitting they end the year with it.
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