ok i have few blogs but i need one dedicated to all things comic book- it will be once a week or as new or other developments in the comic book world come about. this was inspired by a voice in the desert of the internet i feel needs to be there -i have enough space to rant about music my lj account is more personal and none of my friends want me to go on a diatribe about the end of fall of the hulks so here you go
Hulk Smash

Friday, December 28, 2012
Amazing Spider-man # 700
Marvel has really gone and done it now , you would think after things Like the clone
saga they would learn from there mistakes and protect their flag ship characters integrity a little better do you think and wait for the caveat . Anyone with half a brain thinks Peter Parker is not going to be Spider-man when the sequel to the Amazing Spider-man movie Comes out? The whole Ultimate version of the character is now confusing enough if a kid were to go into the store pick up am issue after walking out of the theater. So that means this is just a cash gran, spawned for the hype inducing even mentality the company began fostering after the first secret wars , it was held in check for a good part of the nineties but now rages out of control. Chasing away long term readers to only give sporadic spikes in numbers as they race with the mess that is d/ c and the act baffled when Internet leaks occur.
When the leak happened Dan Scott tried to say hold on that's not the way the story is,want to be consumed and you are only getting part of the picture and not the whole story...well after reading it in the comic book shop as I prefer to vote with my wallet and only spend money on the type of books I think deserve it and send the message to Marvel that yes this is the type of book I want to end my money on.
I'm not going to send a death threat ...if this. Happened to the hulk well....of its the Samuel sterns parading run in hulks body...I, not sure how I would Handle it so I would rather just block those thoughts from my mind, though I wouldn't mind banner getting killed off if it meant the hulk just stayed the hulk no one else turned into him, and while you are at go ahead and kill of all the other hulks but Jen Walters
if you Need hype I'm ok with that
Some of the book is so foolish it's seems like an old mad magazine parody, of course interviews with the Editors are doing as much damage control and spin doctoring as they can be because you can't ignore the negative response from fans, and there's the old saying ny press is good press, but my issue with this is the brain switcheroo thing sounds like something that even could have happened on the tv show, things like the black costume even made it into the movie so who knows how these flukes pan out....but the fact Peter Parker died in continuity is a problem, Because death is just the boy who cried wolf, we have to live knowing this characters mythology dr. Octopus was in his body and Peter was dead, is can be undone in a myriad of ways, we can't forget Dr. Strange is one of Peters friends so this won't pull any wool over his eyes. But it cheapens the characters history , I obviously can't take these superior spider-man books seriously and it's like being a cheap whore if you want marvel to respect you the next morning you give them your money for it either.
Sure this issue is bigger but the stories in the back of the book use gimmicky for art and are there own little jokes that almost add insult to injury, i would speculate this could on one of the years worst books so its only fitting they end the year with it.
Monday, December 17, 2012
The Hobbit: Movie Review
I went into this a little worried hearing it was bloated and wondering how a three hundred page book would be made into three movies. Well from the beginning this was solved as it went into The Silmarillion...I can't say that word without thinking of the band who wants to be Genesis. The Dwarf city was breathtaking and it set the tone for the rest of the film, which was most visual stunning when it came to the sets and landscaping to build the world.
Not as dark as they Lotr films , the filter on the film wasn't as grayed so the cgi didn't seem to be as well blended as it was with the first films. Though there were some strong cgi moments, the eagles and Gullom being the best.
The pacing was fluid , at three hours I was never bored, even in some of the more dialogue heavy sequences where they were telling not showing.some of the action like the battle in the goblin city looked a little like a video game and I was waiting for Gandalf to hop on a power up. It was pretty bad ass when he sliced the top of a goblins head off , there were a few beheading making the violence more graphic than the first trilogy, though not Game of Thrones.
I like how they never showed all of Smaug, and left the Necromancer a little more of a mystery. Like in the books. I liked all of the sets they were truly one of the films highest achievements , even though they where always introduced from an Ariel shot looking down just like Mordor.
Bilbo was a little on the slim side, but did an excellent job showing his trepidation I. Regard to his journey. The dwarves were good but I didn't like how they tried to sneak some sexy dwarves in , I mean one of them don't even have a beard. It alike Hollywood has such a low opinion of women that they think women are vapid enough to have sat through nine hours of the first trilogy just for Elijah, Viggo or Orlando. I mean how many guys went home to fap to Liv Tyler or Kate Blanchett? ...ok how many guys whose masturbation collection is not solely pictures of cosplayers taken riding on elevators at Dragon-con?
Of course I enjoyed the parts which stuck the most closely to the book but the liberties taken were generally not too offensive if at all, the feel was captured perfectly, the trolls stooge like , the goblins didn't just see like little orcs. This defiler Orc , did look like he stepped out of world or Warcraft or like Panthro from the Thundercats if he was designed by Ray Harryhaussen. But the Orc dwarf war was cool a great scene of the decimated battlefield.
I left the theater wanting to see more and then later in the afternoon when contemplating something to do that night I wanted to go see it again so despite sexy dwarves Jackson pulled it off as I am a tough audience when it comes to my high expectations om regards to all things Middle Earth.
movie review,
peter jackson,
the hobbit,
Tuesday, December 4, 2012
Cosplay Might Be Better
Jamie Foxx has been cast to play Maxwell Dillion in the sequel to the Amazing Spider-man. While the movie was fun but mediocre and full of glaring flaw's like the need to have Parker take off the mask to talk. The studios have now ensured that I won't pay to see this movie.
Sure I already complained about Kurse's casting in Thor the Dark World. Hopefully he will be in a mask and it won't be a glaring mistake , given the nature of the dark elf make up we have seen so far he might be engulfed in latex. While Marvel has been guilty of trying to pander to being Politically correct in its Ultimate universe which in its more realistic design the movies have been barrowing from. I don't mind this Becuase it's not happening in actual continuity. I have no emotional connection to Electro I can appreciate they are bringing different Gillians to the screen than the Sam Rami films and truth be told I prefer the shocker over electro because electro's costume lookings like a St. Patty's court jester. It's safe to say we won't sera very faithful reproduction of that on screen and I'm fine with that, I'm fine with him being comprised of entirely of electricity and cgi. This might be the only redeemable way to handle this if Foxx was just doing the voice work.
But in essence it's the principal of pandering to the public, there are plenty of black characters they could use if the want Spider man to have a more diverse range of ethic Villians, Tombstone is black or the Tarntula if they wanted a Hispanic villian, the BLack KIngpin in Daredevil wasn't the worst part of that movie, with Clarke Dead that character recast would work as the Maggia would be a more interesting story with Slivermane, Hammerhead, the Enforcers and the Rose works for me. Instead I'm afraid of what we get so don't expect this joke to get any coverage of its production and with the Superior Spider- man coming out and major changes for the character teased, I expect another clone saga worthy tarnishing of who Marvel claims to be their Flagship character.
One thing about Nolan aside from Bane not being Hispanic , the Villians remained in their comicbook states, Marvel could stand to learn from this as the Villians are where the movies seem to suffer, none have been great aside from Maneto after him Dafoe come the closet, but we have had a tepid Dr. Doom, Senastian Shaw , Sand man and Emma Frost, though she was hot which pushed January Jones into an o.k place but the horrid ranks of Venom, Bullseye, Jigsaw, Whiplash, and Abomination is where this Electro is going to fall. As cosplayers are gaining more notice in geek culture which is quickly becoming the new pop culture , I think the fans want to see the characters as they are in the comics and if they can get it right why can't the studios or is Comic Con going to be the only place to goin you want to see the character depicted as they Re intended. I'm sure people might view my indignation as racism, I just see it as realism . After all these are characters I have grown up with and know them as they have appeared I. The comics I have been reading for the past thirty years, I see it like as if a black man walked into my house claiming to be my friend Aaron , I would kill him I self defmese for breaking and entering after I tortured him to find out what he did with the real Aaron, so Marvel don't send the studios into my house pulling this kind of a stunt and while Electro doesn't matter to me by allowing you to think we are o.k with this means by giving and inch you will end up taking a mile and one day try to send a black Bruce Banner to my house which will end badly.
Saturday, December 1, 2012
Indestructable Hulk # 1
With Hulk being my all time favorite Superhero I wanted to really scrutinize and re-read the inaugural issue of the Waid run. The cover art was great everything thing inside was tolerable, the colors might be the problem, I'm going to need to see more before I make final judgement, but a good story can make up for lousy art.
I only read a little of Waid's Daredevil run I like that it had more of a seventies feel to it and in some ways this book feels like the era in the eighties after Hulk was walking around with a Banner brain pre- secret wars. I'm not a fan of Hulk having sidekicks who aren't a human Rick Jones, so not sure how I feel about Maria Hill, if this was Pak or David , Banner and Hill would be hooking up by the third issue and there pattering here is reluctant.
The first half of the book is establishing the status quo for Banner, though
The fact he was a mad scientist earlier this year was brushed under the carpet, there was only his ephinany and no period of post crazy readjustment, during Stay Angry rich we are supposed to believe Banner was out curing the ails of the world rather than setting Hulk up in death traps.
When the Hulk shows up to smash the Mad thinker, it's a blur of motion and robot fire, but this is less to do with story and more to do with the art, I do like the fact Thinker confirmed Hulks strength was incalculable and hopefully this is how Waid will approach his power set.
I'm pretty hopeful though I imagine all the armour Hulk is picture wearing is going to have something to do with Banner controlling him after all why else would Hulk need armour? This is the only part I'm skeptical of. We know Attuma and Sand man are both due to show and have seen picture of hulk fighting a lot of heavily armored robot things, I would like to see a new spin taken on some Classics like Abomination , Leader and Zzaak. I think we are good on Tyrannus for the moment and M.o.d.o.k is a little overused. I have a feeling we will see Jarella soon for things I have read in interviews. The gremlin and rhino would be cool to bring back if I was making a wish list, which would also include appearences by Hyde, Moonstone...ok vs old thunderbolts, a raft break out? Go ahead throw in a reworked Ring Leader,and rock and Orgress from the old buster sand if I was writing the book I'd bring back Speedfreak and make some b list villains like him higher profile.
indestructable hulk,
maria hill,
marvel now,
the Hulk
What Now Marvel
Well I'm going to need to re-read Indestrutible Hulk number one before I make a conclusive view of it. I can however form an opinion Blut other releases, Thor number two shows promise, the God Butcher is a nasty and unlike able enough Villian though one dimensional. However this doesn't keep the book from being a lot of fun, the artwork is some of the better stuff coming out from the Now books and the varied time frames of Thor past, present and future isn't too much of a distraction to lead the book off course.
Next up All New X- men number 2 shows improvements as well the art is nothing to write home about but the interaction between Xmen past and present is entertaining and working out better than I though of not appearing to be cluttered with duplicate mutants.
Ff 1 is a joke I don't find funny, the Madman artist is absurd as the books pacing, the putting the team together thing seems like its weighted down by the comedic elements, sorry to see Jen Walters dragged into this mess.
New Avengers 34- the brother Voodoo possessed Avengers fighting Dr. strange is o.k Damian Hellstrom just showing up well it's consistent for this book but doesn't work in the story however the pay off is all in Dr.Strange reclaiming his place as Sorceror Supreme , it's becoming cleaner the more I read Marvel that Strange is one of ,y favorite CHaracters, sure I don't like when he is pit against Hulk in the past but have I ever liked that from anyone...so Strange needs is own book but it looks like it's just coming in the form of the illuminati type avengers book.
Uncanny X-men number 2- the red Skull gives Scarlet Witch a pep talk she almost buys into, Rogue admits to being a power bottom and the team is set into motion but Thor and Cap. Red Skulls little band of anti mutant mutants doesn't really seem to be much of a threat so it's a good thing he got that brain transplant which means the mutant power is not the person but the organ it resides in ? So mutant organ transplant means it can make you a mutant.
I also read the beginning of Super-man Hel on Earth. So there's this scarred up clone who is more powerful than Super-man , so in the 52 we seem to be inconsistent with what Supermans true power level is at and of it is what they lead up to be that he can lift the earth a couple times over is it really that easy to make being more powerful than him ?
Oh and we have the age of Ultrom to look forward to. I imagine this means Pym, Vision, Janet and Womderman are being set into place to play larger roles , which I'm down for as with wasp , Vision and Scarlet Witch back in play like the glory days of the Marvel universe.
dr strange,
FF # 1,
marvel now,
new avengers,
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