ok i have few blogs but i need one dedicated to all things comic book- it will be once a week or as new or other developments in the comic book world come about. this was inspired by a voice in the desert of the internet i feel needs to be there -i have enough space to rant about music my lj account is more personal and none of my friends want me to go on a diatribe about the end of fall of the hulks so here you go
Hulk Smash

Monday, November 19, 2012
Thor 1 and Marvel Now checkup
Along side Uncanny Avengers , Thor of Thor God of Thunder,I s avast improvement from the directin the book had been nosediving into under Matt Fractiong. It's no mystery that Uncanny Avnegers is going to be plagued by shipping delays , which I think is going to hurt the book in th umber same and marginally readers will forget about or have a hrd time caring during the gaps.
Thor excels more in the art than story which I see getting bogged down in being told from three timelines past, present and future, visually the future one looks cool inhospitable destroyer armor if not a little too much like Odin, but it see,s a distraction, the flash back parts are tolerable if handled as thei re now if the writer fails to keep it balanced it will be hardcore ,e to care about the modern story and want to read the character int he context of the a never books instead.
My only complaints with the art is the present day Thor should not be much smaller than the future Thor, he,s a little too skinny like the movie Helmsworth Thor and his armour need to dhre a little closer to the classic look.
Red Shehulk continues to best one of the better books, she's fun as an anti hero scuffling with the Avengers and then it gets questionable with all new X- men being a disappointment on how it's being handled with Beast going back in time to get the past Scott Summers to stop the Scott Summers he is now and this new team of original X-men look like their main objective is going to be to stop this new brother hood of evil mutants, which I'm fine with Cyclops being a bad guy now, I think Cable wold have been a better fit for the time traveling.
Deadpool goes to show having a comedian write a comic only sound alike a good idea on paper, I am not sure he is that familiar with eh character shis voice sounds off and vs the dead presidents thing is sill and from the solicits looks like its going to be dragged on for far to long.
Fantastic Four, was a snooze fest,the art was fitting but it is a jumbled up space Brady Bunch book none of the characters felt like they were where they needed to be even with Ben going to talk to the Yancy St gang felt like it was reaching for something that wasn't there.
New avengers...mmm tho book seemed a little off to me there are wrapping this story up at a snailsace is Matt fraction wiring is book now if not who where it is need to stop taking notes from him on pacing.
Amazing Spider-man , a lot of the ideas in this book unshaven sounded good in the planning stages but it's a mess with the two hobgoblins fighting and teaming up and spiderman using goblin weapons to fight goblins well that my friends is what you call the shark.
I'll try to catch up on at least the batBooks today not sure if d/c has anything else remotely interesting, I look at the books on the rack and nothing seems appealing int the least the Lantern books look even more painful than ever.
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