ok i have few blogs but i need one dedicated to all things comic book- it will be once a week or as new or other developments in the comic book world come about. this was inspired by a voice in the desert of the internet i feel needs to be there -i have enough space to rant about music my lj account is more personal and none of my friends want me to go on a diatribe about the end of fall of the hulks so here you go
Hulk Smash

Thursday, October 11, 2012
Wrap up of Avengers VS X-men
O.k going to hit on the big even wrapping before touching on some single issue stuffers. The past couple weeks.
So the shark was jumped when the Pheonix force spilt into the five x-men, Becuase the basic just x-men vs avgners fight would have wrapped in three issues with the X-men getting their asses handed to them , which would have occurred no matter what side Wolverine or Storm fell on.
So it's no surprise this went the way it did , so o.k we undid no more mutants and made Cyclops look like an ass hole, tis is nothing new I have never read him as a likable character. Black Panther and Storm split , who cares? The biggest repercussion is now the X teams and Avenger at further blurred and distort the. Sense of identity. I mean the whole mutant metaphor running the books is the outsider prespective. So take that way and it's powers and tights. I think the avengers had that covered, the fantastic four has space handled and the xmen handled the mutant fringe. The marvel now wants to jumble this up no wonder they want to give avengers vs xmen credit for creating the mess to come.
Other repercussions it looks like I might get my wish of having Luke Cageout of the avengers, the new avengers team looks liked Black Panather lead team of the Iluminatti with of course the now lobotomized corpse of Xavier not counted among them.
Things got better and worse the past couple weeks in new comics. On the better end was " the incredible Hulk" Jason Aaron is unlike Matt Fraction as he will hit fr ever two misses, this issue was a lot of fun though not with out its holes in the story such as it feels out of character for Dr.DOom to seek an outside help from a company who brokers mind assassins. But this VOn Doom chick who has a thing for Hulks is a good addition to the supporting cast, I can do without her henchmen. The doom bots being a sentient cult worshiping Doom, was a twist though this could have been introduced in Fantastic Four and I would be none the wiser.
There was some smashing , and we are going to see him in between the rock and the hard place with the assassin induced head ache and the gamma monsters who didn't pose too much of a problem earlier in the run. So Aaron won't go down as Pak or David but hope he makes the transition to the reboot gracefully.
Avengers 31... The art was great in the sense it was a creative use of splash pages. The whole Red Hulk vs Wonder-man fight didn't make much sense, did he use the ionic energy to knock him out as it sure the hell wasn't with a choke hold. It felt more liken avengers book than it has in the past and worked Asa tie wrap up for avengers vs xmen.
In the worse would be the mess that was Amazing Spiderman, though Captain Marvel and Secret Avengers were not much better. I also tried to give Journey into mystery a chance but it was a mythological mess. None of the books had the sort of art which at least made it an interesting collage of chaos to look at.
The d/c zero titles continue to not having any appeal and the xbooks in the post avengers vs x- men story lines did not look appealing, though maybe ill get bored and give them a shot , this time traveling original team book I will give a shot as I will uncanny avengers, though expectations are low from what I have seen in the trade previews.
Yet to read red she hulk or uncanny avengers so I will write those up when. I do also look for me to a review of the arrow , the green arrow show premiering this week.
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