ok i have few blogs but i need one dedicated to all things comic book- it will be once a week or as new or other developments in the comic book world come about. this was inspired by a voice in the desert of the internet i feel needs to be there -i have enough space to rant about music my lj account is more personal and none of my friends want me to go on a diatribe about the end of fall of the hulks so here you go
Hulk Smash

Thursday, August 30, 2012
Curse of Kurse...and other news.
Well last weeks comics were so bad and I'm going to dragon con and won't get to check out this weeks unless they have them in a dealers room, so it's new and rumors , while the Joss Whedon S.h.e.i.l.d show is a little bit of a let down since none of the guys in the organization have powers so it's basically a crime drama, we are going to talk about Thor casting.
Adewale Abadje who would be an excellent choice for Black Panther has been cast as Algrim the strong otherwise known as Kurse. My question is what has changed since the lord of the rings trilogy to require affirmative action in casting? Did the orcs fill the quota? Because as if Heimdall wasn't bad enough we now have black elves.I know the title is the dark world, but in 2012 blacks make up 1.9 percent of the population of Norway, for those of you who are slow this is where Norse Mythology came from. So in 5 a.d how many black people to you think were there ? In medieval times how many black people were anywhere other than Africa and Egypt ? Ok you can count aboriginal man as well asnd say Australia.
I know Norse mythology isn't the only place elves were derived from they also came from
Old English myth where they were called Albiz in the protogermanic , which was derived from the Latin word albums which means ....white. Now you can scream racist or you can say well those or the facts, if I wanna make movie about zebras, they might have stripes
Another point of interest being black or dark elves did not mean skin tone but that they were dim and dingy, so not the skilled and the brightest of the elves...and you cast a black man to play this part, guess that kinda bck fired unless you re trying to say in the nine real,s of Norse myths , black are dumb and dirty. I'm not judging just pointing out, an interesting artistic direction, I will not comment further that assessment, but if you are basing characters in mythology do your research.
Other new the justice league movie is going to be the vehicle to reintroduce the rebooted post Nolan Batman.Let me restate how fucked up Dc is whenit comes to being behind marvel on movies now, Man of Steel better deliverall of their movies hinge on this if they are in development or not.Becused Superman goes the way of GreenLantern, then forget wonder woman and know you are going the making another League of Extrodinary Gentlemen or even a Mystery men if you are not careful.
And what's happen in comic last week nothing they wasted a bunch of paper across the board better luck this week.
Friday, August 24, 2012
New..er Comics and other News
So the panels involving any avengers versus any x-men could have been condensed down into no more than six pages, proving every other big event in marvel might be interesting as I think it's safe to say I enjoyed siege more, though that's two years ago now what was last year? Obviously something memorable.
Amazing spider man the art didn't do much and lotta lizards pretty unremarkable ,but much less of a mess than the whole Mayan rule thing in the hulk title continues to be a d/c worthy clusterfuck of esoteric jumbo.
Avengers 29...should have come out weeks ago the pacing of releases on a vs x is just horrible so Xavier popped up and made everyone think it was a dream to make him seem like he has had more of a prescience in this along...right.
The editorial back pedaling to try and make the x-men seem less like the bad guys in hindsight is a pretty oops look at that corner we just wrote ourselves into and al these earth shaking changes , well you have got two issues to pull it off.
Avengers academy ...held my attention , I liked the art alright as in it brought me back to the late 90s, the story works but feels like a cartoon mixed with a show on the cw
The second issue of captain marvel is going to the drain already , the first issue the story. Add up for the art here it's like a wonder woman story line, mixed with the movie kick ass, the are dong a lot of remixes if you see the theme.
Daredevil 17...felt very old school,almost forgot stilt man was a real thing which helped perpetuate the seventies vibe but that wasn't necessarily a bad thing
Dead pool...59, yeah you read right he's getting his ass served to him by black Tom Cassidy and theres no juggernaut around, I need to go back and wiki it but where did Cain marko go when we got the juggerlossus? I think we last saw him in fear itself , that's the big post siege event I almost forgot,
D/c is a sinking ship even Aquaman can't save, quick press sensationalism, has wonder woman and super man now about to hook up, I see this as the same as when celebrity just happen to start dating when they have a new movie coming out, if doubles their media coverage even though said actor is more than likely gay and his supposed love interest is sleeping with asixty year of studio executive.
The chemistry these characters have is questionable the promo art hs super mn entwined in here lasso which brings back the s&m element that used to be present back in the golden years of wonder woman, I think the should be explored more and the dominatrix side of wonder woman is sadly ignored I see her being more of an Emma frost like figure just mor pragmatic .
Other new rob lefield is leaving dc and had some. Biting parting shots about the companies editorial process and creative freedo. The general public is beginning to wise up to the 52 debacle and when I say general public I mean fans sounding off on the Internet,since we are the public who reds these make no mistake about, in expanding your audience d/c needs to ask why every person who watches big bang theory , alphas or dr who isn't reading their books, ok dr who there might be a stretch but the audience is out there and confused as to what is going on and could careless about reboots.
Wednesday, August 22, 2012
Winter is coming and so is Dragon con 2012
Love me ? Hate me? Wanna hang out with me at Dragon con next week? Well here's a look at the programming which will give you an idea where i can be found at the worlds largest fan centric con...cus we know comic con is a trade show for the studios ...
A word of warning some of these time slots might feature dual listing Becuase I am interested in both, so I am giving myself options as there is the element of can I make it from one hotel to the next in time and such, so not to confuse you, but as cons go you don't normally get to go to every panel you want
10 a.m. Marriott ...how have movies treated the paranormal
11:00 am Hyatt: good the bad the undead- the appeal of vampires
1:00-Marriott ...true blood
2:30 Marriott ...alphas
7pm. State of the goth scene
8:30 dr horrible picture show
10 - the metaphysics of love craft
11:30 fet life
10... Brit tv you should be watching
1:00 supernatural this is at the Marriott I got so bored with last season not sure if a panel o. It could keep me awake
2:30 westin...Buffy q&a
830 hyatt...hammer horror
1130 Hyatt... Witching hour
1:00 free masonry
2:30 file sharing litigation
Or spike and drusilla
Alice cooper
8:30 being human bbc
10 am puppets on film
Both sat and sun night there are bdsm panels, I'm performing with the burlesque troupe sat night so that will overlap into some of that and will also be doing promo for chambers of horror at some junctures.
Obviously the official schedule which normally has the comics panel and writing panels listed should fill in the gaps more often than not I find my self floating between the writing panels and dark fantasy In the bottoms of the Hyatt, all the Buffy stuff is over at the westin, the plus about that hotel is the bathrooms
Are easily accessed as well as the coffee shop
dark fantasy,
sic if convention Atlanta
Monday, August 13, 2012
Catching up with even more comics
Just read the last two issues of Thor and while, the art was pretty good, it still suffers from some. Tedious story telling especially in the last issue's everything burns prelude, one of the current trends in comics is too much back story this destroys the mystique of the characters being enigmas behind the masks, so prelude is now code for okie me to tears, sure the r end of prequels sell I theater when're we are cashing in on a known commodity . If the writers need to write back story to give them abetter grip on the character that's fine but it doesn't need to be printed.
Enchantress made a new version of the executioner, Donald Blake is a dream head of some kind who is talking to Thor, who in turn fights the executioner monster thing, all the meanwhile we have sulky metal kid drawin sigils and runes at school. Then cut Thore trying to put out afire with snow, it's special angry race of people who made a deal with Surtur, and Loki oh talks about the whole thing lots.
Incredible Hulk # 12 is one of the better issues of the stay angry run, I like the wolverine and thing fight seeing him fight both at the same time and doing well with it means his power levels haven't been dialed back.
But like the other books I find myspe for caring about what is going on becaus I have the pre re boot blues.
In Avengers vs x-men stuff, we got a boring coffee talk with the illuminati which was a waste of some great art and further points the disorganization in this event as the cross over issues aren't lined up with the main book and event the vs title seems to be slow coming if any one even cares about that one now, whos even in the next one a black panther vs storm fight which occurred in the first issue?
Professor x ran off pouting like Sookie stack house because he didn't like the thoughts he was reading, which raises the question can he also smell what the Rock is cooking. This really feels like pro wrestling writing as people are flip flopping from heel to face in the span of a couple of panels. This event had the potential to be great but even at its high points will go down as the worst summer cross over ever and maybe the reboot will write it out of continuity.
Nothing really interesting has been happening in the spider man books and scarlet spider man is no exception even with the Rangers making an appearence so you know your are making a misstep if you can't entertain me with obscure seventies characters. My big hope now for avengers vs xmen is the bring back Mantis or Moon dragon.
D/c well...batman and robin was alright, but I have pretty much reached a point to where I just don't care anymore, the Ben affect directing the justice league movie surfaced this week, and who cares they have missed the boat on building their cinematic verse and now anything will be too little too late , though the green arrow previews I have seen for the tv show look alright.
Avengers vs X-men,
the incredible hulk,
Saturday, August 4, 2012
Catching up on comics July
Cruising the comic forums , I can see the fall out among fans is Avengers vs X- men like a child game of pretend being played out caress with action figures as they go along. To many cooks n the kitchen, a common response to the piece meal plot lines dying out from left field.as they say in the movie spinal tap
There's a fine line between clever and stupid.
This should be the slogan for marvel now. Why am I leaning. Towards skeptical on this well look at the even it's springing from. D/ C seems to be going back to their old ways post reboot, with stories to obtuse to care and every panel epic godlike fights and no one has a reason to care. I find myself starting to cre less about aqua man with every passin tissue two of my favorite d/c characters swap thing and hackman have been rendered unreadable , this week I'm going to give swamp thing another shot for this rot world
We did learn Thor and hulk who is now going to be the indestructible hulk are both getting new writers, mark wadi whose work I really only know from daredevil is going over to hulk, on daredevil his grasp of super powers is we'll nt on the scale of hulk but anything gold be better than what we have now which is me wishing for Greg paks return.
incredible Hulk- the stay angry arch needs some work, Kraven and some yetis making mischief , yeti shaman can make trouble for the Hulk and none of this really explains much of anything , lets just have him wake in random situations, the next issue he fights Thing and Wolverine so if that gets fucked up then I don't know what to say , the end game we have seen coming before the reboot is a showdown with Dr. Doom.
Avengers # 28 - Ross Hulk goes in to black ops mode to assassinate Cyclops, and runs up against other Phoenix forcers who arent having it. He has a better showing against them than most though in continuity are we saying this is before or after the Namor arm break? Or does it even matter as his healing factor is that fast? The art was fine Siminson seems to be dialing it these days , why don't they just go ahead and give him Thor ? Avengers academy #34 - I think it this book isn't making it to marvel now, feels like they are taking their time to wrap up loose ends, the de powered Mettle and Hazmat, Reptil getting his gem ripped out, this spoiled brat of a villian whose power level or even powers don't seem to be established what is he the son of count neferia? Seems like things are going south here . Defenders # 9 - if they are fighting Hydra then this book is really flying blind in the wrong direction and the writer would do well do go back and actual go read some defenders comics from the eighties to find out what this comic is about. Need some plot threads how about vs the vampire nation, throwing them into the weird inter dimensional time mess the thunderbolts are in, or the whole Mayan reign thing, va the alpha flight would be cool as well, but silver surfer could take out hydra with one hand. Dark Avengers # 178- well this lacks direction and seems to be chasing its tail, I love the concept of the dark avengers to thrilled about this line up,but really what's the point here? Sorry to see skaar caught up in this waste, it's like watching the dead letter office for c list characters , which luke cage should be numbered among if it wasn't for bendis fleshing him out so in his books, but not a lot is interesting about him to get this much Cage. Invincible Iron man #522 - the trend here is marvel is making mucked up messes with a lot of books this one just happens to be a pretty mess. Got stark is a prisoner of the Mandrain, and just when pray tell is this occurring while he is figuring out the Phoenix force? Now every one has armor so what's so special about it toney? Rescue throw her on the west coast avengers too many iron people . Now some new guy with the tRon mach 1 design. X- men legacy # 271 - ms mArvel and rouge team up to clean up this mess rogue hs allowed Majick to make with her hell prison, normally like the art in this but it didn't wow me, we see rogue gets removed from the chess board as she was going to cross party lines and I'm guessing this is what crosses her over in uncanny avengers and legacy goes bye bye.not that there aren't already enough x books. X-men # 33 - it was an improvement on all fronts, the best out there not so much, while I like me some x-Ladies , the female heavy team isn't my first pick it could use some balance though after the re-boot it won't matter. Colossus feel much more like him self than in AVSX, this issue did balance the action and story which the previous issues had been dragging a bit ,
Wolverine # 311-oops I saw this is coming out next week, but thanks to the crafty ways of the inner webs I went ahead and found it so here we go , Sabertooth is back, though it seems he has already been back so how many times he is going to get killed and brought back I dunno this one and others came of of test tubes. Romulus has a hot twin sister who makes herself known and the art work is great one of the better books I have read this month.
Dectective comics # 12 The art saved this one as the action and story got pretty muddy. The villian twirled his mustache a little much and the tone of the book descended into what looked like a marketing ploy for a Batman in his new anti toxic armor. Action Comics # 12- one of the better D/C books , largely in part to Grant Morrison , who tackles the sacred cow that is Super-man , he doesn't follow the normal formula used with Clark, and takes full advantage of the reboot, thrown into an established Super-man , I am not sure how he would fare as it feels like he had to show up with his own sand box to play in. He art is ok, the story I like how it's handled but gets obtuse in portions but that is how they like to roll at d/c .
Swamp-Thing # 12- it feels like it wants to be Sand-man on almost every level, this book along with Animal-man is getting critical acclaim for reasons unknown to , me the change in Swamp things appearance still doesn't work for me, and this rot has being going on for 12 issues now give it a rest .
Avengers vs X-men,
DC Comics,
incredible hulk,
Marvel Comics
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