ok i have few blogs but i need one dedicated to all things comic book- it will be once a week or as new or other developments in the comic book world come about. this was inspired by a voice in the desert of the internet i feel needs to be there -i have enough space to rant about music my lj account is more personal and none of my friends want me to go on a diatribe about the end of fall of the hulks so here you go
Hulk Smash

Wednesday, May 23, 2012
Comics of May 23rd
Well Hulk Smash Avengers # 4 was the best one yet , a decent fight where all the others were cop-outs, the Hulk vs Wonder-man part I'm not sure how it aligned with continuity as Mr. Fix-it's power level was decidedly less than the green Hulk's yet he took to Simon Williams like he is the Hulk of today, not complaining but not sure how accurate it was.
Hulk #52 was the best issue yet, the appearance of the legion OF monsters didn't feel forced like lots of cross overs and guest appearances do. They passed on the perfect chance to bring Doc Sampson back, but the seed is out and I can see how that could happen, If I was writing the book I would bring him back as foil of the Red Hulk, as his rogues gallery seem to be lacking and the Mayan rule arc ..well.. don't have high hopes for.
The Mighty Thor # 14 Matt Fraction continues to make this book a difficult read, while I his ability to even tell a story, I think he would be better suited writing for a Green Lantern book , where moving a story forward and having it feel like an actual super hero book do no matter nor any sort of action instead, the characters and setting would be fitted for a mush of cosmic gobbledygook. So in plain and simple Fraction is not suited to write for Thor and it escapes me how Marvel fails to see this.
Speaking of Thor .. he appears in Secret Avengers # 27- the question raised in this book is how did Mar-vell get so powerful, is he juiced up by the Phoenix? I it was to the point where I stopped reading to refer to marvelwiki, he can lift 15 tons yet can knock Thor around like he is the Hulk, ok his blasts can destroy a star but can they take apart Thor, Vision, Valkyrie and Capt. Britain in a straight up fight...i don't think so...this better be explained.
Amazing Spider # 686, entertaining a little mucky in the middle, but with Mysterio in the mix i guess writers can take liberties and jump the shark. The mind control Avengers seems very 70's but not in a bad way. the new spider -man costume is on my last nerve hope it sell lots of action figures.
Deadpool #55...so the book now flirts dangerously close to Venom territory, i like the fact the a more mainstream marvel u set of villains were brought in, getting beaten by the trapster well it didn't make a lot of sense logistically speaking.
Super-Man # 9... felt very 90's every thing from the art down, entertaining though no new ground was broken, this Anguish character was introduced a little sloppily but weren't most characters back in the day ?
and now D/C
Super-Man # 9... felt very 90's every thing from the art down, entertaining though no new ground was broken, this Anguish character was introduced a little sloppily but weren't most characters back in the day ?
Aqua-man # 9...the book recaptured the good start it had, the art is some of the best in the biz, neither Arthur nor Black Manta come off as a joke anymore. The best balance of story and action its had yet.
Teen-titans-#9 was weight down by a bunch of overdone non-sense ..in other words going back to business as usual for d/c who like to make things too epic for their own good and loses the human in transition, the art felt like it reflected this tone and it's a shame because for a minute i started to like this book
Voodoo # 9, this book felt like it could have to stood to have been more firmly planted in the d/c universe, the art was good , aztec warriors getting their heads punched off works but even what corner of the dc world would be nice it feels like an Image book
Thursday, May 17, 2012
DC for May 16th's Releases
With Pirate Bay down it took me a minute to get these so while I'm waiting on Marvel lets do this.
CatWoman #9-This continues to be one of the best out of the new 52, great art and while I don't like her sparky new sidekick, the balance of action and story is perfect, the Owl arc in this makes sense as a cross over from the Bat books, this book only fuels the disappointment of how coll Cat Woman could be on the big screen in what I have been predicting to big the big movie flop of the summer.
Green Lantern Corps # 9- The art is appreciated, though in some panels less inspired than others, here the murk of space opera begins to catch up with the book, but the Star Trek spin off shows bored me, so I might not be the target audience this writer is going for now.
JLA # 9- This book has taken the right turn was a little apprehensive about this villains journey arc but it's off to a good start, the art is consistently great and I love that Bruce Wayne texts Clark Kent.
Legion of Super Heroes- #9- I really like the art for this book, as it's suited for the tone of the book, it would also work for the X-men but not the Avengers, this book is much less of a cluster fuck than it use to be pre-52.
Nightwing #9- This book took a turn for the epic big thanks in part to the one page action shots, the art was fantastic, though the cross over was not as fluid as the cat-woman was it was a good book nonetheless.
Red Hood & friends #9- Nightwing was better, this books has stayed the course , the Bat-girl appearance as ell as freeze made it all feel like Gotham.
Supergirl- the weakest issue yet, but it was bound to rise and fall, the art's alright i suppose the story, meh..not impressed typical dc murky mess.
Wonder-woman #9- the story isn't half bad , even with zero action, the art just doesn't work for the book too Hell-boy
Friday, May 4, 2012
Whedonverse into Avengers
there's a ton of characters who need to be introduced and you can bet there will be two sequels lets start with Avengers
Vision -cgi- voice -Anthony Head
Scarlet Witch- Felicia Day
Wasp- Morena Baccarin- though I could see Felicia playing Wasp and Morena as Scarlet Witch as well just depends on how dark they want to make Wanda
Quicksliver- James Marsters
Tigra-Eliza Dushku
Mockingbird- Sarah Michelle Gellar
She-Hulk- cgi-/Jennifer Walters- Amy Acker
Wonder-man- Nathan Fillon
Hank Pym-Alan Tudyk
Jocosta- cgi- voice- Gina Torres
Hellcat-Jewel Staite
Black Panther -D.B Woodside
Ms. Marvel- Nectar Rose
Spider-woman -Summer Glau
Hank McCoy-cgi-Nicholas Brendan
Masters of Evil
Baron Zemo- Mark Sheppard
Black Knight-Marc Blucas
the Wrecker -Adam Baldwin
Whirlwin- Charlie Weber
Fixer-Fran Franz
Titania-Clare Kramer
Klaw- cgi/Danny Strong
Vision -cgi- voice -Anthony Head
Scarlet Witch- Felicia Day
Wasp- Morena Baccarin- though I could see Felicia playing Wasp and Morena as Scarlet Witch as well just depends on how dark they want to make Wanda
Quicksliver- James Marsters
Tigra-Eliza Dushku
Mockingbird- Sarah Michelle Gellar
She-Hulk- cgi-/Jennifer Walters- Amy Acker
Wonder-man- Nathan Fillon
Hank Pym-Alan Tudyk
Jocosta- cgi- voice- Gina Torres
Hellcat-Jewel Staite
Black Panther -D.B Woodside
Ms. Marvel- Nectar Rose
Spider-woman -Summer Glau
Hank McCoy-cgi-Nicholas Brendan
Masters of Evil
Baron Zemo- Mark Sheppard
Black Knight-Marc Blucas
the Wrecker -Adam Baldwin
Whirlwin- Charlie Weber
Fixer-Fran Franz
Titania-Clare Kramer
Klaw- cgi/Danny Strong
Avengers- the review
o.k the spoilers ...for the one we need to discuss will be at the bottom here but lets get into the review first
Joss Whedon can do no wrong in my book so i resigned myself to the fact he was dealing with the line-up Marvel dealt him, and even though the Hulk is my favorite superhero ever ...yes even over Thor, I would have traded him for Vision and Scarlet Witch, or if they wanted to do the first line-up he was in for a couple of issues then Wasp and Ant-man should have been included ,...but getting past that The Hulk held all of the films finest moments. Ruffalo was grudgingly the best Banner yet. The Hulk was acknowledge in his rightful power set. Though the audience where I saw the film was cheering for Thor during their fight, Hulk won the over by the end. Strangely or maybe just to me the audience was cheering for Iron- man when he fought Thor and Iron-man and Capt. America seemed to be the crowd favorites.
While Whedon who is used to ensemble casts gave every one equal spotlight , the shine seemed to be more focused on Stark and Rogers. He kept the sense of urgency through out the film so the Avengers could never get to comfortable. The big climatic battle at the end was well laid out with the heroes overlapping and preforming panel framed action sequences just like it's drawn every week. The dialogue was clever and makes you wish Whedon was back writing for marvel, but with a hit like this he will finally claim his rightful place as the genius he is in Hollywood.
To break down the characters i thought ...
Capt, America ...was well handled and played though his shield would never repel Thor like that .
Iron- man- picked up where the other movies left off, the dynamic between Stark and Banner was great. Never really felt his connection to Hawkeye
Black Widow... a little too tortured , would think she had already been hardened past that
Thor...mmm power set was played down a little , he normally dusts Iron-man in 30 secs, never felt his connection to the individuals was confirmed, how did he feel about Widow or Hawkeye? even Steve? Had the feeling he was the character Joss was the most uncomfortable handling
Hawkeye...well in the comics he started off as a bad guy so that part made sense, though it left him blank at the beginning and he never fleshed out from there
Fury... well this is the jive turkey ultimates version, so he feels just like a character made for the movies and not the real nick fury to me
Loki- well played, though i assume Thor was holding back because they are brothers
Hulk...stole the show both as Banner and the green machine , sometimes looked more like shrek than others the best fully realized version ,didn't know Joss was such a fan or that Ruffalo was that great of an actor , he really knocked it out of the park and then some. Just read he has been signed up for 6 more Marvel films...could at least two of these be solo films ? it felt great to be a Hulk fan.
Expected a few more easter eggs referencing other members to come like Pym and disappointed by the lack of Whedonverse actors who normally make an appearance, I as they will undoubtedly ask Whedon to do a sequel he should bring every one in from Marsters to Felcia Day ...how awesome of a Scarlet Witch could she be? Marsters as Vision thats another post
if i graded movies would give this an A -
an A is Blue Velvet or Psycho ok Psycho might be an A +
Why did marvel flat out lie saying no Thanos ? he would not be my first choice as a villain for the sequel but was cool none the less and we have seen the infinity gauntlet
How awesome was the punch Hulk gave Thor in the final fight or the mopping the floor with Loki...too awesome ok it could get an a for those alone
Joss Whedon can do no wrong in my book so i resigned myself to the fact he was dealing with the line-up Marvel dealt him, and even though the Hulk is my favorite superhero ever ...yes even over Thor, I would have traded him for Vision and Scarlet Witch, or if they wanted to do the first line-up he was in for a couple of issues then Wasp and Ant-man should have been included ,...but getting past that The Hulk held all of the films finest moments. Ruffalo was grudgingly the best Banner yet. The Hulk was acknowledge in his rightful power set. Though the audience where I saw the film was cheering for Thor during their fight, Hulk won the over by the end. Strangely or maybe just to me the audience was cheering for Iron- man when he fought Thor and Iron-man and Capt. America seemed to be the crowd favorites.
While Whedon who is used to ensemble casts gave every one equal spotlight , the shine seemed to be more focused on Stark and Rogers. He kept the sense of urgency through out the film so the Avengers could never get to comfortable. The big climatic battle at the end was well laid out with the heroes overlapping and preforming panel framed action sequences just like it's drawn every week. The dialogue was clever and makes you wish Whedon was back writing for marvel, but with a hit like this he will finally claim his rightful place as the genius he is in Hollywood.
To break down the characters i thought ...
Capt, America ...was well handled and played though his shield would never repel Thor like that .
Iron- man- picked up where the other movies left off, the dynamic between Stark and Banner was great. Never really felt his connection to Hawkeye
Black Widow... a little too tortured , would think she had already been hardened past that
Thor...mmm power set was played down a little , he normally dusts Iron-man in 30 secs, never felt his connection to the individuals was confirmed, how did he feel about Widow or Hawkeye? even Steve? Had the feeling he was the character Joss was the most uncomfortable handling
Hawkeye...well in the comics he started off as a bad guy so that part made sense, though it left him blank at the beginning and he never fleshed out from there
Fury... well this is the jive turkey ultimates version, so he feels just like a character made for the movies and not the real nick fury to me
Loki- well played, though i assume Thor was holding back because they are brothers
Hulk...stole the show both as Banner and the green machine , sometimes looked more like shrek than others the best fully realized version ,didn't know Joss was such a fan or that Ruffalo was that great of an actor , he really knocked it out of the park and then some. Just read he has been signed up for 6 more Marvel films...could at least two of these be solo films ? it felt great to be a Hulk fan.
Expected a few more easter eggs referencing other members to come like Pym and disappointed by the lack of Whedonverse actors who normally make an appearance, I as they will undoubtedly ask Whedon to do a sequel he should bring every one in from Marsters to Felcia Day ...how awesome of a Scarlet Witch could she be? Marsters as Vision thats another post
if i graded movies would give this an A -
an A is Blue Velvet or Psycho ok Psycho might be an A +
Why did marvel flat out lie saying no Thanos ? he would not be my first choice as a villain for the sequel but was cool none the less and we have seen the infinity gauntlet
How awesome was the punch Hulk gave Thor in the final fight or the mopping the floor with Loki...too awesome ok it could get an a for those alone
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