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Hulk Smash

Thursday, February 16, 2023

Film Review : Ant-Man and the Wasp: Quantumania


It is not secret the quality of Marvel Films has taken a nose dive the Avenger's Saga Concluded with the last Spider-man movie being the only redeeming movie to emerge. Ant-Man's third film is a dive deeper into the mess they are making. The Quantum Realm is worth investing in. The mythos of it they are developing finds a great deal of potential being wasted. This movie is mainly a vehicle to set up Johnathan Major's Kang as the replacement for Thanos. His mission statement is just as murky as ever where Thanos was clear cut in his designs. While Major's seemed a reluctant bad guy in Loki, his role here is plagued by overacting, accents that come and go, little to make you think that he follows the rule of the villainy , which states the big bad should always be the hero of their own story. 

Speaking of heroes Rudd seems less confident in his role than he did in the second Ant-man, some of this might be due to the script which struggle to depict him as a father to teenage girl. Instead Rudd constantly calls back to earlier films. They wrote this into the story by having him obsessed with an autobiography he wrote. Lilly's Wasp, also seems lost, granted Van Dyne is who should be in the role with a more well rounded backstory, finds her in the mire many Marvel movies face as they  divert from the source materiel to cater to the director's convoluted artistic vision which in this case feels like some one order Star Wars from Wish,  They come out with characters out of thin air, when deals should have been struck to have the Micronauts fill the roles, they could have even thrown in Crystar as a chef's kiss and kept with a similar tone and theme.

Modok who looked like a joke in the trailer, and is often used for comic relief here, is the film's best moments. When ever he is onscreen the movie feels better , as the character's have more chemistry with him than Kang. The big action scenes and final fights, were better than what happened in the last Black Panther movie, but largely a CGI mess. Sure we saw Cassie in a costume of sorts, but unless one of the post credit's characters were Iron Lad, there were no other Young Avenger's connections to be found, neither was much of a path opened for the Fantastic Four. Instead we got a wild mess of a movie, that was hard to stay awake for when it was supposed to be building to a climax. One of the few times where the Rotten Tomatoes score makes sense.