While Moon Knight might not be my favorite Marvel character of all time, he is like a deep cut from an album no one appreciated until the past 5 years. That is if you read comics. He crosses over into books I read more though I have given his books a fair shake when they come out. I know Marc Spector pretty well. The challenge would be how to make him not come across like Marvel’s version of Bat-man , who wears white. They had to lean into the crazy. I approve of this in theory, how they executed it is another thing. The adherence to the Khonshu theme gets a thumbs up as Marvel has been apologetic in the past about Thor being a god.
In some of the action scenes I was reminded of the “Quantum of Solace” , a more comedic James Bond. The losing time was a nice touch, but only for a first episode, if they went to the well too many of them it would not work. Overall Oscar could dial back some of the goofiness, just because someone is mentally ill does not mean they are so servile and meek. Perhaps this is going to be ironed out and will prove just to be one of Spectors alters . I know this is not going to be set in the bigger picture of the Marvel Universe. I do not expect Blade or Daredevil to show up.
I think there is promise, but it does seem they might be steering this in the wrong direction. If they continue with Oscar bubbling around like a Greatest American hero, then this will fall very flat. I get staying away from being like Bat-man but at some point we need to see what he is really about. This means not shying away from the costume. This means getting a good bit darker than what we have seen so far. I think by not using things like Werewolf By Night they are missing out on opportunities, hopefully the villain won’t fall into the mirror image of the hero trop they have worn out. Moonknight is going to become a household name now, lets hope it is the most accurate depiction and things are ironed out.