ok i have few blogs but i need one dedicated to all things comic book- it will be once a week or as new or other developments in the comic book world come about. this was inspired by a voice in the desert of the internet i feel needs to be there -i have enough space to rant about music my lj account is more personal and none of my friends want me to go on a diatribe about the end of fall of the hulks so here you go
Hulk Smash

Sunday, August 26, 2018
Marvel Fall of 2018
Ok trying to not go as long without weighing in on what's going on with Marvel, and by that I don't mean Thanos snapping, I mean what really matters the comics. I'll start with my favorite character and go from there. With Banner is back with his own series. Cho Hulk is relegated to the pages of Champions, and at this point almost feels like he is filling the gap for Doc Sampson. If I was writing for Hulk, Sampson is the first character I would bring back. Also what ever happened with Skaar Any ways lets look at what goes down here. This was the first comic I considered buying a physical copy of. Most of you should know the Hulk is my favorite comic book character and I have been reading him for 35 years. They get credit for reaching back into the Hulk's history to pull more obscure characters from. I am also excited at the real Defenders having a comeback, not this Luke Cage Netflix shit. Namor, the Surfer and Strange. Speaking of Dr. Strange is he one the same planet Black Panther is? Aside from the dwarf in his comics both books are on this Star Wars like kick that feels awkward in both cases, more so with Black Panther as it feels like something I have already seen in Captain America, at least with Dr. Strange magic makes it more interesting.
Spider-man seems like he is getting fucked up again. Bringing this other Peter Parker in is a mistake, Why is he fighting Sentinels ? Spider-geddon will hopefully kill off all the other Spider-people, I am good with just Jessica Drew, Silk, Peter and Miles. With Miles it's only because with the animated movie he is going anywhere. On the street level I am having a hard time caring about anyone else. Old Man Logan is currently occupying the best Daredevil story line that Matt Murdock is not in. Which works cus all the color coordinate X books dont have room for him. Red might be the best of the bunch. Not that the story-line is anything to really applaud for or make me want to read more , but it is more focused than the others. While we are on unfocused the Avengers vs Celestials thing is reading like Justice League. It also proves that Ghost Rider is out of place. I like that Alpha Flight are popping up all over the place , but they just need their own book. It's also sad that the first issue of West Coast Avengers was as bad as it was, Gwenpool alone could ruin a book, so when Hawkeye is the best you have go there is trouble , the book is too much about jokes, if Tigra shrinks down and joins the team to replace Gwenpool their might be hope.
Sentry got my hopes up in the first issue but devolves into what is dreams in another reality and what is real, they throw a fight with Iron-Man on the cover of the third issue and Iron Man is not even in the book. This supporting cast of other Sentries that are not real is getting too much focus, Why did Misty Knight get sent in to law down the law to Reynolds who could kill her with a sneeze did not make much sense either. Last but not least in fake covers is the lingering build to bring back the Fantastic Four. That first issue was a tease. Hopefully this won't get too drawn out. I think Dr. Doom has become more convoluted, when if you go back to the first Secret Wars series he is the premiere villain as he should be. Just cause they cant get him right in the movies is not an excuse to screw him up now. So there is some hope they can get things right by the end of the year, at this point things are too close to call. Thor is once again a mess , the art might have worked for Weirdworld , but not the book is hard to read.
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