The sequel to the quirky mutants anti-super hero film, is more of a super hero film and it continues to make fun of that fact. The problem this self aware fourth wall breaker faces is the shock of being different only works once. I think the inclusion of Cable , Domino, Juggernaut and hell even Shatterstar, makes this feel more like it's placed in the Marvel Universe. When I walked out of this movie I realized I could not remember who the bad guy was in the first movie and in this film the bad guy is even more unimpressive. Deadpool faces a problem similar to guys like Black Panther, Luke Cage and Iron Fist have, a shallow rogues gallery. Deadpool does have enough of a personality to carry a movie where the other heroes mentioned are less fleshed out and somewhat stiff. This in turn makes the tension dulled. There is now sense of urgency as we are hoping a kid who is not even cool enough for the New Mutants doesn't go off the rails.

Reynolds is pretty comfortable now in this role. Brolin also slides into the techno virus of Cable pretty easily. When it comes to Domino I think this was a missed opportunity. Deadpool himself calls her a black Black Widow, which is how this character comes across. I got the ironic easter egg in the fact she landed on an inflatable panda bear who looks more like Domino than she did in this movie. Domino's scenes came across as just something that looks good to get the blood pumping to dub step. Of course people are raving saying she should get her own movie or one she teams up with Deadpool. There is little chemistry between her and Reynolds. Half of their interaction is over a head set and most of the time she in wandering off doing her own thing. In an X-Force movie it could work, but left to her own the problems that Deadpool has would be multiplied.
Some of the film's strongest performance came from CGI'ed characters Colossus and Juggernaut. With the rest of the returning cast going overboard to compensate for us having seem them before. The winks at the audience trying to hard. Deadpool's trademark crazed banter with himself continued to have charm of it's own, though when taking more blatant pop culture references wore at you by the end of the film where it culminated into almost Wizard of Oz level melodrama. I get that this movie is stupid fun almost to the point now of being like one of the "Airplane" films. It is like laughing at fart jokes, though those are almost more high brow than this movie at times. It was fun, and though Deadpool didn't die another movie might find them going to the well too many times. This is supported by the films 66% drop it's second week. Deadpool might have avoided one bomb, the future might be an uglier one time travel can't save him from.