ok i have few blogs but i need one dedicated to all things comic book- it will be once a week or as new or other developments in the comic book world come about. this was inspired by a voice in the desert of the internet i feel needs to be there -i have enough space to rant about music my lj account is more personal and none of my friends want me to go on a diatribe about the end of fall of the hulks so here you go
Hulk Smash

Tuesday, June 28, 2016
Last Week in Marvel 6/22/2016
The 8th issue of the Ultimates was a waste of time as they keep re-telling events we have already seen and not really offering much difference in perspective than what we have already seen though that is their intention here. The 8th issue of the Mighty Thor continues to underwhelm. the next arc they are building into promises to be another snooze fest, if she is facing off against a woman who shoots gold bullets and the Silver Samurai , sounds like more fitting foes for X-23. Sadly Scarlet Witch continues to be a terrible book. The 7th issue is a drab bore. The art obtuse. This is one of my favorite Marvel characters getting mistreated here. The 8th issue of Ms. Marvel has no redeeming qualities. You just just chose not to read Civil War Choosing Sides, as it's a waste of time.
The tenth issue of Sam Wilson Captain America is racist in it's attempt to not be racist as only the black superheroes got together to discuss WarMachine's funeral when the character has many other friends and some of the character shown here were hardly around him, when Black Widow or Hawkeye might have been more fitting. Some one should have asked ,where were you when the west coast Avengers were around. I don't like where Totally Awesome Hulk is heading, even with Bruce Banner back, I am glad the sales of this book are going down the drain it's time the fan's voice spoke louder than Marvel's sjw agenda.
Uncanny Avengers is getting a little better, not sure about this Ultronized Hank Pym, like the art work and at least the are trying to recapture and Avengers feel. The fifth issue of Power-man and Iron-fist was, fun, nothing ground breaking the book seems to be trying to find direction. Dr Strange's ninth issue was pretty good, I am still unsure why Scarlet Witch needs weapons when she has mutant abilities that are not dependent on external sources to generate magick, and why this hasn't been brought up or how everything seems to be working fine in her solo book.
Friday, June 17, 2016
Weeks of Marvel
Here is a little catching up. First off the second issue of Civil War 2 is better than the first though I do not like what I think is going to happen with Bruce Banner. If Carol Danvers kills him, before he can turn into the Hulk, I'm contemplating just giving up on comics all together. I mean then only Dr. Strange will be left of my top 3 characters since Thor is still m.i.a. I like how Stark took down the In-Humans. Karnak's depiction in every other book that is not his is better than what happened in his solo book. Speaking of In-Humans , both their books were just terrible. Trying to go with these more "diverse" In-Humans instead of focusing on the core is really weakening them. You want an In-Humans book, get Gorgon out of the wheel-chair, then focus on Triton, Karnak, Medusa, Black Bolt, Crystal and Maximus. Sure I'll give you Lash, but none of the others are worth a damn. The cross over in Squadron Supreme, was a fake out if you were to judge the book by it's cover.
The 8th issue of Venom Space Knight, was a little bit of a let down. The new art falls really short of where the old artist held the bar and Flash chasing after Venom, was on the lame side. The second issue of Thunderbolts was really weird the art looked like it was from a 90s comic and now the In-humans are coming out of no-where not sure how much sense it made. The other lets down were the Amazing Spider-man which saw very little Parker and more Regent than anything. Vote Loki's first issue is pretty pointless as was both the obtuse Spider-Gwen and Black Widow.
The 12th issue of New Avengers is a big improvement, the art is great. Squirrel Girl is back to being drawn relatively hot instead of looking like a teenage lesbian. The arc with Dum Dum, might drag this book in a weird place unless they have a show down with the Howling Commandos. I am a little confused with where this falls with the death of magic arc over in Dr. Strange, I am assuming, that was resolved by this point? The first issue of the "Gods of War" series of Civil War, was fun and pretty much picks up where Hercules left off. The art is very suited for the story being told though the Cho-Hulk is drawn a little oddly. One of the best books over the past couple of weeks was Ant-man, whose 9th issue told a charming story without risking becoming a cliche. Civil War X-men was much better than Uncanny.
Civil War 2,
Saturday, June 4, 2016
This Week in Marvel : 6/1/16
So there are a few holes in Civil War 2, why are X-men or any mutants around In-humans when they have this virus thing going around? We certainly know Dazzler was supposed to be infected by it, not to mention how screwed up is continuity here. We just saw Jen hulking out big time over in A-Force which was mildly entertaining if not cartoonish, but she just died. I am not sure the battle lines and what they are fighting for this time around is as compelling or well written as it was in the first Civil War, but sequels very rarely are. When it comes to the deaths in this issue their editor was talking to Comic Book Resources and the focus was not on She-Hulk, but the fact they killed War Machine who is black. This is where one you start pandering to someone, you can never stop. Now the cries of don't green lives matter? or what about the fact She-Hulk is the strongest woman in Marvel, what does that say to women, it's not ok to kill off a black man, but ok to kill strong women, come on feminists get on this.
Amazing Spider-man's 13th issue got a little silly with the fight be-tween Peter and Iron-man. Then it shifts to Miles and Regent. All New Wolverine finds the book losing a little gas, why does Shield care about logan being in Fing Fang Foom's stomach and why is he in there in the first place are all questions for this issue. We just saw him over with the Cho-Hulk, so the dragon should be off somewhere else. Get it together Marvel. The 10th issue of Iron-man is a litte precise with it's narrative, but makes it hard for me to really care about any of these character even though the art is awesome.
The All New Avengers has a gotten a little better with it's 10th issue, they are on a quest to find Sam's dad, for reasons not really spelled out. Annihilus is revealed as the new big bag, I suppose they are in the Negative Zone now. The kids didn't annoy me too much, their voices were sometimes shaky. The Omega Issue of Spider- Women is pretty good. I like how the fact Gwen never learned how to throw a real punch is brought up, that is something I have often wondered with many heroes. Old Man Logan got by on the art on brutality of the 7th issue and is perhaps a glimpse into what the 3rd Wolverine solo film will be like. Speaking of brutal that is one thing the second issue of the Punisher had going for , but not much else in the way of story. Moon Knight is managing to be much more interesting in it's dive into Marc Spector's twisted mind.
captain marvel,
Civil War 2,
Wednesday, June 1, 2016
The Week In Marvel 5/25/16
Obviously an entire post- could have been written about how stupid Captain America being an Agent of Hydra is. It spits in the face not only of canon, but the legacy of Marvel and goes to show how as long as they are making money from the movies they feel like they can spit in the faces of the fans who put them their to begin with. What a fucking mess to clean up, you think things like the Clone Saga and One More Day would teach them a lesson in fucking up comics. It took something this big and dumb to almost make the six issue of Totally Awesome Hulk seem worthwhile. The art was terrible and cover misleading , no actual throw down takes place, and seems like a good thing one doesn't as this Cho-hulk is a damn pussy. I am not sure he can get angry enough to beat Foster-Thor. I tried to read the 12th issue of Deadpool and it was an obtuse mess. Ms. Marvel's 7th issue finds the book continuing to be a waster of paper. Her and Miles run around school without their costumes most of the issue.
Dr. Strange was alright, though Scarlet Witch doesn't need magic for her powers, she's a mutant ...depending on how you want to ret-con it even a In-human. So why was she reduced to acting a human? Too bad they had to wait five issues for the writing in Red Wolf to pay off. Not that the character really has a lot to stand on in order to support his own book.
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