How often does a D/c title make the cover picture to a blog...not often. D/C continues to show improvement this week. I like Catwoman , I'm not sure why I take pauses from reading it, it's one of the fee powerless superhero books I like. She does pretty well with out powers and is in and put of Arkham all in one issue. There's a lot of fun stuff in this pretty ,inch everything I need from tho shook is delivered with great art. Art is where D/c is putting a hurting on marvel, there stories are a jumbled mess most of the time even a bit on this weeks Justice League it still great to look at.
O.k Marvel...the mess is made tampering with what works, this can be dome with taste and class, the Superior Spoder -man for one has surprised me, this episode the action was a little sparse and the lack of Tony Stark helped keep the beat going amd with Dr. Ock's plan to further remove the Peter Parker parts ...well we'll see.
But future/ past , time Travelling and alternate worlds thing is the editors letting sloppy writing run rampant, it's company wide mess now, Dark Avengersalmost unreadable I gave it a chance to see Skaar. It couldn't find a fuck to give. The big glaring one is Age of Ultron , first off we are ever told when these events take place and now the teams have split some people like Wolverine are going into the past others like Fury in the future, thoughgSueStorm commented that she never remembered seeing Fury look that young. so where is he from? I can't be shocked by She-hulk getting killed or Wolverine killing Hank Pym because I don't know what context to take it in. I don know with Ant-man being green lit if Phm is in fact dead it won't be for long.
Thunderbolts was a little better, at least it could be followed though the whole terrorist arc is underwhelming. Iron-man the god killer thing is big and dumb. Nova was fun, the art was great, it think this greatest American hero stick it's in now. Reds to move forward some,Rocket Racoon and Gamora's appearence didn't make me any more than neutral at best to the characters. Howardthe duck is more intresting than rocket Racoon. I think Gamora and drax and the only ones worth keeping on that team and if I was writing it would add, Nova, Adam Warlock, and mmm...Beta Ray Bill or even Sif to the team, but Mantis or Moondragonwould work as well.
The Savage Wolverine was pretty good, didn't recognize Amadeus Cho how did he grow up so fast ough every Boyd aged slower in comics Now what version of the Hulk is that which showed up at the end is another good question to ask. Didn't both wo Amy other X titles. I did giv e Captain Marvel a shot and it was. Jch improved,though the art work was still lacki thou I'll give it another shot since I like Carol Danvers.