It's taking me a minute to finish this blog because sadly its hard for me to get excited about comics these days as they are all pretty much varied shade sof bad or boring , overly operatic and lacking of any cool ass kicking moments which lets face it is why we read them in the first place, of not we would be watching day time soap operas. First I'll give so e thoughts on things ont he world of comics then break down comic by comic where any redemption is to be found and it will all be with Marvel as D/C is at the other end of the spectrum a lot happening in a jumble with out forming any connection for you to care about the character , odd for they seem to connect when the characters are on the small screen, I'm really enjoying Arrow even ough I the comicsi could care less about Oliver Queen.
...so far it's pretty grim beginning for the year, the thing is I want to enjoy comics not bitch about them. I look forward every weds to new comic book day only to be let down and recalling fonder times when that wasn't the case...jaded perhaps, well I shouldn't be , in relationships there's the factor of your expectations and the fact another person with free will has the choice to behave in whatever, manner they chose, so heartbreak is the risk you take in feeling. With comics I am a customer paying money to get a desired product , if you are capable of providing this service and have done so in the past them that is what I expect.
In this economy it means spending money I sometimes don't have, have I downloaded them , yes, but I find it's gotten easier time wise forms just to go into the storeamd red everything there and be done with it, does it mean when I sit downat the iPad in this cast to review me that I ome times don't remember what I read ...yes , did I do too many drugs in college ...yes, but it also means that you are making comicbooks that aren't that memorable.
This week was plagued with long winded writers who think they need to have their version of the Silmarillon before every arc and if we are being frank its a bloated bore get to the point and show me as the story moves forward origins and all of the back story can unfold, this thing with Hyperion was a bore, we go a page of action and several of the history of the universe, the only cool thing was a little glimpse at the Squadron Supreme who if an one has any smarts needs to cross over into the Avengers to retrieve Hyperion who doesn't belong on the team, if you want that character bring back Sentry.
Superior Spider- man a boring excursion into the Mary Jane break up where the big pay off was Otto putting the breaks on things with M.J, to avoid what could have been a very creepy element,which at first made me feel uncomfortable but if we are going all the way with this I think Otto as Spidey should be uncomfortable..other news the Rhino is going to be Amazing Spiderman 2, but if Jamie Foxx is in it I'm still not going to we o oh well I'll have to catch Rhino clips online.
Dark Avengers in this alternate universe is like lost carbon copy to what was just done in Secret Avengers how did than slip past the editor. I will keep cracking the book open to check in on Skaar but that's it. I odd need to remind myself to never pick up Xtreme X-Men ever again , it said in the solicit Wolverine was going to fight Hercules and eluded to it on the cover but open the book and ....wait for it...they are gay lovers ...no I'm not making a joke,granted this is in an alternate universand we know Hugh Jackman is a Hollywood closet case only fooling housewives in Iowa, but come on false advertising .
Let's looks at the stat of Marvel, we have already touched on Spiderman so lets go down the line.
The Indestructable Hulk...I actually have bought this one . Its the best of the bunch, the cast of scientist introduced the last issue I hope don't bog things down but it entertaining.
Thor God of Thunder... Most of the books problems are in the disjointed scripting switching time frames from page to page worked better I the planning stages than committed to paper. The Art work is the best going and when this God Slayer arc wraps I guess we shall see how it hangs.
Uncanny Avengers...This book is working right now, though the RedSkulls mutant minions had no connection and Havok is a weak character and seems pointless as Cap pretty much did his own thing.
Captain America...feels like I'm reading Kamandi
Iron Man...Almost unreadable , to think someone is paying for this
Ff...like a reality show that's badly drawn and Fantastic Four properties like one of the boring episodes of star trek. No clobbering time
Avengers...things got jumbled and too cosmic fast the new characters don't work but they are committed to their mistakes and I don't see them not allowing it to go down with the ship
Ms Marvel...I really want to read this book but I can't the art gives me a headache and the story is worse.
All New X-men...they are taking there time getting around to anyone happening md it looks like this as well as Uncanny are going to see the Avemgers showing up, and it looks like the same team in two places at one way to go editors
Thunderbolts ...the art is horrid I like old hulk Villians being used but it's just really bad otherwise red she hul is the only Hulk related non banner book that works , though I know Bammerhulk is about to show up in secret avngerw which isn't off to a stellar start , not unlike New Avengers, I like the art the story is dragging its like the Kwanis club for marvel men.
So marvel what you're saying is I have age of Ultron to look forward to ...a villian I don't hate but it's a robot so little low in the personality dept and the whole post apocalyptic it's the end of the world as we know it is different for. Fear itself how? Oh yeah a lot less cool since know chosen or amped upHulks and such. I know they want to get away for. The hero vs hero events. It i. Tink good story build I to events not events build good stories.