Ok catching up a little after picking up a few books last night , lets start with Marvel , who is planting the seeds early for this year's Avengers vs X-men book,... mean do you really think the Avengers can lose considering Marvel Entertainment owns the rights to the Avengers films and fox entertainment owns the X-films? Not to mention if you line up all the big guns the X-men are out classed even adding Phoenix to the mix and how divided loyalties are going to be considering Wolverine, Beast , Namor Quicksliver and now Storm have Avenger ties.
Ok before i go fan-boy on this Avenger's Annual comes up and after all the re-launches are we bothering to number them at this point ? Good art , what could have been an epic throw down turns into the Avengers using a bunch of clever tricks to school Wonder-man's team in minutes after they had clobbered Luke Cages guys , so Cage is just leading a bunch of b-listers even though they have Spider-man and Wolverine ?
Next up Hulk # 47, has the Red Hulk really carried this many issues ? The book trade places as for every issue Parker surpassed The Incredible Hulk he digresses into something like this father daughter non-sense which is the only reason i can see Ross-Hulk not punching Red-hulk back. I am kinda over Machine-man tagging along , why do Hulks need side kicks?
Avengers... I love the concept of the Dark Avengers , though this version is not really doing it for me aside from Skaar, which is the main draw for me , the new avengers art is waaaay better than that of the avengers book , i think this needs to change switch the artists or something. Osborn is more thoughtful in his approach to baiting the teams , though the main team hasn't really assembled in my opinion and would like to see how Norman does when Thor comes back , i'm guessing he is out of the picture because of what is transpiring in his own book? Thor wasn't pulled for me so not sure if i am behind on that one or not.
In other marvel stuff , Thunderbolts has stalled for me in their time travelling , which the X-men are following suit in this department. Need to catch up on Defenders and Alpha Flight. Spider-man is so-so and Venom seems promising as X-23 and Red Hulk are showing up.
OK dC ...going hit up some of the other books, Action Comics jumped the shark on some time travel but it is Grant Morrison so maybe he will pull it together, like he did with the return of Bruce Wayne, have like Jla , will see where Aqua-man is heading this weekend , Hawk-man was a mess and I ma giving Swamp thing another issue to bring in the actual Swamp- thing and spar me of the further adventures of Alec Holland. Yes i have a bit of dc catching up to do , i think the books i am most interested in like Cat-woman, and Dark Knight haven't come out , the last Bat-man and robin was meh, looked like different art to me .
ok i have few blogs but i need one dedicated to all things comic book- it will be once a week or as new or other developments in the comic book world come about. this was inspired by a voice in the desert of the internet i feel needs to be there -i have enough space to rant about music my lj account is more personal and none of my friends want me to go on a diatribe about the end of fall of the hulks so here you go
Hulk Smash

Friday, January 20, 2012
Wednesday, January 4, 2012
the 52 in 2012
Ok taking a look at all the comics in the 52 that aren't on my pull list and have actual superheroes in them so skipping over All Star Western. So here's the run down .
Animal Man... Not as bad as i thought it would be. in the murky surrealistic of 80's acid minded Alan Moore , Reading Swamp Thing , so there is no real need for me to read another title like this .
Bat Girl...Great art , just not in tune with the character.
Bat-Man... this was the weakest of the Bat- titles
Bat-man and Robin... the best of the Bat-titles, the art was everything you could want there was one page that was iconic Bat-man, if i was going to read one this would be it
Dark -Knight...the art was good , story wandered seemed like an extension of jla
Bat-wing... stuff like this is what the one hit wonder syndrome did for the music industry in the early 2000's glad i just pulled it up on line , nothing worthwhile about this title at all
Bat-woman.. not really my thing but very done , like the dark tone, can see this book doing well.
Birds of Prey... go read Bat-woman instead, not as bad as Bat-wing, everything was mediocre
Blackhawks... no and i don't read G.i Joe either
Blue Beetle... like the art , it tries to be too ethnic, feels like what ultimate spider-man is trying to do
Captain Atom- felt like more like a marvel title, which isn't a bad thing , the art was the weak point , and whats with dc and these blood morphing monster villains?
Cat-woman- great art , alot of fun...see i'm not a total misogynist and she doesn't even have powers
D.C presents - ok this one had Dead-man, not one of my favorite characters, as boring as i thought ,
Deathstroke... don't know a ton about the character but it was a fun read with good artwork
Demon Knights- ...umm liked the art , but i like my d&d separate from my comics not a super-hero book
Detective Comics... the art was better than decent but the story was a mess , surprised they haven't taken better care of their flag ship book,so Batman & robin stands as the definitive bat book
Frankenstein agent of shade...- this was once on my pull list and the just kept forgetting to hold it but the art was pretty lame 70's styled so it's no great loss , the story was like something out of heavy metal mag but with out the cool parts
Green Arrow...fun, the art was nothing to write home about and Smallville has influenced the character's feel
Green Lantern- mucky mess of space drama, this title as always allowed it self to get mired down in the mythology to me , the coloring stole the show
Green Lantern Corps - pretty impressive , the art was great , the story had the normal dc jumble that the lantern book normally go crazy with but it all flowed well to me
Green Lantern new Guardians... with corps why is this book needed ? this seems like a pointless garbled mess
Griter- liked the showdown with Green Arrow , was fun
Hawk and Dove - very 90's feel, these character seemed like throw aways to me
I Vampire- the art was a distraction not my thing and i love horror , but it seemed like a side bar in a swamp thing story
Justice League - uh wow, the best so far , the art is fucking awesome the best in comics and the story is well..lets just say Super-man is in the back ground for the most part and i don't think bat man did a damn thing aqua- mand and flash pretty much took care of business with green lantern playing clean up and a lil bit of Cyborg
Justice league dark- um... like dr pepper ten but more confusing , who the hell was actually Zatanna is what i kept asking , cus bout three girls could have been her , she needed her top hat if she in fact was in that issue
Justice League International... like an episode of the super friends if it took it self more seriously and you didn't know most of the heroes . at least Bat-man does more in this than jla
Legion Lost... so legion on earth is the catch here? not unlike legion super powered teenager run around and fight who ever for no good reason
Legion of Superheroes... not as stupid as this title has been in the past could follow it and the art has on the good side of just ok
Mr Terrific ...wasn't as bad as i imagined , sort of on the buck rogers tip, never a fan of the character so that is saying something
Night wing- about what you would expect plus a team up with Bat girl, and to think somewhere out there is a guy who Nightwing is his favorite character
Omac... very Kirby, knew nothing about this character going into this and coming out he's like a down loaded captain marvel who fight cyber alligators , i know it sounds dumb and i'm not saying it's not
Red Hood and the out laws - better than one might think , the art rocked it , and it was pretty fun times
Red Lanterns -almost i forgot i read it five minutes after the fact, pretty pointless
Resurrection-man- ...not sure what a sonic scream has to do with his name , their was a hot chick with a tattooed arm and that was the high point
Static Shock - and i though Bat wing is bad but i made it through that one this one after 4 pages i had to give up on , was dc trying to fill a quota of black heroes because this is toilet paper waiting to happen
Stormwatch- not a fan , pretty good art work the story is scattered at best
Suicide Squad - reads like dc's thunderbolts, was more impressed with the first issue than this one
Super boy- the art seems to be slacking, like the fact he has such a mean streak
Super - girl .. fun even if she is missing her midriff costume
Super-man...inferior in every way to action comics
Teen Titans ...another surprise , the art was a plus , the super boy vs wonder girl always works for me
The Flash...is matt fraction writing for dc now because , there was only three pages at the end with the flash on them and the rest was a bunch of drawn out back story non-sense
the savage hawk-man- alan moore's influence on dc is apparent . unfortunately i am still glad i gave up on this because the mish mash of action doesn't tell any sort of story or really feel like the character
Voodoo...like the art decent story a wait and see which since we are on issue four makes me wonder how they were wasting our time with the first 3
Wonder-woman...felt like a indie comic or hell-body on an off month, didn't suit up for a while not quite fraction lame darker than i imagined , i liked where they had taken her before the 52 , not sure if is factors into making her one of the big three outside of jla
Animal Man... Not as bad as i thought it would be. in the murky surrealistic of 80's acid minded Alan Moore , Reading Swamp Thing , so there is no real need for me to read another title like this .
Bat Girl...Great art , just not in tune with the character.
Bat-Man... this was the weakest of the Bat- titles
Bat-man and Robin... the best of the Bat-titles, the art was everything you could want there was one page that was iconic Bat-man, if i was going to read one this would be it
Dark -Knight...the art was good , story wandered seemed like an extension of jla
Bat-wing... stuff like this is what the one hit wonder syndrome did for the music industry in the early 2000's glad i just pulled it up on line , nothing worthwhile about this title at all
Bat-woman.. not really my thing but very done , like the dark tone, can see this book doing well.
Birds of Prey... go read Bat-woman instead, not as bad as Bat-wing, everything was mediocre
Blackhawks... no and i don't read G.i Joe either
Blue Beetle... like the art , it tries to be too ethnic, feels like what ultimate spider-man is trying to do
Captain Atom- felt like more like a marvel title, which isn't a bad thing , the art was the weak point , and whats with dc and these blood morphing monster villains?
Cat-woman- great art , alot of fun...see i'm not a total misogynist and she doesn't even have powers
D.C presents - ok this one had Dead-man, not one of my favorite characters, as boring as i thought ,
Deathstroke... don't know a ton about the character but it was a fun read with good artwork
Demon Knights- ...umm liked the art , but i like my d&d separate from my comics not a super-hero book
Detective Comics... the art was better than decent but the story was a mess , surprised they haven't taken better care of their flag ship book,so Batman & robin stands as the definitive bat book
Frankenstein agent of shade...- this was once on my pull list and the just kept forgetting to hold it but the art was pretty lame 70's styled so it's no great loss , the story was like something out of heavy metal mag but with out the cool parts
Green Arrow...fun, the art was nothing to write home about and Smallville has influenced the character's feel
Green Lantern- mucky mess of space drama, this title as always allowed it self to get mired down in the mythology to me , the coloring stole the show
Green Lantern Corps - pretty impressive , the art was great , the story had the normal dc jumble that the lantern book normally go crazy with but it all flowed well to me
Green Lantern new Guardians... with corps why is this book needed ? this seems like a pointless garbled mess
Griter- liked the showdown with Green Arrow , was fun
Hawk and Dove - very 90's feel, these character seemed like throw aways to me
I Vampire- the art was a distraction not my thing and i love horror , but it seemed like a side bar in a swamp thing story
Justice League - uh wow, the best so far , the art is fucking awesome the best in comics and the story is well..lets just say Super-man is in the back ground for the most part and i don't think bat man did a damn thing aqua- mand and flash pretty much took care of business with green lantern playing clean up and a lil bit of Cyborg
Justice league dark- um... like dr pepper ten but more confusing , who the hell was actually Zatanna is what i kept asking , cus bout three girls could have been her , she needed her top hat if she in fact was in that issue
Justice League International... like an episode of the super friends if it took it self more seriously and you didn't know most of the heroes . at least Bat-man does more in this than jla
Legion Lost... so legion on earth is the catch here? not unlike legion super powered teenager run around and fight who ever for no good reason
Legion of Superheroes... not as stupid as this title has been in the past could follow it and the art has on the good side of just ok
Mr Terrific ...wasn't as bad as i imagined , sort of on the buck rogers tip, never a fan of the character so that is saying something
Night wing- about what you would expect plus a team up with Bat girl, and to think somewhere out there is a guy who Nightwing is his favorite character
Omac... very Kirby, knew nothing about this character going into this and coming out he's like a down loaded captain marvel who fight cyber alligators , i know it sounds dumb and i'm not saying it's not
Red Hood and the out laws - better than one might think , the art rocked it , and it was pretty fun times
Red Lanterns -almost i forgot i read it five minutes after the fact, pretty pointless
Resurrection-man- ...not sure what a sonic scream has to do with his name , their was a hot chick with a tattooed arm and that was the high point
Static Shock - and i though Bat wing is bad but i made it through that one this one after 4 pages i had to give up on , was dc trying to fill a quota of black heroes because this is toilet paper waiting to happen
Stormwatch- not a fan , pretty good art work the story is scattered at best
Suicide Squad - reads like dc's thunderbolts, was more impressed with the first issue than this one
Super boy- the art seems to be slacking, like the fact he has such a mean streak
Super - girl .. fun even if she is missing her midriff costume
Super-man...inferior in every way to action comics
Teen Titans ...another surprise , the art was a plus , the super boy vs wonder girl always works for me
The Flash...is matt fraction writing for dc now because , there was only three pages at the end with the flash on them and the rest was a bunch of drawn out back story non-sense
the savage hawk-man- alan moore's influence on dc is apparent . unfortunately i am still glad i gave up on this because the mish mash of action doesn't tell any sort of story or really feel like the character
Voodoo...like the art decent story a wait and see which since we are on issue four makes me wonder how they were wasting our time with the first 3
Wonder-woman...felt like a indie comic or hell-body on an off month, didn't suit up for a while not quite fraction lame darker than i imagined , i liked where they had taken her before the 52 , not sure if is factors into making her one of the big three outside of jla
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