hang we are about to cover alot of ground , as i hit the comic book shop and borders did a little reading , lets get the green out of the way , dead pool 37, consistently so ridiculously it hard to believe its canon, boils down to a silly dead pool hulk fight , the high being when hulk flicks him away, the how did he get those grenades in the hulks mouth panel absurd, guess hulk is going to pound him into the ground
incredible hulk 629, am i correct we only have 3 more pak's after this ? not a bade book the art was spot looks like the artist who started stronger than the books finished just did not give a fuck after a while , the story ok tyrannus now my favorite villain for the hulk , might be more interesting maybe fighting the ff or kazar , the betty chapter looks like it is still open, i guess , from the solicits magic is going keep playing a role , i take it from when the hulk inhaled pandoras box , seem lately in pak's book the hulk gets knocked around a little too much for my liking ,
mighty thor 2 - pretty much filler , the lead in to the surfer show up, odin seems to be cutting some deals and bringing heimdall to his heels for some future treachery he suspects , little dynamic with the loki, sif relationships, feel like hogun the grim could have been doing his laundry
checked out daken and venom, daken a snooze fest , venom was alrite liked the art and the fact spidey showed up
also read the green lantern trade of blackest night , it was the normal dc jumbled action , lets trade rings switch colors whatever, half the time you don't know where these fights are taking place it's a cosmic royal rumble , while entertaining at times when it didn't get to bogged down in the ring -gibberish , not enough mera, i'll say that , and sinestro was never likeable , but i guess he's not supposed to be, the lex luthor writing was way off didn't seem like him
ok i have few blogs but i need one dedicated to all things comic book- it will be once a week or as new or other developments in the comic book world come about. this was inspired by a voice in the desert of the internet i feel needs to be there -i have enough space to rant about music my lj account is more personal and none of my friends want me to go on a diatribe about the end of fall of the hulks so here you go
Hulk Smash

Saturday, May 28, 2011
Wednesday, May 25, 2011
a tangled mess
just read the trade paperback of the maxium carnage saga , which has to be the most cartoonish , mess of jumbled action non sense i have read, i can see why at one point i stopped reading spider -man when this is what it fell into , between this and the clone saga which along with one more day is what was done to royally fuck up one of the greatest super heroes created . i like heroes crossing over into other books to give the universe a feel , but if you were bringing firestar into the story for no reason might have well brought in ice-man because it felt like something from the amazing friends , which i found engaging at six and seven years of age, bat man brave and the bold follow similar silliness and i can only take that show in increments, death lok was another pointless addition and it became apparent how worthless cloak is, i would kill him off if given the chance
more modern books like new avengers - which i caught up with the whole flash back sabertooth avengers arch is a distraction , from the rest of the story which is not bad , feat considering this is the avengers team we could do with out , i preferred the dark avengers over them .
then the fourth installment of the war of the green lanterns, i found to use some restraint , which is abnormal for dc titles that just seem to happen, the -spoiler - end with all the human lanterns choosing their rings was a cool moment, does it make me feel any better about the movie which looks like a really cgi'ed buckaroo bonzai - nope , but i hope other dc writers take note, wonder woman is kicking ass and super man 711 with live wire - the other title i read was pretty decent, i enjoyed it as i would like to enjoy super-man but rarely get the chance to
this weekend i will pick up my incredible hulk and mighty thor and yes be a little more prompt with them
i did see a thor preview which looked promising as it had thor kicking the surfer's butt as he should be
can't say this is the most exciting time for comics , fear itself it a fizzle compared to siege
avengers academy is the only new title to get excited about , lots of book i am blah about - what would i do to spice it up you ask?
well it's about time for steve roger's to crack the whip on the x-force, could be a good post schism arch and lead to seeing where every one's loyalties lie if it came down to avengers vs x-men- i think between all the titles you have enough avenger's teams to take out the mutant collective- you could go kinda civil war with it
spider-man , this is a tough one - i say something test peter - something has to happen post - spider island- which is stupid in and of it's self, peter need to be back on the outside looking in, something to the effect of when he lost his shit on firelord and beat him in front of the avengers to me that had been a defining spider-man moment and truth be told there haven't been alot of those since back in black where he handed king pin a beat down
ff- get spider-man out they need some one with a little more fire power - the surfer - would be too much , namor redundant ,an inhuman might work , another chick - ms- marvel might be an interesting fit or storm
capt america- his rogues gallery is stale - i would like to see him fight the sinister 6 , the mole -man, the leader somebody out of his comfort zone or take him off us soil- the mandrain could be cool as well
same thing for iron -man , the stane stark war is played out , i liked him against doc ock, throw him against maybe a ff big bad , diablo , or annihilus
Hulk- get the family out loner hulk, look at hulk the long term implications for sampson messing with his head merging personalities the break downs an every thing he has been through needs to get worse every time something like a world war hulk happens, hulk needs to have some of his gallery given a gauntlet treatment , make them care about guys who have fallen by the way side particularly during the david run- speed-freak, piece-meal , mad-man all need to see comebacks , and then throw these red -hulk villains his way on top of that, lots of gold in them hills pak has over looked
-x-men - well see the avengers - they lost the sense of being outsiders as well
alpha flight would be well worked into x-force or any team wolverine is on - give me one streamed down -x-men, in uncanny-pick 7 mix it up- old and new - lets say
Wolverine, Armor, Emma, Ice-man , Gambit , Colossus and Magneto as the leader - angel stays in x-force-, rogue into her little team with hope, cyclops on x-factor with kitty, that team is a mess -
then you have your wolverine , x-23, dead pool and daken solo titles
i think that wraps the x world
give us a dr. strange or defenders book, defenders would be a good place of all the magic character that don't fit other places, not the classic line up - but say strange , luke cage , nighthawk, dagger- because i killed cloak, black cat and son of satan
marvels fixed
more modern books like new avengers - which i caught up with the whole flash back sabertooth avengers arch is a distraction , from the rest of the story which is not bad , feat considering this is the avengers team we could do with out , i preferred the dark avengers over them .
then the fourth installment of the war of the green lanterns, i found to use some restraint , which is abnormal for dc titles that just seem to happen, the -spoiler - end with all the human lanterns choosing their rings was a cool moment, does it make me feel any better about the movie which looks like a really cgi'ed buckaroo bonzai - nope , but i hope other dc writers take note, wonder woman is kicking ass and super man 711 with live wire - the other title i read was pretty decent, i enjoyed it as i would like to enjoy super-man but rarely get the chance to
this weekend i will pick up my incredible hulk and mighty thor and yes be a little more prompt with them
i did see a thor preview which looked promising as it had thor kicking the surfer's butt as he should be
can't say this is the most exciting time for comics , fear itself it a fizzle compared to siege
avengers academy is the only new title to get excited about , lots of book i am blah about - what would i do to spice it up you ask?
well it's about time for steve roger's to crack the whip on the x-force, could be a good post schism arch and lead to seeing where every one's loyalties lie if it came down to avengers vs x-men- i think between all the titles you have enough avenger's teams to take out the mutant collective- you could go kinda civil war with it
spider-man , this is a tough one - i say something test peter - something has to happen post - spider island- which is stupid in and of it's self, peter need to be back on the outside looking in, something to the effect of when he lost his shit on firelord and beat him in front of the avengers to me that had been a defining spider-man moment and truth be told there haven't been alot of those since back in black where he handed king pin a beat down
ff- get spider-man out they need some one with a little more fire power - the surfer - would be too much , namor redundant ,an inhuman might work , another chick - ms- marvel might be an interesting fit or storm
capt america- his rogues gallery is stale - i would like to see him fight the sinister 6 , the mole -man, the leader somebody out of his comfort zone or take him off us soil- the mandrain could be cool as well
same thing for iron -man , the stane stark war is played out , i liked him against doc ock, throw him against maybe a ff big bad , diablo , or annihilus
Hulk- get the family out loner hulk, look at hulk the long term implications for sampson messing with his head merging personalities the break downs an every thing he has been through needs to get worse every time something like a world war hulk happens, hulk needs to have some of his gallery given a gauntlet treatment , make them care about guys who have fallen by the way side particularly during the david run- speed-freak, piece-meal , mad-man all need to see comebacks , and then throw these red -hulk villains his way on top of that, lots of gold in them hills pak has over looked
-x-men - well see the avengers - they lost the sense of being outsiders as well
alpha flight would be well worked into x-force or any team wolverine is on - give me one streamed down -x-men, in uncanny-pick 7 mix it up- old and new - lets say
Wolverine, Armor, Emma, Ice-man , Gambit , Colossus and Magneto as the leader - angel stays in x-force-, rogue into her little team with hope, cyclops on x-factor with kitty, that team is a mess -
then you have your wolverine , x-23, dead pool and daken solo titles
i think that wraps the x world
give us a dr. strange or defenders book, defenders would be a good place of all the magic character that don't fit other places, not the classic line up - but say strange , luke cage , nighthawk, dagger- because i killed cloak, black cat and son of satan
marvels fixed
Tuesday, May 24, 2011
post thor comics
been catching up on dark horse's buffy season eight but back in the land of spandex - we see the hulks , a red one whose last issue vs the black fog the newest addition to the hulk rogues gallery comes into play, reminded me of banner fight with speed freak , a villian i would personally bring back , the cured the sleep problem and shot him off to start the planet red hulk, redundancy is the middle name here
The spy plot of banner hulk , was not the espionage fest they tried to make it out to be , fun 80's hulk reminds me of the secret war - yes the one with the beyonder - smart hulk,
the fear it self avengers tie in a classic this cover has nothing to do with whats inside as the entire issue of dialogue took place- while i have a problem with comics where zero punches are thrown , it was at least well written filler
journey into mystery is similar boredom
from the shelfs, i have perused new avengers, eh nothing great , need to catch up with bat-man super-man - this x-men schism could be fun as i love the hero on hero action
mean while buffy season 8 is much more engaging than i thought it would be though the kitchen sink of fantasy is thrown in - come one dawn goes from a giant to a centuaress
The spy plot of banner hulk , was not the espionage fest they tried to make it out to be , fun 80's hulk reminds me of the secret war - yes the one with the beyonder - smart hulk,
the fear it self avengers tie in a classic this cover has nothing to do with whats inside as the entire issue of dialogue took place- while i have a problem with comics where zero punches are thrown , it was at least well written filler
journey into mystery is similar boredom
from the shelfs, i have perused new avengers, eh nothing great , need to catch up with bat-man super-man - this x-men schism could be fun as i love the hero on hero action
mean while buffy season 8 is much more engaging than i thought it would be though the kitchen sink of fantasy is thrown in - come one dawn goes from a giant to a centuaress
Saturday, May 14, 2011
Smallville Finale
the redundant dialogue didn't say anything that hasn't already been beaten into the ground , less talking more flight , more cape, did welling not want to work out so the suit would fit ? alot of the plot threads were properly wrapped to segue into the comic book, but the show was about super-man and i feel i was owed a little more of him than i have been teased the past few years and honestly sucker punch has me scared as to what Snyder is going to do.
the wedding was weird because the church was filled with people who were just extras and looked to be total strangers to the show, when most wedding i have been to are a collection of people from the couple's life.
i can live with the cgi super-man , it might be the way to go when you need him to do things humans can't , will miss the show, with nbc dumping wonder-woman that leaves a slim reast of the year and 2012 for the hulk and jessica jones
the wedding was weird because the church was filled with people who were just extras and looked to be total strangers to the show, when most wedding i have been to are a collection of people from the couple's life.
i can live with the cgi super-man , it might be the way to go when you need him to do things humans can't , will miss the show, with nbc dumping wonder-woman that leaves a slim reast of the year and 2012 for the hulk and jessica jones
Friday, May 6, 2011
ok , saw the long awaited Thor, today , i am one of the guys who was checking superherohype religiously on this one so the build up in my head vs what could be put on screen was two different things, really i had to anticipate the worst so it set me up to be pleasantly surprised.
Definitely one of the better Super hero movies,For the most part it ranks along side Iron-man, and Punisher Warzone and Bat-man Begins. my complaints of the movie are due in part to the comic book looking glass of my brain, weighing it against what meets up with code, such as The things i have said prior to the movie, too much flare to the costume, the black Heimdall and the missing powers in the middle bulk of the film. All the above proved only to be a minor distraction, along with the destroyer being too tall, thor's lack of helmet and such . iron man and bat-man are well within the realm of suspension of disbelief ,aside from Ghost Rider or Hellboy, which played out like a campy horror movies, Thor is the first superhero who blatantly is rooted in the super-natural or other worldly, his status as a deity was only alluded in half a winks, if he announced himself as the god of thunder as he does in the comics it slipped past me. Instead the film is a mix of fantasy and science fiction harkening back to the days of journey in mystery .
Helmsworth exceeded expectations in the role, playing into the sword in the stone metaphor, as a younger version of the character not a regal as the comic book depiction. Loki, was not a menacing , and could have stood , to have dialed the brooding back and been more of a sinister trickster. The warriors three and sif, did their roles proud , Hopkins and Portman did their jobs and seemed to have fun in their roles .
I disagree with reviews saying the plugs leading into the avengers were heavy handed, a statement reserved for those who have not read the comics to become aware how intertwined the comic mythos is. i found the action sequences to be fun and suitable depiction of thor's power set, not as campy as reviews going into this read.My favorite being when he busts through the back of an ice monsters head. The side hammer spin looked just like it is drawn, those are the right notes that need to be hit when making a genre film.
I don't for see , the summer's other comic book movies being worthy to lift Thor's hammer, the space world of green lantern is going to look thin in comparison to the lush world building of Asgard.Most importantly this movie for all the little comic kinks took itself seriously in honoring the character.
Definitely one of the better Super hero movies,For the most part it ranks along side Iron-man, and Punisher Warzone and Bat-man Begins. my complaints of the movie are due in part to the comic book looking glass of my brain, weighing it against what meets up with code, such as The things i have said prior to the movie, too much flare to the costume, the black Heimdall and the missing powers in the middle bulk of the film. All the above proved only to be a minor distraction, along with the destroyer being too tall, thor's lack of helmet and such . iron man and bat-man are well within the realm of suspension of disbelief ,aside from Ghost Rider or Hellboy, which played out like a campy horror movies, Thor is the first superhero who blatantly is rooted in the super-natural or other worldly, his status as a deity was only alluded in half a winks, if he announced himself as the god of thunder as he does in the comics it slipped past me. Instead the film is a mix of fantasy and science fiction harkening back to the days of journey in mystery .
Helmsworth exceeded expectations in the role, playing into the sword in the stone metaphor, as a younger version of the character not a regal as the comic book depiction. Loki, was not a menacing , and could have stood , to have dialed the brooding back and been more of a sinister trickster. The warriors three and sif, did their roles proud , Hopkins and Portman did their jobs and seemed to have fun in their roles .
I disagree with reviews saying the plugs leading into the avengers were heavy handed, a statement reserved for those who have not read the comics to become aware how intertwined the comic mythos is. i found the action sequences to be fun and suitable depiction of thor's power set, not as campy as reviews going into this read.My favorite being when he busts through the back of an ice monsters head. The side hammer spin looked just like it is drawn, those are the right notes that need to be hit when making a genre film.
I don't for see , the summer's other comic book movies being worthy to lift Thor's hammer, the space world of green lantern is going to look thin in comparison to the lush world building of Asgard.Most importantly this movie for all the little comic kinks took itself seriously in honoring the character.
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