comics have been redeeming themselves of late, the thor run which took a turn south as i t literally went to hell bounces back with the last issue, though the spacey issues looming in previews seem hoo-hum if the art doesn't save them.
Hulk on the other hand has been what i want it to be, the skaar fight was a little harder won than it should have been, since they implied this was a world breaker class HULK, which i hope is the case , though not sure why he would still be that angry, ...then again banner is one to hold a grudge - i would explore banner's darker side which causes him to stay pissed, pak had the chance during incredible when he was drained of hulk, but it never got to the whats and where fores although despite some of my bitching remained enjoyable, i now like they will be hard pressed to evoke the same from hirom , who i feel is the inferior character- even red hulk- hulk comic came around the hulk red hulk right was what it should be with ross getting his butt licked, though i sense this ross now taking lumps is going to suck if the issue of iron man pounding on him is any indication, if they have him get jobbed then they need to explain the decrease in power, i saw one shot in preview of steve rogers knocking out the hulk and though - um right like hulk would feel a punch from some one could only life 800 lbs , that close to saying if i hit hulk under the right circumstances i could knock him out and i can bench 600- by the old standards puts me above wolverine, though he is probably stronger , how i will admit to being stronger than dare devil , who looks like he is soon biting the dust.
the avngers was a fund read , even if spider man annoys me in the book, and i continue to stand by the have no place on the team, spider woman i will accept but continue to shun the idea of those two as avengers, beast is the only x-man i accept as an avenger , ice man and angel i accept as defenders , talk about a team that needs to come back before alpha flight - i did like the byrne run in the 80's of alpha flight though- seeing the younger maestro- hulk in the book was cool and prompting me to buy it , the little kid avengers took out the real deals to easily, they should have had banner do that, would have been more believable.
ok i have few blogs but i need one dedicated to all things comic book- it will be once a week or as new or other developments in the comic book world come about. this was inspired by a voice in the desert of the internet i feel needs to be there -i have enough space to rant about music my lj account is more personal and none of my friends want me to go on a diatribe about the end of fall of the hulks so here you go
Hulk Smash

Thursday, August 26, 2010
Tuesday, August 10, 2010
the summer of our discontent
ok it's been a minute since i posted - in essence is due to the fact it feels like i haven't really experienced much to write home about even post comic- con, which felt like a trade show more than a convention for the fans - looking at the year ahead in comics seems underwhelming- the current arch of thor feels like filler- we get a few panels of thor in action- and lets not start at all the powerless thor clips from the movie online- hulk at least hulked out heroes has come to an end- green hulk is back - for how long i'm unsure in certain previews i still see Banner zooming around in his little personal force field and don't really feel he has a voice much different from Amadeus Cho, it's banner who is cynical and with tude? is that different than a bratty super genius? Greg Pak has delivered some good Hulk moments, has Loeb? some of the upcoming art for the Hulk - the red hulk title- looks boring as it is the guy who did agents- comic con announcement bendis is getting his hands on Rulk and adding him to the Avengers , so will be adding avengers to my pull list - though the first few issues vs the horsemen of apocalypse and kang felt like a jumbled mess-
dc -mmm aqua-man summoning dead fish- which the white lantern brings back to life - not sure why every one had to become a lantern - are they like eh an orange lantern yeah saw one of those the other day - i liked those indigo guys that came through here last week-
bruce wayne returns - thank you grant morrison
super-man - not sure how i feel about his grassroots campaign seems boring guess i will wait for the graphic novel coming some time this month
wonder woman-don't get me started on the modernizing of costumes
wheres swamp thing ? is hawk man a lantern or dead again - yeah well never got into brightest day til some renewed interest in aqua- man was inspired
ok kids will review tomorrows hulk
dc -mmm aqua-man summoning dead fish- which the white lantern brings back to life - not sure why every one had to become a lantern - are they like eh an orange lantern yeah saw one of those the other day - i liked those indigo guys that came through here last week-
bruce wayne returns - thank you grant morrison
super-man - not sure how i feel about his grassroots campaign seems boring guess i will wait for the graphic novel coming some time this month
wonder woman-don't get me started on the modernizing of costumes
wheres swamp thing ? is hawk man a lantern or dead again - yeah well never got into brightest day til some renewed interest in aqua- man was inspired
ok kids will review tomorrows hulk
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