skimmed through mighty avengers in the store didn't alot there so skipped it and thunderbolts here's what i bought
Thor 608
the gillen penned comic focused more on volstagg and tyr with very little actually thor- you never got his perspective on the fight with sentry - though this weeks comics all show that even from a different angle- alot of the thor bot from civil war- which i thought was slightly dumb in the first place -in fact all clones and robot duplicates seemed to be a writer taking the easy way ouy - include the cosmic hulk in this as well as ben Reilly- the books was entertaining - not sure how the hood got so powerful
up next new avengers
team books seldom balance the characters out - lots where left in the wings the emphasis was a days of our lives like threads with power ma/jewel and mockingbird/ronin
liked to have seen more on the caps vs take master or iron patriot - and my main complaint aside from sentry vs ares , none of these fights seems very conclusive
the initiative
was split on the raid of Osborne's super villain summer camp which brings the focus onto penance to constrictors take on diamond back as they kinda hide out on the side lines in asgard- my 2nd fave book of the week after new avengers
red hulk
-the focus is on abomb- who is stupid in and of his self - the intellegencia- is becoming drawn out as the red hulk's identity- and while we are at it the power less banner - who wears a modified version of the redeemer's armor that looks more like a mandroid-they continue on the path of disappointment - the hulks is my favorite character - he continues to be no where to be seen but in overshadowed memories , at first he takes a back seat to red hulk now red hulk takes a back seat to a-bomb?- ugh now i have to endure this hulked out heroes, a red hulk she hulk and more abomb - but i have to keep buying hulk it's a test to my endurance
ok i have few blogs but i need one dedicated to all things comic book- it will be once a week or as new or other developments in the comic book world come about. this was inspired by a voice in the desert of the internet i feel needs to be there -i have enough space to rant about music my lj account is more personal and none of my friends want me to go on a diatribe about the end of fall of the hulks so here you go
Hulk Smash

Thursday, March 25, 2010
Tuesday, March 23, 2010
pull list for the week
thor 608- siege tie in
fall of the hulks red hulk 2
new avengers siege tie in
all 3 of these books are going to have to deliver - thor i know they are bringing Ragnarok in but the thor book has been underwhelming during siege where it should be the flag ship book, same could be said from a different angle with this fall of the hulks - turn every one into hulks- this book better do alot of cleaning up because it's a mess
new avengers looks like it will be fun- bendis is believing his own myth half the time and having fun the other half - so he's literally hit or miss -which siege four looks to be set up to suck as the cat is out of the bag by issue 3 there's no where else to go but the vs loki sentry fight
fall of the hulks red hulk 2
new avengers siege tie in
all 3 of these books are going to have to deliver - thor i know they are bringing Ragnarok in but the thor book has been underwhelming during siege where it should be the flag ship book, same could be said from a different angle with this fall of the hulks - turn every one into hulks- this book better do alot of cleaning up because it's a mess
new avengers looks like it will be fun- bendis is believing his own myth half the time and having fun the other half - so he's literally hit or miss -which siege four looks to be set up to suck as the cat is out of the bag by issue 3 there's no where else to go but the vs loki sentry fight
the new avengers - lets ruin ms marvel
so far the new avenger are going to be ms marvel, spider man , wolverine , luke cage , mavel boy, thing and jewel - ms marvel is one of my fave female characters and she got put back into my line of vision from the new avengers - it is sad to see her wasted on this sorry ass line up -luke cage bores - jewel is his baby mama and a former spider woman, so there's a reed and sue dynamic, the thing , like him but he belongs in the fantastic four- as wolverine in the xmen and spider man by himself with maybe a team up title like he use to have in the 80's more deserving of one than dead pool after all he's the flagship character- i like where new avengers went during siege i like the dark avengers, even mighty was starting to feel more like an avengers book, i know they are ramping up for the movie , but it should be stream lined back into two books at the most west coast and mighty - you want the zany lineup throw it on west coast where they like zany- make them like a brat pack , avengers 90210, soap opera is fine , would thing and wolverine really be on a team with each other after wolverine caused him to wear a silly metal mask after he clawed his face up, why would you need a luke cage when you have the thing- who can life double what cage can - that skill set is filled - ms marvel would be all the fire power -unless jewel has her spider stings which i would rate on par with wasps stings- i say keep ms marvel throw her on the west coast with, ronin, mocking bird, war machine and tigra
Friday, March 19, 2010
the rise and fall of of comics week of the march 17th releases
ok this week i got , the siege titles , the hulk titles and the first issue of this battle for new krypton series as my interest in superman continues to soar.
Siege -granted i went online for spoilers as i was antsy about the Thor vs Sentry outcome- so there wasn't a lot of surprises in the Siege 3 book,i was disappointed the the fight was barely there - you think it would be a rather critical event- but just sort of happened- in a few panels while i am glad Thor didn't get his ass handed to him, Sentry showed a lack of offense for some who asked how many gods he was going to have to kill, i also do not find it in character for thor to stand gawk in horro as sentry destroyed asgard- he can fly to you know - at least given chase- Bendis is a poor Thor writer i feel he does a better job with Cap -i do like what he did with this weeks dark avengers and the artwork was beautiful -
Fall of the Hulks -had fun moments- i think Skaar should wax She rulk- then end was out and out silly- really an insult to my intelligence- it built up into this and you promised red hulks identity which i am calling out as Talbot- he obviously military- i did like the back page red hulk story-
this hulked out heroes thing - is dumb- cartoon dumb dumb if it was on marvel super hero squad - i mean i might have bought it at 5 - it's a disgrace to the Hulk cannon really - only thing worse the mindless banner peter david came up with- in fact another writer on a pedestal- who had his moments- Pak if it wasn't for world war hulk i would never but one of you books but i will give credit where credit is due -seeing hulk beat the surfer into the ground stuck with me - so clean this mess you have made up
ok onto Superman
he was drawn a little skinny for my taste
the story reminded me of smallville in space - guess the legion showing up as well as Zod , Kara, the Luthor appearance might further this - as i am guilty of having the shoe rekindle my clark bug it's fine with me in some ways it reminded me of the whedon x-men
don't feel emeshed in the super man cannon enough to make any judgment call so as some one giving ka-el another shot - it was entertaining but did not wow me
read doom war as well - liked where i thought it was going - didn't really go anywhere black panther and storm step into a trap- i have no feeling about either one i might like sotrm in the context of an x character better - i have always thought of Tchalla as a black Captain America and he does nothing for me irf anything i see him as a second rate avenger from the seventies - the rest of the xmen under used,
Siege -granted i went online for spoilers as i was antsy about the Thor vs Sentry outcome- so there wasn't a lot of surprises in the Siege 3 book,i was disappointed the the fight was barely there - you think it would be a rather critical event- but just sort of happened- in a few panels while i am glad Thor didn't get his ass handed to him, Sentry showed a lack of offense for some who asked how many gods he was going to have to kill, i also do not find it in character for thor to stand gawk in horro as sentry destroyed asgard- he can fly to you know - at least given chase- Bendis is a poor Thor writer i feel he does a better job with Cap -i do like what he did with this weeks dark avengers and the artwork was beautiful -
Fall of the Hulks -had fun moments- i think Skaar should wax She rulk- then end was out and out silly- really an insult to my intelligence- it built up into this and you promised red hulks identity which i am calling out as Talbot- he obviously military- i did like the back page red hulk story-
this hulked out heroes thing - is dumb- cartoon dumb dumb if it was on marvel super hero squad - i mean i might have bought it at 5 - it's a disgrace to the Hulk cannon really - only thing worse the mindless banner peter david came up with- in fact another writer on a pedestal- who had his moments- Pak if it wasn't for world war hulk i would never but one of you books but i will give credit where credit is due -seeing hulk beat the surfer into the ground stuck with me - so clean this mess you have made up
ok onto Superman
he was drawn a little skinny for my taste
the story reminded me of smallville in space - guess the legion showing up as well as Zod , Kara, the Luthor appearance might further this - as i am guilty of having the shoe rekindle my clark bug it's fine with me in some ways it reminded me of the whedon x-men
don't feel emeshed in the super man cannon enough to make any judgment call so as some one giving ka-el another shot - it was entertaining but did not wow me
read doom war as well - liked where i thought it was going - didn't really go anywhere black panther and storm step into a trap- i have no feeling about either one i might like sotrm in the context of an x character better - i have always thought of Tchalla as a black Captain America and he does nothing for me irf anything i see him as a second rate avenger from the seventies - the rest of the xmen under used,
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