ok back to purge my system of the most recent comics from my pull list, which i just got around to picking up , its a mixed bag lets start with the best and work our way around
Thor for Asgard - number 2 - the art work of the first issue was dazzling and it continues here this time the story catches up which felt the lead in on the first issue drug a little - of all these non continuity titles coming out to plunder the faith ful before the movie - this is the one i decided to pick up, i always give them one -if the other four issues manage to build off of what is developed here in a way giving this more movement then i will be glad i did
incredible hulk 617
the whole hulk family thing makes this story drag- i would start narrowing it down a bit starting with korg, and going from there just because jen doesn't have her own title really doesn't require her loitering around in this book, isn't she going to be needed in fantastic four soon? and we have banner hulk back so skaar - though i like you better now you can go to - maybe guardians of the galaxy might be a good place for you - or an x title even - you are as much of a mutant as namor - it felt like the dark son arc was wrapped up like the final moments of a super friends episode - there should have been of you know who not becoming a dark sun-
hulk -27
ok the art is bad to the point of being a distraction- the story meh , not impressed by parker thus far - though he gives thunderbolt a good voice- banner not so much , and where did steve rogers go midway through the book ? the namor rulk fight we see on the cover doesn't begin until the last few panels but that is an old marvel trick from way back
avengers 7- here where the red hulk appears as well as the red hood ,was that intentional ? nothing happens in this book, we see the hood with the infinity gems clock the red hulk and reality was warped indeed because in the gems mythos i think just having them enable some one with brute force is ..um missing the boat - but hey it is bendis - who thinks rules of mythos don't have to apply to his writing since he has been writing ultimates i think he forgets which world he is in
ok i have few blogs but i need one dedicated to all things comic book- it will be once a week or as new or other developments in the comic book world come about. this was inspired by a voice in the desert of the internet i feel needs to be there -i have enough space to rant about music my lj account is more personal and none of my friends want me to go on a diatribe about the end of fall of the hulks so here you go
Hulk Smash

Thursday, December 2, 2010
Friday, September 24, 2010
current state of affairs
back into the underwhelming the whole hirom dark son arc starts of to a fizzle, never been wild about the character and still having a harder time being sold on him, this was similar to my original thoughts on Skaar so we will see if Pak can warm me up to him, as of right now Hirom is a character i hope gets killed off . the hulk, series- starts off with him being conditioned to get worked into steve rogers avengers program, though the writer is making him run the gauntlet of heroes he's already thrashed , bruce banner took away his ability to absorb power, leveling the playing field between the green and red, and a rather lame one sided fight with a shell of shell head occurs, next issue vs thor.
i'm not going to get started on hulk vs thor, you know i'm a big fan of both , so we will let it rest there - though even as a thor fan - the hulk wins
thor has so many books out i warned my local comic book shop not to put every title on my pull list , just mighty as some are geared for kids some are imping the movie what ever the case just give me the cannon- i added avenger to my pull so that should balance it out - if its not happen there or mighty its not in cannon -unless its a cross over into another cannon title any way of course he matt fraction title was met with acclaim- but nothing happens in the issue so i will give him a few and see what happens - i like the art , the volstagg plot thread was amusing but boring- i got don't need the science class, just give us the premise - sometimes it can be over kill - felt like it was ramping up into a novel not a comic book
i'm not going to get started on hulk vs thor, you know i'm a big fan of both , so we will let it rest there - though even as a thor fan - the hulk wins
thor has so many books out i warned my local comic book shop not to put every title on my pull list , just mighty as some are geared for kids some are imping the movie what ever the case just give me the cannon- i added avenger to my pull so that should balance it out - if its not happen there or mighty its not in cannon -unless its a cross over into another cannon title any way of course he matt fraction title was met with acclaim- but nothing happens in the issue so i will give him a few and see what happens - i like the art , the volstagg plot thread was amusing but boring- i got don't need the science class, just give us the premise - sometimes it can be over kill - felt like it was ramping up into a novel not a comic book
Thursday, August 26, 2010
bask in redemption
comics have been redeeming themselves of late, the thor run which took a turn south as i t literally went to hell bounces back with the last issue, though the spacey issues looming in previews seem hoo-hum if the art doesn't save them.
Hulk on the other hand has been what i want it to be, the skaar fight was a little harder won than it should have been, since they implied this was a world breaker class HULK, which i hope is the case , though not sure why he would still be that angry, ...then again banner is one to hold a grudge - i would explore banner's darker side which causes him to stay pissed, pak had the chance during incredible when he was drained of hulk, but it never got to the whats and where fores although despite some of my bitching remained enjoyable, i now like they will be hard pressed to evoke the same from hirom , who i feel is the inferior character- even red hulk- hulk comic came around the hulk red hulk right was what it should be with ross getting his butt licked, though i sense this ross now taking lumps is going to suck if the issue of iron man pounding on him is any indication, if they have him get jobbed then they need to explain the decrease in power, i saw one shot in preview of steve rogers knocking out the hulk and though - um right like hulk would feel a punch from some one could only life 800 lbs , that close to saying if i hit hulk under the right circumstances i could knock him out and i can bench 600- by the old standards puts me above wolverine, though he is probably stronger , how i will admit to being stronger than dare devil , who looks like he is soon biting the dust.
the avngers was a fund read , even if spider man annoys me in the book, and i continue to stand by the have no place on the team, spider woman i will accept but continue to shun the idea of those two as avengers, beast is the only x-man i accept as an avenger , ice man and angel i accept as defenders , talk about a team that needs to come back before alpha flight - i did like the byrne run in the 80's of alpha flight though- seeing the younger maestro- hulk in the book was cool and prompting me to buy it , the little kid avengers took out the real deals to easily, they should have had banner do that, would have been more believable.
Hulk on the other hand has been what i want it to be, the skaar fight was a little harder won than it should have been, since they implied this was a world breaker class HULK, which i hope is the case , though not sure why he would still be that angry, ...then again banner is one to hold a grudge - i would explore banner's darker side which causes him to stay pissed, pak had the chance during incredible when he was drained of hulk, but it never got to the whats and where fores although despite some of my bitching remained enjoyable, i now like they will be hard pressed to evoke the same from hirom , who i feel is the inferior character- even red hulk- hulk comic came around the hulk red hulk right was what it should be with ross getting his butt licked, though i sense this ross now taking lumps is going to suck if the issue of iron man pounding on him is any indication, if they have him get jobbed then they need to explain the decrease in power, i saw one shot in preview of steve rogers knocking out the hulk and though - um right like hulk would feel a punch from some one could only life 800 lbs , that close to saying if i hit hulk under the right circumstances i could knock him out and i can bench 600- by the old standards puts me above wolverine, though he is probably stronger , how i will admit to being stronger than dare devil , who looks like he is soon biting the dust.
the avngers was a fund read , even if spider man annoys me in the book, and i continue to stand by the have no place on the team, spider woman i will accept but continue to shun the idea of those two as avengers, beast is the only x-man i accept as an avenger , ice man and angel i accept as defenders , talk about a team that needs to come back before alpha flight - i did like the byrne run in the 80's of alpha flight though- seeing the younger maestro- hulk in the book was cool and prompting me to buy it , the little kid avengers took out the real deals to easily, they should have had banner do that, would have been more believable.
Tuesday, August 10, 2010
the summer of our discontent
ok it's been a minute since i posted - in essence is due to the fact it feels like i haven't really experienced much to write home about even post comic- con, which felt like a trade show more than a convention for the fans - looking at the year ahead in comics seems underwhelming- the current arch of thor feels like filler- we get a few panels of thor in action- and lets not start at all the powerless thor clips from the movie online- hulk at least hulked out heroes has come to an end- green hulk is back - for how long i'm unsure in certain previews i still see Banner zooming around in his little personal force field and don't really feel he has a voice much different from Amadeus Cho, it's banner who is cynical and with tude? is that different than a bratty super genius? Greg Pak has delivered some good Hulk moments, has Loeb? some of the upcoming art for the Hulk - the red hulk title- looks boring as it is the guy who did agents- comic con announcement bendis is getting his hands on Rulk and adding him to the Avengers , so will be adding avengers to my pull list - though the first few issues vs the horsemen of apocalypse and kang felt like a jumbled mess-
dc -mmm aqua-man summoning dead fish- which the white lantern brings back to life - not sure why every one had to become a lantern - are they like eh an orange lantern yeah saw one of those the other day - i liked those indigo guys that came through here last week-
bruce wayne returns - thank you grant morrison
super-man - not sure how i feel about his grassroots campaign seems boring guess i will wait for the graphic novel coming some time this month
wonder woman-don't get me started on the modernizing of costumes
wheres swamp thing ? is hawk man a lantern or dead again - yeah well never got into brightest day til some renewed interest in aqua- man was inspired
ok kids will review tomorrows hulk
dc -mmm aqua-man summoning dead fish- which the white lantern brings back to life - not sure why every one had to become a lantern - are they like eh an orange lantern yeah saw one of those the other day - i liked those indigo guys that came through here last week-
bruce wayne returns - thank you grant morrison
super-man - not sure how i feel about his grassroots campaign seems boring guess i will wait for the graphic novel coming some time this month
wonder woman-don't get me started on the modernizing of costumes
wheres swamp thing ? is hawk man a lantern or dead again - yeah well never got into brightest day til some renewed interest in aqua- man was inspired
ok kids will review tomorrows hulk
Friday, July 2, 2010
looking forward
to where greg pak's books could go as hirom - a character who's comics i am still cluesless as to his powers as i think the writers have been maybe they will be more well defined- any way loeb is leaving hulk to run the tv division of marvel- the silliness we have seen in that book looks to shift as it looks like the red hulk is going bye bye and after all this dust clears there is only going to be one hulk....and skaar and hirom, though the multiple she hulks looks to continue - due in part to marvels effort to diversify-
onto thor - last issue only had 7 pages of thor , the most action he saw was lighting some funeral pyres in the wake of siege - i have always wanted to see a lime line of continuity between thor in the avengers and in his books to see how they line up- the art is good not a great as the cover - Thor goes to hell feel kinda too familiar and his new foes are pretty card board - mayhap the story will unfold in a manner fit for gods but not going hold my breath yet keep buying-
secret avengers- the whole serpent crown thing- possesses nova, Valkyrie- appears at a lower power set in this book- in fact the problem with the team is there seem no diversity of power sets - but its a great looking book my fave pencils in the biz for sure - miss dark avengers - i feel they should have gone on with osborne- it would have been interesting- with bullseye, moonstone, daken going up with baron zemo or something
onto thor - last issue only had 7 pages of thor , the most action he saw was lighting some funeral pyres in the wake of siege - i have always wanted to see a lime line of continuity between thor in the avengers and in his books to see how they line up- the art is good not a great as the cover - Thor goes to hell feel kinda too familiar and his new foes are pretty card board - mayhap the story will unfold in a manner fit for gods but not going hold my breath yet keep buying-
secret avengers- the whole serpent crown thing- possesses nova, Valkyrie- appears at a lower power set in this book- in fact the problem with the team is there seem no diversity of power sets - but its a great looking book my fave pencils in the biz for sure - miss dark avengers - i feel they should have gone on with osborne- it would have been interesting- with bullseye, moonstone, daken going up with baron zemo or something
Thursday, June 17, 2010
the hulk 610
hopefully hulked out heroes are gone but judging from the trade solicits i have seen - not betting on it as they have cap vs wolverine and spidey vs thor - fights i would like to see in their normal incarnations not in this sill shit, the pumpkin head cho was amusing , doc sampson's death was not -nor modoks's transformation i guess in fall of the hulks was a misnomer as leader takes his normal route home, the biggie being the return of the green in a two page spread worth the price of the book, not sure if it was as big of a pay off as the hype suggests -is it ever ? now if the hirom arc dosen't bore me to death i will be surprised as there doesn't seem to be any explanation for his powers and is a character who needs to be really fleshed out have no sort of feel for him and i have skimmed through his books in the past- i have more faith in pak than bendis as pak has brought some pretty kick ass hulk moment , him pounding the surfer into the dirt being one -why are we waiting til 8'11- that sucks
Tuesday, June 15, 2010
not sure what i have reviewed and what not would go back into the blog and check but there is going to be some movie ranting -number one savvy comic fans have all now seen the thor clip from entertainment tonight - odin looks good , everything else weeeeeeeeeeeeeelll- to much of thor running around in street clothes for my tastes , if this is consistent with the rest of movie - i will take a long walk out of a short film , also there's alot of jabber and that is what it is about race switching - i think all that needs to be said in this forum and this is my final word about all comic adaptations is stick to the source material - if the source wasn't great then it would not have made the transition to screen in the first place - safe to say no rom movies or great lakes avengers ,
any ways books i have skimmed - the last one i bought was the savage she hulks and think i have made it clear what i think about the hulked out heroes story line, in previews for solicits there is a lack of the red hulk- which by the point is fine by me not going to get a red hulk vs sentry fight any ways -more green hulk at least and a story arc involving the other son hirom , not really even sure what his power is , i'm sure a variation of old power , not the biggest fan of the marvel cosmic thing so hoping it takes place on earth- f.f can go into space , i guess my top ten space based characters would be
1-beta ray bill
2-sliver surfer
6-adam warlock
9- sersi
took a little more thinking - have yet to peek in realm of kings or any of the sort other than online previews - seems inhuman heavy maybe a team of the bottom six might be interesting
diverting from the hulk obviously - shadow land -eh who cares if dare devil is a bad guy or not , he's just a human
any ways books i have skimmed - the last one i bought was the savage she hulks and think i have made it clear what i think about the hulked out heroes story line, in previews for solicits there is a lack of the red hulk- which by the point is fine by me not going to get a red hulk vs sentry fight any ways -more green hulk at least and a story arc involving the other son hirom , not really even sure what his power is , i'm sure a variation of old power , not the biggest fan of the marvel cosmic thing so hoping it takes place on earth- f.f can go into space , i guess my top ten space based characters would be
1-beta ray bill
2-sliver surfer
6-adam warlock
9- sersi
took a little more thinking - have yet to peek in realm of kings or any of the sort other than online previews - seems inhuman heavy maybe a team of the bottom six might be interesting
diverting from the hulk obviously - shadow land -eh who cares if dare devil is a bad guy or not , he's just a human
Friday, June 4, 2010
here's the hype
thor pics work for me the pic of the cap america movie do no not- avenger prime - did not buy it but was mediocre - how did cap fight a room full of dark elves and trolls - how drunk were they and can't most lift 30 tons ? - the enchantress comes back -shock me shock me lazy writer-
- hulk looks like it's getting better - and avenger academy has promise but seem very similar to this young allies series they are doing as well -
- hulk looks like it's getting better - and avenger academy has promise but seem very similar to this young allies series they are doing as well -
Friday, May 28, 2010
week of comics
continue to overspend with the hope of a junkie one will hit the spot - though there were moments it was hit or miss - can't wait for the new artist to step in on thor - as this weeks thor was marred by bad art work as was the latest in the return of bruce wayne- thor's money shot was the destruction of ragnarok the clone created by reed richards and tony stark during the civil war - now thor confronted tony stark but why not reed -? the f.f didn't come help out in siege , nor did the xmen - it was teased they would in early preview for siege -the fall of the she hulks -the anime art i like ting for the story which is being goof and cartoonish as hell- the hulked out heroes thing should have happened in another time line how does it even synch in - continuity another thing is where is dooms continuity in this as he was in lateveria weraing destroyer armor, captured by modok, and in wakanda all at the same time -secret aengers - is being hyped and they will try to tell nothing really happens there is one fight scene against hydra leel guys with guns - you it's the best thing since slice beard -well the plus is the set up they throw u in and you put the pieces together so no long build - kudos to this , though war machine did nothing - ebeat not much either though he continues to be relegated out of the action- though he is more powerful than a character like ronin or iron fist though iron fists power set has increased over the years
war of the super men - did not follow through with the real time pacing promised and super boy shows up in super friends fashion with a negative zone projector- and the wiggle out of the chance to kill krypto off
war of the super men - did not follow through with the real time pacing promised and super boy shows up in super friends fashion with a negative zone projector- and the wiggle out of the chance to kill krypto off
Monday, May 24, 2010
marvel or dc
this is from something i wrote for comic book resources
i am a marvel guy- thought i like some of dc characters - they on pedestals removed from where i am and what i can identify with - my favorite character is the hulk- though as a child i also grew up watching spider man-- i often find myself when talking to kids about these characters having to explain the difference between cartoons and comics - cartoons are part of the cannon -so they are not real in terms of the characters mythology-which is what these character have become the mythos of the 20th century westerner - so asking why you follow one rather than another is as simple as asking an ancient greek why they worship Athena instead of Freya -the answer is because it is a part of their culture- i like smallville- i know the super man myth but it doesn't seem to be as much a part of me as the life of Bruce Banner who i have been following for thirty years -the Hulk book sucks now but it's a thirty year relationship, my mom has sucked for years at a time but we have maintained the relationship despite our differences - is the Hulk real to me -go read the Velveteen Rabbit and it should answer this question
i am a marvel guy- thought i like some of dc characters - they on pedestals removed from where i am and what i can identify with - my favorite character is the hulk- though as a child i also grew up watching spider man-- i often find myself when talking to kids about these characters having to explain the difference between cartoons and comics - cartoons are part of the cannon -so they are not real in terms of the characters mythology-which is what these character have become the mythos of the 20th century westerner - so asking why you follow one rather than another is as simple as asking an ancient greek why they worship Athena instead of Freya -the answer is because it is a part of their culture- i like smallville- i know the super man myth but it doesn't seem to be as much a part of me as the life of Bruce Banner who i have been following for thirty years -the Hulk book sucks now but it's a thirty year relationship, my mom has sucked for years at a time but we have maintained the relationship despite our differences - is the Hulk real to me -go read the Velveteen Rabbit and it should answer this question
Thursday, May 13, 2010
this might take some time
having not picked up anything last week - i still had war of the supermen waiting for me
i spent more on comice this week than i think i have since i was a teenager - or buying hulk back issued some of those get a little steep- the bonus here is most of them were satisfying - siege 4 - which you are repeatedly told to read before any of the other ties - in- ended with little surprise but was a fun read none the less- i saw sentry dying a mile away- just when i grew to like him-with loki its like well- how dead is he ? as a god not very- so big changes for thor-who of course killed - him - i don't see the thunder god being so composed during any of this is my take- it doesn't line up with nose mythology or the temperament of a god who controls thunder a wild and destructive force of nature- if i were writing thor - i would want to make him more viking less superman- come on he looks shocked to see asard go down - that he let it happen in the first place is one ting i have a problem with but - i digress- i had fun this is more of a problem with the writer not finding the proper voice for thor- i don't think he is a character most of the current stock of writers really get - this could be why he has been absent in bendis earlier incarnations- i think he works better with cap
ok dark avengers probably my fave book of the week- the art was superb - bendis really worked best in this formula-he is much more suited for character on the 2nd which - in his world he sees as first tier -he took different turn with bulls eye, and Osborne, then took moonstone and fleshed her out so she was more 3 dimensional- daken i care about more -than cage ,or the hood -
the the sentry fallen sun- one shot -decent but could have lived with out it -
ok the hulks - pak continues to do better work than loeb- he is going to be the first to tackle the green guy again- and though his hulk voice is a lil off his books pay off where loab writes foolishly- the red hulk stumbles through the hulked out heroes - still the dumbest thing ever- red shulk- who we find out is a short lived betty banner or ross - drained the red hulk of thunder bolt - now here's the questions did she drain him like red hulk drained banner are we free of red hulk now ? and i guess next issue the pull a memento and tell us how it started and why we though ross was dead- it will be a decoy now doubt - lmd is the get out of jail free card for bad writing -
paks hulk - like the idea of dooms magic being able to transcend the science minds - but making him dumb they already played that card a few issues ago-- then skaar runs red she hulk through wit her sword - so we are to believe this happens before the loeb hulk issue? the whole hulked out heroes is screwed for continuity any ways
npw c - bruce wayne returns - was good -like the superman/green lantern - cameo - the joker reference was a lil odd - sure this will be explained - there were a few missteps here nad there the end - was random and where the cthullu thing comes from much less the sword is a good question as is was batman weakened from the whole death time travel things where he was only on par with cavemen physically the called him man -god but why? the art was bland but i have seen this style employed with batman before-
war of the supermen- the art lack luster still superman ho some times looked middle aged from certain angles - need to re read these and maybe they will click have not been following it much up into this point - was not blown away i think marvel dominates dc at the moment - i could car less about green lantern or flash -books seem blah and typical
i spent more on comice this week than i think i have since i was a teenager - or buying hulk back issued some of those get a little steep- the bonus here is most of them were satisfying - siege 4 - which you are repeatedly told to read before any of the other ties - in- ended with little surprise but was a fun read none the less- i saw sentry dying a mile away- just when i grew to like him-with loki its like well- how dead is he ? as a god not very- so big changes for thor-who of course killed - him - i don't see the thunder god being so composed during any of this is my take- it doesn't line up with nose mythology or the temperament of a god who controls thunder a wild and destructive force of nature- if i were writing thor - i would want to make him more viking less superman- come on he looks shocked to see asard go down - that he let it happen in the first place is one ting i have a problem with but - i digress- i had fun this is more of a problem with the writer not finding the proper voice for thor- i don't think he is a character most of the current stock of writers really get - this could be why he has been absent in bendis earlier incarnations- i think he works better with cap
ok dark avengers probably my fave book of the week- the art was superb - bendis really worked best in this formula-he is much more suited for character on the 2nd which - in his world he sees as first tier -he took different turn with bulls eye, and Osborne, then took moonstone and fleshed her out so she was more 3 dimensional- daken i care about more -than cage ,or the hood -
the the sentry fallen sun- one shot -decent but could have lived with out it -
ok the hulks - pak continues to do better work than loeb- he is going to be the first to tackle the green guy again- and though his hulk voice is a lil off his books pay off where loab writes foolishly- the red hulk stumbles through the hulked out heroes - still the dumbest thing ever- red shulk- who we find out is a short lived betty banner or ross - drained the red hulk of thunder bolt - now here's the questions did she drain him like red hulk drained banner are we free of red hulk now ? and i guess next issue the pull a memento and tell us how it started and why we though ross was dead- it will be a decoy now doubt - lmd is the get out of jail free card for bad writing -
paks hulk - like the idea of dooms magic being able to transcend the science minds - but making him dumb they already played that card a few issues ago-- then skaar runs red she hulk through wit her sword - so we are to believe this happens before the loeb hulk issue? the whole hulked out heroes is screwed for continuity any ways
npw c - bruce wayne returns - was good -like the superman/green lantern - cameo - the joker reference was a lil odd - sure this will be explained - there were a few missteps here nad there the end - was random and where the cthullu thing comes from much less the sword is a good question as is was batman weakened from the whole death time travel things where he was only on par with cavemen physically the called him man -god but why? the art was bland but i have seen this style employed with batman before-
war of the supermen- the art lack luster still superman ho some times looked middle aged from certain angles - need to re read these and maybe they will click have not been following it much up into this point - was not blown away i think marvel dominates dc at the moment - i could car less about green lantern or flash -books seem blah and typical
Thursday, May 6, 2010
state of the union
this week saw a lukewarm free comic book day but hey you get what you pay for - iron man Thor was a particular disappointment , nova /iron man was slightly more entertaining the war of the super man - was the most alluring - while i plan to pick up war of the super men this - and next week's return of bruce wayne - dc has a little more sway recently- even though i am not a fan of geoff johns per- se the aqua man brightest day looks appealing as well- in marvel- awaiting siege four and the last dark avengers which has been spoiler ridden due to marvels fucked up shipping- will pick up the new avengers titles - the hulk books are dropping down to the two titles -and we keep hoping for the green hulk's return to the status quo-
will more than likely just down load iron man two - the hype really burned me out on it
will more than likely just down load iron man two - the hype really burned me out on it
Thursday, April 29, 2010
my money your prespective
i'm all about creative license - but i am also about truth in advertising- you got burger king -you find styrofoam between the buns - well it's not what you paid for- just like when you pay for a thor comic you expect him to be in it-or hulk you expect bruce banner to have turned green at some juncture- the writers a marvel think differently - they will say it's cause the are telling a story and its for the good of the story- i agree - but when you pay for a story about the hulk - you want him in it , the avengers - is the hood on the rooster - now not sure why luke cage is but the hood oh no he's but thats ok lets waster half the book on him
it's the malady with this weekes purchases- thor was the worst of the bunch , the avengers had avengers in it for hmm ten panels-it was a redhulk hulk comic book he was in it - but how is that any different from the hulk book now , the green hulk is coming back we know this - but think of the money i have spent on rulk to be teased and convoluted
bendis made his money on me - though i have to say my avengers reading post siege will take place standing by the rack at the store not at home and i will drop back down to 3 books a month-
the heroic age looks to bring the classic story telling back - rather than to many muddled character of these big cross overs -had nothing to do with secret invasion of civil war - hulk and thor not involved in either - i like the characters so i read the books if my characters are no in the books i will not read them
it's the malady with this weekes purchases- thor was the worst of the bunch , the avengers had avengers in it for hmm ten panels-it was a redhulk hulk comic book he was in it - but how is that any different from the hulk book now , the green hulk is coming back we know this - but think of the money i have spent on rulk to be teased and convoluted
bendis made his money on me - though i have to say my avengers reading post siege will take place standing by the rack at the store not at home and i will drop back down to 3 books a month-
the heroic age looks to bring the classic story telling back - rather than to many muddled character of these big cross overs -had nothing to do with secret invasion of civil war - hulk and thor not involved in either - i like the characters so i read the books if my characters are no in the books i will not read them
Monday, April 26, 2010
up to speed
ok didn't post last week as it didn't really feel like much happened in comics - i guess due to the underwhelming fall of the she hulks book- where we lookat the same thing from different view points which seems to bea marvel trick these days that is getting old - like every issue need to be an episode of lost , perhaps weekly tv is influence comic writers more than needed -
any ways the secret avengers looks to be fun- i will read mighty until the whole wolverine spider man thing gets to annoying - i continue to rant about this it's ture and continue not too like luke cage as well-
saw kick ass last night - it was mediocre started off fun and went down hill- the end was like something out of a bad 80's film
this weeks books
looking forward to thor - the whole thor clone thing is dumb -but at least it will get destroyed and we can put the whole thing behind it- i think i am already missing the sentry- who i though was just becoming interesting when we finally saw his origin- he is out of any the shipping preview - so we know he is going to die -
siege four should be here soon - they have milked it -i'm over the thunderbolts vs avengers - i feel all the good fights were let downs of what could have happened -ares vs the sentry only one handled epically - never saw any one really throw down with norman-
any ways the secret avengers looks to be fun- i will read mighty until the whole wolverine spider man thing gets to annoying - i continue to rant about this it's ture and continue not too like luke cage as well-
saw kick ass last night - it was mediocre started off fun and went down hill- the end was like something out of a bad 80's film
this weeks books
looking forward to thor - the whole thor clone thing is dumb -but at least it will get destroyed and we can put the whole thing behind it- i think i am already missing the sentry- who i though was just becoming interesting when we finally saw his origin- he is out of any the shipping preview - so we know he is going to die -
siege four should be here soon - they have milked it -i'm over the thunderbolts vs avengers - i feel all the good fights were let downs of what could have happened -ares vs the sentry only one handled epically - never saw any one really throw down with norman-
Thursday, April 15, 2010
thaks for the nap
a week in boring comics - first off i thumbed thru hulk ed out heroes to find i didn't need to buy it as the hulk wasn't even in it - not that he has been in anything fora while now- it was hulk-pool- the gamma fueled dead pool and an absurd story where they go through different dimension encounter a pirate thing and a moon boy and devil dinosaur-
the comics i did buy- regretfully as it's 9 dollars i could buy lunch with today -were siege cross over one shots -capt America- sure it gave a bucky /cap dynamic... a little tele graphed i didn't buy bucky's emotional connection nor why it took both of the to beat a c-list villian even powered up with norn stones -
then loki- a waste of paper really giving no more insite than he got some super ghouls to trade to mesphisto for property in hel he gave to hela - to get out of a contract of his after life - and he is done with tricks now stepping up to mayhem-the art work was sos- better than the captain america art work for sure
then we move on to th young avenger - which came the closest of the 3 to being good- their team dynamic work of sexual tension and some moments with wiccan and hulking got a little soap opera-though if they bring them to the big screen adam lambert should play wiccan- granted it accomplished what it set out to do i knew very little about them and now i'm am not as in the dark though the patriot kid i would kill off - he's weak as hell and there not really much to him- if you are looking tto fill a quota - well you have made brother voodoo more popular so we are good on the black super heroes for now
the free spider man grim hunt was on par with young avengers- like the kraven run down in the back of it - ant to read the books where he fights iron man and beast - i love it when villians cross over - lets you see how the character stand up out of their element- if i was writing spider man- i would take away his rogues gallery being up in your face dig a little deeper let him fight - maybe speed freak- ulik or ultron
the comics i did buy- regretfully as it's 9 dollars i could buy lunch with today -were siege cross over one shots -capt America- sure it gave a bucky /cap dynamic... a little tele graphed i didn't buy bucky's emotional connection nor why it took both of the to beat a c-list villian even powered up with norn stones -
then loki- a waste of paper really giving no more insite than he got some super ghouls to trade to mesphisto for property in hel he gave to hela - to get out of a contract of his after life - and he is done with tricks now stepping up to mayhem-the art work was sos- better than the captain america art work for sure
then we move on to th young avenger - which came the closest of the 3 to being good- their team dynamic work of sexual tension and some moments with wiccan and hulking got a little soap opera-though if they bring them to the big screen adam lambert should play wiccan- granted it accomplished what it set out to do i knew very little about them and now i'm am not as in the dark though the patriot kid i would kill off - he's weak as hell and there not really much to him- if you are looking tto fill a quota - well you have made brother voodoo more popular so we are good on the black super heroes for now
the free spider man grim hunt was on par with young avengers- like the kraven run down in the back of it - ant to read the books where he fights iron man and beast - i love it when villians cross over - lets you see how the character stand up out of their element- if i was writing spider man- i would take away his rogues gallery being up in your face dig a little deeper let him fight - maybe speed freak- ulik or ultron
Wednesday, April 14, 2010
x marks the new trick
this switching up of teams we are seeing teased at in adverts marvel first doing for the i am an avenger now carries over into the xmen- this time the changes are more absurd - this x-men promo now has shown us - magneto, pyslocke, gambit and hope - choices i am fine with then there is spider man ,elektra, blade and lyra the she hulk
i would almost be ok with blade and lyra as - they were born with their powers- though does it count if the genes were spliced on purpose ? spider man- um- now the avngers was bad enough and elektra doesn't even have powers- doesn't that go with the whole mission state ment of the xmen?
i would almost be ok with blade and lyra as - they were born with their powers- though does it count if the genes were spliced on purpose ? spider man- um- now the avngers was bad enough and elektra doesn't even have powers- doesn't that go with the whole mission state ment of the xmen?
Monday, April 12, 2010
i'm very interested all 3 of this weeks siege cross over one shots - and am going to wast money on hulked out heroes- why i am not sure though i might stand there and make sure it actually pertains to the story before i buy it - hulk pool was a little too dumb to believe they brought it into cannon- while we are at it - marvel zombies and pet avengers are also in the realms of why are you mocking the art form- respect the mythology- here's an example -the avengers got bastardized by wolverine, cage, spider man- the x-men and namor is pushing it, lyra i can handle but the spider man - give me a god damn break- dead pool is in everything else why not him- spider man is not a mutant only mutants belong in the x-men-- you don't have to be one to be in the books but on the team-
Friday, April 9, 2010
the only comic i walked away with this week though plan on checking out the sheild series- ok wwhs is a one shot broken up into little stories to give back ground on character ..and further support my theory talbot is the red hulk-the first one involves rick jones a-bomb character - and is a device to cut him loose from marlo who made her appearance in incredible as the harpy , then a short on talbot as a black ops agent captured by winter soldier who is captain America now, pretty pointless with great art, a a talbot betty and cosmic hulk- the robot duplicate of the hulk created in the etnernals - who i think is a stupid concept from day one why it is becoming more prominent in this book escapes me, talbot suddenly is not afraid of a hulk robot after being pummeled every time he chase banner hulk in huge robotic constructs , prolly because he is the red hulk- the relationship with betty and talbot sparking up a gain which if i was the red hulk would become a device to get banner to finally do more than have his eyes glow- then a doc smash story a red she hulk one equally pointless though great art and the foolish dead pool story sowing his prespective on getting turned into hulk pool- i realize foolish and dead pool are two things which go together - but this is over kill- not only on dead pool who is becomigan over done joke- he used to be my favorite x character -how many other people are going to begin saying that ?
Wednesday, April 7, 2010
this week in comics
i think my only pull is world war hulks , might pick up shield or the bat man and robin it looks interesting- not sure how graceful bringing bruce wayne back will be - i heard the big conclusion to blackest night bit one - hopefully siege four won't meet the same fate -bought a copy of spider man -despite the lack of action it was ok will buy the vs captain universe issue- the kicker to really elevate the threat level in siege would be if the void got ahold of the capt universe power - to amplify it into the universal captain of the void -in the assorted avengers teams they are throwing
together - i think a classic team would be - and that is working with a 7 man roster ms. marvel, tigra,scarlet witch, vision, Thor, capt America and iron man - sort of a throw back to the late eighties version mixed with the west coast avengers- who compared to some of the line ups they have today seem classic-
together - i think a classic team would be - and that is working with a 7 man roster ms. marvel, tigra,scarlet witch, vision, Thor, capt America and iron man - sort of a throw back to the late eighties version mixed with the west coast avengers- who compared to some of the line ups they have today seem classic-
Monday, April 5, 2010
i wonder con
so wait where is all the wonder con stuff from marvel i know they went guess i need to search harder. spider man shattered dimensions seems like the most un spider man game ever- i think a dark spider man game to compete with arkham would be easy and doesn't have to be cosmic or inter dimensional at all since that isn't really very spidey- you want a dark spider man that isn't carnage /venom based and over doing the same tired rogues gallery why not dig deeper here's the twenty villains i would use
2- the lizard
5-werewolf by night
6-jack o lantern
11-mister hyde
16-the owl
18-molten man
now while i would not argue these are the twenty greatest spider man foes i would ay they are the twenty i would pick if i wanted to do a darker spin on spider man- perhaps even making the big bad night mare , arcade or even kraven after all i can see kraven hunting all of these but calypso - where as night mare would be pulling these out from the corners of spider mans mind - you want to go with a more street level theme the jackal or the hood would be good to bring this collection together -
2- the lizard
5-werewolf by night
6-jack o lantern
11-mister hyde
16-the owl
18-molten man
now while i would not argue these are the twenty greatest spider man foes i would ay they are the twenty i would pick if i wanted to do a darker spin on spider man- perhaps even making the big bad night mare , arcade or even kraven after all i can see kraven hunting all of these but calypso - where as night mare would be pulling these out from the corners of spider mans mind - you want to go with a more street level theme the jackal or the hood would be good to bring this collection together -
Thursday, March 25, 2010
this week in comics
skimmed through mighty avengers in the store didn't alot there so skipped it and thunderbolts here's what i bought
Thor 608
the gillen penned comic focused more on volstagg and tyr with very little actually thor- you never got his perspective on the fight with sentry - though this weeks comics all show that even from a different angle- alot of the thor bot from civil war- which i thought was slightly dumb in the first place -in fact all clones and robot duplicates seemed to be a writer taking the easy way ouy - include the cosmic hulk in this as well as ben Reilly- the books was entertaining - not sure how the hood got so powerful
up next new avengers
team books seldom balance the characters out - lots where left in the wings the emphasis was a days of our lives like threads with power ma/jewel and mockingbird/ronin
liked to have seen more on the caps vs take master or iron patriot - and my main complaint aside from sentry vs ares , none of these fights seems very conclusive
the initiative
was split on the raid of Osborne's super villain summer camp which brings the focus onto penance to constrictors take on diamond back as they kinda hide out on the side lines in asgard- my 2nd fave book of the week after new avengers
red hulk
-the focus is on abomb- who is stupid in and of his self - the intellegencia- is becoming drawn out as the red hulk's identity- and while we are at it the power less banner - who wears a modified version of the redeemer's armor that looks more like a mandroid-they continue on the path of disappointment - the hulks is my favorite character - he continues to be no where to be seen but in overshadowed memories , at first he takes a back seat to red hulk now red hulk takes a back seat to a-bomb?- ugh now i have to endure this hulked out heroes, a red hulk she hulk and more abomb - but i have to keep buying hulk it's a test to my endurance
Thor 608
the gillen penned comic focused more on volstagg and tyr with very little actually thor- you never got his perspective on the fight with sentry - though this weeks comics all show that even from a different angle- alot of the thor bot from civil war- which i thought was slightly dumb in the first place -in fact all clones and robot duplicates seemed to be a writer taking the easy way ouy - include the cosmic hulk in this as well as ben Reilly- the books was entertaining - not sure how the hood got so powerful
up next new avengers
team books seldom balance the characters out - lots where left in the wings the emphasis was a days of our lives like threads with power ma/jewel and mockingbird/ronin
liked to have seen more on the caps vs take master or iron patriot - and my main complaint aside from sentry vs ares , none of these fights seems very conclusive
the initiative
was split on the raid of Osborne's super villain summer camp which brings the focus onto penance to constrictors take on diamond back as they kinda hide out on the side lines in asgard- my 2nd fave book of the week after new avengers
red hulk
-the focus is on abomb- who is stupid in and of his self - the intellegencia- is becoming drawn out as the red hulk's identity- and while we are at it the power less banner - who wears a modified version of the redeemer's armor that looks more like a mandroid-they continue on the path of disappointment - the hulks is my favorite character - he continues to be no where to be seen but in overshadowed memories , at first he takes a back seat to red hulk now red hulk takes a back seat to a-bomb?- ugh now i have to endure this hulked out heroes, a red hulk she hulk and more abomb - but i have to keep buying hulk it's a test to my endurance
Tuesday, March 23, 2010
pull list for the week
thor 608- siege tie in
fall of the hulks red hulk 2
new avengers siege tie in
all 3 of these books are going to have to deliver - thor i know they are bringing Ragnarok in but the thor book has been underwhelming during siege where it should be the flag ship book, same could be said from a different angle with this fall of the hulks - turn every one into hulks- this book better do alot of cleaning up because it's a mess
new avengers looks like it will be fun- bendis is believing his own myth half the time and having fun the other half - so he's literally hit or miss -which siege four looks to be set up to suck as the cat is out of the bag by issue 3 there's no where else to go but the vs loki sentry fight
fall of the hulks red hulk 2
new avengers siege tie in
all 3 of these books are going to have to deliver - thor i know they are bringing Ragnarok in but the thor book has been underwhelming during siege where it should be the flag ship book, same could be said from a different angle with this fall of the hulks - turn every one into hulks- this book better do alot of cleaning up because it's a mess
new avengers looks like it will be fun- bendis is believing his own myth half the time and having fun the other half - so he's literally hit or miss -which siege four looks to be set up to suck as the cat is out of the bag by issue 3 there's no where else to go but the vs loki sentry fight
the new avengers - lets ruin ms marvel
so far the new avenger are going to be ms marvel, spider man , wolverine , luke cage , mavel boy, thing and jewel - ms marvel is one of my fave female characters and she got put back into my line of vision from the new avengers - it is sad to see her wasted on this sorry ass line up -luke cage bores - jewel is his baby mama and a former spider woman, so there's a reed and sue dynamic, the thing , like him but he belongs in the fantastic four- as wolverine in the xmen and spider man by himself with maybe a team up title like he use to have in the 80's more deserving of one than dead pool after all he's the flagship character- i like where new avengers went during siege i like the dark avengers, even mighty was starting to feel more like an avengers book, i know they are ramping up for the movie , but it should be stream lined back into two books at the most west coast and mighty - you want the zany lineup throw it on west coast where they like zany- make them like a brat pack , avengers 90210, soap opera is fine , would thing and wolverine really be on a team with each other after wolverine caused him to wear a silly metal mask after he clawed his face up, why would you need a luke cage when you have the thing- who can life double what cage can - that skill set is filled - ms marvel would be all the fire power -unless jewel has her spider stings which i would rate on par with wasps stings- i say keep ms marvel throw her on the west coast with, ronin, mocking bird, war machine and tigra
Friday, March 19, 2010
the rise and fall of of comics week of the march 17th releases
ok this week i got , the siege titles , the hulk titles and the first issue of this battle for new krypton series as my interest in superman continues to soar.
Siege -granted i went online for spoilers as i was antsy about the Thor vs Sentry outcome- so there wasn't a lot of surprises in the Siege 3 book,i was disappointed the the fight was barely there - you think it would be a rather critical event- but just sort of happened- in a few panels while i am glad Thor didn't get his ass handed to him, Sentry showed a lack of offense for some who asked how many gods he was going to have to kill, i also do not find it in character for thor to stand gawk in horro as sentry destroyed asgard- he can fly to you know - at least given chase- Bendis is a poor Thor writer i feel he does a better job with Cap -i do like what he did with this weeks dark avengers and the artwork was beautiful -
Fall of the Hulks -had fun moments- i think Skaar should wax She rulk- then end was out and out silly- really an insult to my intelligence- it built up into this and you promised red hulks identity which i am calling out as Talbot- he obviously military- i did like the back page red hulk story-
this hulked out heroes thing - is dumb- cartoon dumb dumb if it was on marvel super hero squad - i mean i might have bought it at 5 - it's a disgrace to the Hulk cannon really - only thing worse the mindless banner peter david came up with- in fact another writer on a pedestal- who had his moments- Pak if it wasn't for world war hulk i would never but one of you books but i will give credit where credit is due -seeing hulk beat the surfer into the ground stuck with me - so clean this mess you have made up
ok onto Superman
he was drawn a little skinny for my taste
the story reminded me of smallville in space - guess the legion showing up as well as Zod , Kara, the Luthor appearance might further this - as i am guilty of having the shoe rekindle my clark bug it's fine with me in some ways it reminded me of the whedon x-men
don't feel emeshed in the super man cannon enough to make any judgment call so as some one giving ka-el another shot - it was entertaining but did not wow me
read doom war as well - liked where i thought it was going - didn't really go anywhere black panther and storm step into a trap- i have no feeling about either one i might like sotrm in the context of an x character better - i have always thought of Tchalla as a black Captain America and he does nothing for me irf anything i see him as a second rate avenger from the seventies - the rest of the xmen under used,
Siege -granted i went online for spoilers as i was antsy about the Thor vs Sentry outcome- so there wasn't a lot of surprises in the Siege 3 book,i was disappointed the the fight was barely there - you think it would be a rather critical event- but just sort of happened- in a few panels while i am glad Thor didn't get his ass handed to him, Sentry showed a lack of offense for some who asked how many gods he was going to have to kill, i also do not find it in character for thor to stand gawk in horro as sentry destroyed asgard- he can fly to you know - at least given chase- Bendis is a poor Thor writer i feel he does a better job with Cap -i do like what he did with this weeks dark avengers and the artwork was beautiful -
Fall of the Hulks -had fun moments- i think Skaar should wax She rulk- then end was out and out silly- really an insult to my intelligence- it built up into this and you promised red hulks identity which i am calling out as Talbot- he obviously military- i did like the back page red hulk story-
this hulked out heroes thing - is dumb- cartoon dumb dumb if it was on marvel super hero squad - i mean i might have bought it at 5 - it's a disgrace to the Hulk cannon really - only thing worse the mindless banner peter david came up with- in fact another writer on a pedestal- who had his moments- Pak if it wasn't for world war hulk i would never but one of you books but i will give credit where credit is due -seeing hulk beat the surfer into the ground stuck with me - so clean this mess you have made up
ok onto Superman
he was drawn a little skinny for my taste
the story reminded me of smallville in space - guess the legion showing up as well as Zod , Kara, the Luthor appearance might further this - as i am guilty of having the shoe rekindle my clark bug it's fine with me in some ways it reminded me of the whedon x-men
don't feel emeshed in the super man cannon enough to make any judgment call so as some one giving ka-el another shot - it was entertaining but did not wow me
read doom war as well - liked where i thought it was going - didn't really go anywhere black panther and storm step into a trap- i have no feeling about either one i might like sotrm in the context of an x character better - i have always thought of Tchalla as a black Captain America and he does nothing for me irf anything i see him as a second rate avenger from the seventies - the rest of the xmen under used,
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